Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 131


Chapter 131 Testimonials on the shelves (the order is thanks + problem explanation + subsequent updates )

(Please ignore the incorrect description, it may be my negligence, just in case, I hereby declare)

It will be on the shelves around 12 noon tomorrow, and the time may be a bit Quash , as long as the background is opened, it will be sent, and 10,000 words will be sent first.

The first is the testimonials.

First of all, I would like to thank the authors and readers of this book for their support over the past two months.

Because this can be considered the first novel I wrote (I blocked a 4w-word spicy chicken in the background, and I couldn't read it myself), the results were unexpectedly good (personally I think it should be OK), it is a great honor to be loved by so many readers.

Because it is the first book, there are more or less problems with the previous plot and writing, and many readers have raised them.

Mengxin said that it is up to you to mention it, and I will persuade you, so when you are at first, you will find that I will reply to a lot of reader comments.

I even debated with readers a few times. The proud part is that I forcibly persuaded a reader to continue reading my book (I don’t know if the big brother is still there, he has to be there, otherwise I would be so embarrassed. ).

Of course, I will try my best to revise and supplement some areas that are really problematic. (It will be mentioned below)

The purpose of my writing this book is actually posted in the book circle, which is entirely to satisfy my personal fantasy about the Pokémon world.

It may not be as good as the animation, which will make many readers dissatisfied, don't try to find fault, if you really can't, you can go head to head with me offline (I'm joking, I'm a spicy chicken I'm sorry but you didn't see it).

But keep reading! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Thank you again for your support.

pm is actually still in a very small category in the novel, and it is not particularly popular.

It can also be seen from the number of boutiques that the only two 10,000-order books were recently released.

In fact, the setting of pm is very difficult, because you have to consider many aspects. If you write with enthusiasm, some readers will feel down-to-earth, and if you write realistically, some readers will feel that it is after all Animation, not so exaggerated.

There are even differences between games, animations, and comics.

The middle degree is difficult to grasp, especially since this novel is written in the original world view. In fact, no matter how it is written, many people will be dissatisfied.

For example, some readers commented in the fourteenth chapter of at first why there are intrigues in the Pokémon articles, which confused me. I read it again and didn't find the place where I felt like intrigues. I can't. Saying that the protagonist is a zz, you have no plans for your own situation and future.

But it is totally understandable what the reader thinks, as my post said, it is actually a good memory and memory for pm many people.

Maybe I haven't caught up to the latest ones, and I don't know much about many new Pokémon, but my love for Pokemon is still maintained. (The old skin Celestic spray is really impressive)

Maybe what many people want to see is the bond between simple people and Pokémon, and the interaction between Pokémon and Pokémon.

If the novel I wrote satisfies your fantasy of the Pokémon world, I am honored; if not, I am sorry, but I will try my best to improve it from all aspects in the following content This novel, try to please the reader as much as possible. (Show me, understand?)

For example, the daily interaction with Pokémon, etc., is learning.

The pm text is the same as other fanfiction, in fact, there is a certain threshold for reading, unlike other types of novels, the author has the final say in setting the world view, so it is also very big when writing.

I was quite nervous when I wrote at first, for fear that this setting would not be satisfactory, so I would often read the content and reader comments several times.

There are also a lot of content in front of which are actually Easter eggs, all of which appear in the form of background introductions or one sentence, such as the table tennis of Vermilion City, such as the battle between Raticate and Butterfree on the San Annuo, Or other characters or something.

I hope that readers who have watched the animation and played the game can find a little fun in it, and readers who have not seen it and have not played it can also better understand the general world view of Pokémon world.

All the plots have not yet unfolded, because the protagonist's strength is not enough, but soon, after passing the Breeder exam, the integration of the knowledge system and No. 0 over the years will bring abnormally large Help.

These nearly 30k words of content also include the help of readers (laughs), including the tickets and rewards for the author, which are the best motivation.

Then I would like to thank Penglai, Nipeng yyds, (`) Bixin!

The following small part is the content that has been posted in the author's words before. Readers who have read it can skip it. There are dividing lines.


Dividing line ——

Then some readers may wonder why some Pokémon are described clearly, in fact, a lot of consideration The reader is actually the same as the protagonist. They don't know all the PMs, and even their memories are blurred. For many people, PMs are actually more of a memory. Reading novels is also because it is more convenient than watching animations and movies. , and there are many such readers, not to mention the related life habits or the role of body structure. It may not be possible to explain it simply by putting pictures, and there are text restrictions on comments, and it is impossible to say that you read the comments while reading the novel.

Of course I'll try to keep these descriptions short, and avoid some popular Pokémon appearance descriptions, such as Pikachu and the like.

It won't be very long. If there is, I will try to control the number of words as much as possible, because the starting point seems to be 200 words to count as 1 point, and dissatisfaction seems to be counted. After I put it on the shelf, I will stop the word count Everyone suffers.


Dividing line——


Then I see that the picture has been supplemented by a reader in front Well, first of all, thank you for your support. If you have nothing to do, you can leave a post and like it, because I am used to typing on a computer and reading novels, so it is very inconvenient to get pictures or something.

If you have any suggestions or feel wrong, you can post in the book circle, but don't scold people and don't bring abandoned books, or delete the post and add a ban package to offer.

Other words that do not speak logically will be banned for a maximum of 7 days.


Next is a statement of the problem with the previous section.

It mainly focuses on a few problems. After all, I have read novels for so many years (my first starting account was Shanda, but it was stolen dddd, reading yyds) how many subconsciously will be avoided.

However, there are bound to be problems with so many words, so I can only say as much as possible.

The first one is the question that many people have said about Officer Jenny. I have completed the latest revision. It should be more normal. If you are interested, you can go back and have a look. influence.

The second one is about the setting of potential, because some readers like to talk about potential, and there must be some readers who think that Pokemon has infinite possibilities and does not need to die.

In fact, in this novel, the concept of potential is not limited and extremely serious. It does not mean that your future will change impossibly as soon as you are born.

It's just that the high potential will bring you a lot of help in the early stage. This is inevitable. If your breeding is not good, it will be no use. If the breeding is not good, you may deduct points.

Just as the protagonist's promotion of his class from the past to the future depends entirely on his own efforts and coincidences (and hangs).

But you can't really slap Rayquaza with a single Catterpie, that's not Pokémon, so there's still some potential to talk about.

There are always good and bad distinctions within each biological group.

The third one is about Brock's description at first, I admit this is my negligence, but then I used the setting of throwing his grandfather to make up for it a little bit, and then I waited for him to come back The description of Brock will be infinitely close to the image that everyone knows.

If any readers are interested, they can make up their own mini-theatre! I will not write in detail.

The fourth question is about battle strength, that is, about the settings of Gym Leader and the like.

Some readers feel that the battle strength system is directly raised, because many things can't be explained according to the words in the animation.

How do you say emm, I only represent my personal point of view and think that the 10-year-old travel in the animation can't be explained.

Writing a fan, it has changed a little bit, otherwise, the battle strength is too low to be able to write.

I don't think Elite Four and the champion are strong points. They are geniuses after all, and they are not exaggerated. They are in the official version. In this case, you You wouldn't believe it if he said he only had one Pokémon.

The Elite level of the Gym Leader will actually be very different. It has not been written yet, and the branch between the strong and the weak is obvious.

If it is based on the strength of each Gym Leader, that is, an elite or a barely quasi-Elite, the strength of these powerhouses will be too wide, not in proportion, and it will be more deformed.

What's more, the protagonist at this time will be able to drive the gym himself, my dear, I don't need to say more about what to write next.

This way of writing becomes that kind of power struggle.

After all, watching Pokémon is about feelings and fetters. I personally don’t want to write too much about this thing, including the fact that I was actually downplaying it before.

And this is also related to part of the protagonist's future actions. After all, every novel still has a main line. It can't be said that it is just traveling.

I won't say anything about spoilers.

The fifth point is the money system. As for whether it will collapse or not, don’t worry, basically not, or even if it collapses, you won’t be able to see it (laughs). Of course, I will avoid the collapse.

In fact, it is the same. You can reduce the price and income by two or three zeros, and you can see it. . . .

For example, buying a luxury item costs tens of thousands and earning a few hundred after working for a long time. Isn't that equivalent to breed spending 1000w, and then the protagonist will spend hundreds of thousands for a task? . . .

Of course, it can't be said exactly the same, because it also involves the underlying life that is not a Trainer, but it can be understood in this way.

You're not going to pay for it all, but breed Pokémon isn't the same, right?

In addition, because of the existence of Pokémon, powerful Pokémon is indispensable to the ascending class, so the price of breed materials related to it will inevitably be much higher than what humans need.

It's just that the numbers are big to show the difficulty, it's not as exaggerated as you think.

The sixth point is about original characters, because the Pokémon world must be very grand, and original characters will inevitably appear. Of course, there will not be many. Use it as much as you can, it takes time, don't rush.

I'm talking about the first person to post and read it every day. Don't delete and repost characters every day. I arrange the order according to the time you post it. The later you post it, I use the basics. The later it is, you were originally in front of you. . . . (Thank you for your support)

Seventh point, emmmm, what else is there, I don’t know. If you feel it, you can mention it here or send a post in the book circle. I will issue a single chapter from time to time depending on the situation. Explain, don't ask about the settings that don't appear, the spoilers are not good (for example, the heroine), such as the setting of the double Characteristic Trait, I personally think the explanation is relatively clear.


I am the dividing line——

The above is all the summary.

All in all, I would like to thank every reader for their support during the two months of the new book period, and I hope you can continue to support.

After that, the number of words in each chapter may vary from 2600 to 3200, and it will be published twice a day and in the early morning. (It is also convenient to watch advertisements)

The last is the boring reward.

The current collection is a little bit early 3w, so let's set a higher baseline, 12 to 1, that is, if the first order exceeds 2500, I will add more.

For every 200 more, I will add a chapter with at least 3000 words, see my play, only more or less.

If I didn't say anything, I'm well prepared hahahaha. (Actually, I think 20 to 1 is good, but I have a dream.)

Naturally, there are more rewards and monthly passes, but this depends on the performance. Any reward can be a reason for me to add more. Of course, this kind of thing is just a dream.

After two weeks, I will give you specific rules, which will be remembered first.

I will record the reward, and there will be no shortage of your additions. Don't worry, you will have a good reputation! I missed you and told me!

The same is true for monthly passes.

At the end of each month, a summary will be made. How much is owed will be added, and there will be detailed data. If there is any missing, I will make up for it soon, don't worry!

As of now, I still owe 1.3w words, minus the 5,000 words that will be posted more at noon tomorrow, there are still 8,000 words left, making up 1w (I'm awesome).

About four chapters, and will make up for it.

Finally, I beg for the first order! ! Kneeling for support! thank you all! ~~

Created a group. The answer to the question is 1. If you want to add it, you can add it.

The group number is 647201056.

The group number is occasionally posted in the writer's words, and the destined person will add hhh.

This is the fourth time (funny)

I see when the time comes if I post it in the circle of book friends.

(end of this chapter)

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