Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 132


Chapter 132 The pure white color symbolizing the departure (please order first!! !!)

Just as Pidgeot carried Tyson down to the Ground, an Officer Jenny in a police uniform appeared in the seemingly deserted woods, and he must be forty years old.

Of course, because of the peculiarities of the Pokémon world, the people here look younger, and Tyson sees it with the eyes of this world.

From the perspective of previous life, this Officer Jenny should be a beautiful young woman in her thirties.

"Hello, please show your ID." Officer Jenny gave Tyson an Alliance salute.

Tyson was secretly surprised that he was so agile, he almost didn't notice the appearance of this Officer Jenny just now.

At the same time, he also took out his ID card and handed it to Officer Jenny.

Officer Jenny took out an instrument from her satchel, swiped with her ID card, and the instrument flashed green.

"Ok, Tamaki Tyson Trainer, sorry to bother you, hope you have a nice memory in Pallet Town."

Salute again, Officer Jenny is very nice The official blessing gave Tyson a moment, and he returned to the woods to continue hiding.

Tyson looked around for a week, clicking one's tongue in wonder, as expected of a professional.

For just a moment, he lost sight of Officer Jenny.

If the two were enemies, he would have been subdued by Officer Jenny under the daoist pk.

It's a normal thing, after all, his experience in the field can only be counted in three or four years. Even if he is an extraordinary natural talent, it is impossible to say that he can keep up with the efforts of others in the past 30 years in the past 20 years.

He's pretty confident when it comes to breed Pokémon though.

Retrieved Pidgeot and released Boldore. Since he landed on the Ground, he didn't plan to fly up again. He simply walked to Pallet Town, which should not be far away anyway.


Boldore let out a slow cry, which seemed meaningless.

But Tyson quietly moved towards the direction Boldore indicated, and under careful observation, he also found the whereabouts of Officer Jenny.

Patted Boldore, Tyson moved towards Pallet Town with it.

Boldore's instructions gave the exception concealment, but the spikes on a particular Rock on his body were shifted in position, and at the same time Tyson in order to guard against the unexpected, let it Also moved many other spikes to prevent the enemy from seeing the weak spot.

Only he and his Pokémon know exactly where Boldore is warning.

So Officer Jenny didn't realize that Tyson had found her at this time.

Of course, a large part of the reason is because Tyson's identity certificate has the guarantee of Professor Rowan himself, and she is relatively less wary of the other party releasing Pokémon.

After all, if Professor Rowan has also been bribed, then Professor Oak's Laboratory has been breached, and it is estimated that the internal information has already been leaked clearly.

Tyson led Boldore along the road slowly, recalling the introduction to Pallet Town in his mind.

Pallet Town, formerly known as Pure White Town, means true newness is the pure white color that symbolizes departure.

Pallet Town was renamed "Pallet Town" in honor of Professional Oak's great-grandfather Oak's achievement of ranking 931st out of 10,000 Trainers.

It is a rural town in the western part of the Kanto Region. It was originally a very unremarkable place, but it is well known because of the appearance of Professor Oak.

It was named the Town of Beginnings after the establishment of Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Not only because many Alliance direct line Trainers collect Pokédex and Starter Pokemon here, and start from here.

At the same time, it also implies that the great invention of Pokémon Pokédex, jointly developed by Professor Westwood V and Region Professor led by Professor Oak, has made a huge contribution to the beginning of the New Generation of Alliance. contribute.

Keeping up the exceptionally quiet road, Tyson soon saw what Pallet Town looked like.

The whole town is full of local flavor. There are only a dozen households. Each household is separated by a huge range of grass, and the traffic roads in the middle are only dirt roads.

It's quite a bit of "traffic in the streets, chickens and dogs hear each other".

At the end of the path is a small mound above which Pallet Town's iconic Professor Oak's Laboratory is located, behind which is the striking windmill that Tyson just saw in the sky.

A stone tablet stood outside the town with the words "Pallet Town" written on it.

Tyson walks into the town, taking back the alert Boldore.

It was the morning, and the residents of Pallet Town in small groups were sitting outside chatting about their daily life.

I was a little surprised to see this strange handsome boy.

This time is not yet the time for Rookie Trainers to collect Starter Pokemon, and few people will come to this remote town.

After all, the Professional Oak's Laboratory is located here, and Alliance's protection measures are quite in place. Normal outsiders must apply in advance to enter, and the procedures are quite cumbersome.

But they are quite honest and kind, and they also moved towards this boy and greeted him, presumably an outstanding young Trainer.

"It's for Samuel, he's in the laboratory in the mountainside, so you have to apply in advance." A great grandfather laughed and said, pointing at the mountainside and moving towards Tyson.

"Okay, thank you Old Master, I've already applied." Tyson grinned, moved towards the old man and thanked him.

great grandfather nodded slightly, "Okay, okay."

"When I was young, I thought that Sam would be a great grandfather. You see, it's great now. Ah, he's still just a child, just like Delia..."

The great grandfather rambles and talks to the family around him, they seem to be used to it, although they may have heard it Many times, I still listen patiently.

Tyson gradually walked away, and the already faint voice of Old Master soon disappeared in his ears.

Walking on the road, I can't help but sigh that this place seems to be a paradise, which is much quieter than the city.

The town's houses gradually disappear, replaced by a straight road leading to Professor Oak's Laboratory.

Tyson picked up his pace with excitement.

Going to the door of Professor Oak's Laboratory, where several guards were on duty, saw one of Tyson and came up to meet him.

"Hello, this is Professor Oak's Laboratory, may I ask for an appointment?"

The guard asked very politely.

"Ah, yes, my name is Tamaki Tyson, an invitation from Professor Rowan." Tyson took out his ID card again.

The guard took the ID card with both hands and operated it on the device beside him.

"Okay, I've confirmed my identity, and I can pass." The guard reminded Tyson as he returned his ID card, "Your Pokémons registered by Professor Rowan are Pidgeot, Blaziken and Boldore.

If you have other Pokémon you can't bring in, there will be someone to check, you need to stay with us temporarily."

"Okay, thank you, but I don't No other Pokémon." Tyson moved towards him nodded with a smile, signaling that he understood.

The guard made a gesture that should be a release, and several guards in front of the gate opened the door.

Tyson moved towards them laughed and stepped into the first gate.

After passing the test of two more levels, he really entered the Laboratory.

"Hello, Tamaki Tyson Trainer, right? Rowan Teacher has already told me, I'll take you to his lab."

Already notified by the guards A researcher in a white robe was already waiting at the door, and when he saw Tyson coming in, he couldn't wait to pull him in.

"Uh, I didn't know you were..." Tyson was interrupted by the male researcher in front of him before he could finish speaking.

"My name is Ang Hui, one of Rowan Teacher's students, and I am also working in Professor Oak's Laboratory.

My task is to bring you to Rowan Teacher, and the rest Don't ask me, I don't know."

Researcher Ang Hui can be said to be dragging Tyson forward, and he explained it briefly.

Tyson was helplessly pulled forward by him, and soon came to a closed door.

Researcher Ang Hui swiped his ID card, identified his identity through instrument verification, and opened the door.

"Okay, you can go in, the Teacher is inside, I still have things to do, I'll go first."

After finishing speaking, Researcher Ang Hui hurriedly left , leaving Tyson standing alone.

Ah, Tyson sighed, this is too rushed, is this a researcher?

Walking into the room, the door slowly closed, and what he saw was the back of Professor Rowan busy working in front of the computer.

Tyson said hello, but Professor Rowan didn't respond.

Because researcher Anghui's reaction just now prepared Tyson enough, he had some expectations for this scene.

Shrugged helplessly, Tyson looked at the scattered desks in the research room and began to tidy up.

Some of the apparently food waste was put in garbage bags, while the rest of the paperwork Tyson opted for motionless.

Even if they look very messy.

After all, many people put things in an orderly and chaotic manner, which looks unbearable to outsiders, but they can find their goals all at once.

He didn't know if that was the case with Professor Rowan, so it would be better if he didn't move.

Not to mention that if you accidentally mix up some research materials, that's a big sin.

Tyson, who had simply cleaned up, looked at the time, it was almost noon, but Professor Rowan didn't seem to recover from his work at all.

He had no choice but to wait.

He didn't dare to go out.

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour, an hour. . .

As time passed, Tyson felt hungry, and Professor Rowan was still working.

I took out a Lava Cookie and a bottle of Lemonade Tyson from my space backpack and started eating. Fortunately, this thing is common to people and Pokémon. He bought a lot in the morning, otherwise he would have Gotta keep going hungry.

“Crack clap.” Tyson chewed on his food.

"Senior, the data analysis on my side is over, how is your side?"

A calm and magnetic voice sounded, and the owner of the voice came in. .

Tyson hurriedly put down the food in his hand, moved towards the other party and said hello: "Professor Oak Hello, I'm Tamaki Tyson."

Professor Oak saw a strange and strange person in his senior research room. Familiar faces were also stunned, and they quickly reacted when they heard Tyson's self-introduction.

"Oh, Tyson! First meeting, welcome to Professor Oak's Laboratory!"

Professor Oak greeted Tyson with a smile.

"Come on, come and have some cup noodles with me, Senior looks like it will take a while to finish!"

Professor Oak opened the refrigerator beside him and took Three cup noodles started to bubble up.

"Senior, he has always mentioned you to me hahaha, now you seem to be a pretty good young man."

Professor Oak smiled brightly.

Tyson took the cup noodle from Professional Oak at a loss, and hurriedly thanked him a little excitedly.

It's Professional Oak after all.

In my last life, I didn't think there was anything in watching the animation, and I was even a little puzzled that some people in it were so excited to see Professor Oak.

After living in this world for so long, Tyson feels like he understands them very well now.

"Uh, would Professor Oak want Lava Cookie and Lemonade?" Tyson took out the food dryly from his bag. He always felt that it was not healthy to eat only cup noodles, but he felt a little embarrassed.

"Hahaha, Hoenn's Feiyin Biscuits, give me some! The taste of this Lemonade has not changed. Your taste is very similar to mine!"

Professor Oak simply took two kinds of food from Tyson and sighed after tasting it.

"Feiyin Cake?" Tyson didn't react for a while.

"Yes, Lava Cookie is also called Feiyin Biscuits, but it was said a long time ago, it is said that a long time ago..."

Professor Oak took a mouthful of senbei and a mouthful of noodles , took another sip of the drink, and began to tell Tyson about his past experiences.

Tyson listened carefully, nodded from time to time, one old and one young chatting happily.

"Ah, Oak, and Tyson, when did you appear?"

Just as the two were discussing Eevee's genetic instability, of course it was actually Tyson's single When asking for advice, Professor Rowan finally completed the work.

As soon as he turned his head, he saw the two of them and asked in surprise.

"Just arrived." Tyson replied quickly.

"What just arrived, I've been here for almost half an hour, you must have been waiting for a long time." Professional Oak ruthless debunked Tyson's words.

Tyson was rather embarrassedly laughed.

"Senior, I didn't say you, why can't you hear people calling you." Professor Oak criticized righteously.

Professor Rowan rolled the eyes: "Our second brothers don't talk about the big brother, and you don't do the same."

"Well, it's actually quite good, and research still needs a little more concentration. "Tyson doesn't know what to say, Professional Rowan, he knows that the real character is still relatively evasive, but is it the same for Professional Oak.

He couldn't seem to interrupt in this kind of chat between Professors, so he said something weakly beside him.

"Don't scare the child into thinking we're like Frankensteins." "Hey, you educated me, Oak, didn't you get it." "Senior, in You are my elder in terms of studies, but you are not as good as me in terms of handling things, you can't say..."

Seeing the two older professors bickering in front of him, Tyson is a little confused, what am I doing here.

Am I supposed to be under the car instead of here?

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins for letting us rock together

Thanks for the 100 starting point coins for falling leaves fans

Thanks for the 100 starting points for the book friends 20180818051126213 Starting point coins

Thanks to book friends 20210522201142476 for the 100 starting point coins

Thanks to book friends 20210704080024791 for the 100 starting points coins

Thanks to Lehou for the 100 starting points Starting point coins

Thanks to Ye Feng for the 100 starting point coins

Thanks to Situ Fengxin for the 1500 starting point coins

Thanks for the 200 coins that are empty after all Starting Coins

Thanks for the 1500 starting point coins from GoodNight.

In fact, this is where I think the starting point starts.

(end of this chapter)

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