Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 255


Chapter 255 Every opportunity should not be underestimated (13.622)

For Bug Type Pokémons like Beautifly, their wings are definitely not as powerful as those of the equivalent bird Pokémon.

In the face of high winds fanned by a large Pokémon like the Pidgeot, it is difficult for them to maintain absolute balance in the air on their wings, but that doesn't mean they don't have the means to deal with the situation .

Beautifly danced a mysterious and beautiful dance lightly against the wind.

This is Quiver Dance.

It can be said that this is the unique move of the Bug Type Pokémon in the form of moths. It caters to the rhythm of the wind with its weak body and ensures that its Flying posture is not disturbed.

In addition to the two Pokémons, Beautiful Flower and Lilligant, which are very good at dance moves, only Bug Type moths like Butterfree, Venomoth, Beautifly, Poison Powder and so on can dance this magical dance .

It is one of the non-probabilistic moves that can be counted on one's fingers to simultaneously improve 3 abilities.

The Quiver Dance stimulates the energy within the Pokémon, giving it an overall increase in energy attack, energy defense, and speed.

The completely corresponding move is only Coil, which is good at Snake Pokémon. After using it, Pokémon's Physical attack defensive ability will be improved.

In addition, Coil's posture is often a sign that the snake Pokémon is entering a prey state. They will be more able to capture the enemy's movements and improve the ability's hit rate.

The Shell Smash mastered by the crustacean Pokémon is different from these two moves. It is at the expense of the decrease of the defensive ability in both physical and energy aspects, in exchange for the attack ability of both aspects and its own speed. Greatly improved.

Blastoise, one of the Three Founding Families in Kanto Region, is a good player at using this Ability, as well as Pokémon such as Shuckle and Thorn Shell, who are also particularly good at this move.

The ability enhancement of the first two abilities is indeed not as good as Shell Smash, but it is better in security and stability.

After using Shell Smash, the damage suffered by Pokémon will be significantly enhanced, and you may lose the combat capability before you attack the opponent.

In addition to these three abilities that correspond to Pokémon's different body shapes, there is no other move that can enhance the three abilities at the same time.

At least that's what most Trainers know.

But Tyson, who has read a lot of information, is very clear that in the far-flung Kalos Region, where the legendary God of Life is recorded, it also has an exclusive move that can improve three abilities.

Of course, it's not clear what the specific situation is, it's too far from Kanto, and he only knows a little bit about it.

Looking at Flying's messy and peculiar beauty, Tyson frowned.

"Heat Wave," he commanded.

He wants to see how Bug Type's Beauty can dance lightly and gracefully in the scorching hot wind in the face of the Fire Element Ability that does double damage.

“Silver Wind.”

Sugiyama Norika solemnly shouted out the option of Ability that made the commentator sigh.

"It can be seen that Beautiful is at a disadvantage in the current situation on the field. Although Quiver Dance has improved its various abilities while avoiding some damages, Sugiyama Norika chose to use Bug Type's Silver Wind to deal with Pidgeot Fire Element's Heat Wave is unwise."

The voice of the commentary shrouded the opposing battlefield.

Sugiyama Kika's speechless curl one's lip.

The fiery-red wind is like a big curtain Normal, slowly moved towards Beautiful not far from Pidgeot, and the broken ice below the ice field seems to melt Normal, seeping out drops of water beads.

The wind picked up, and countless multi-colored powders were mixed into it from the ground, the air, and from Beautiful.

One side is silver and one side is red, completely different.

Under the reflection of the ice field, it looks especially magnificent.

No, Tyson snapped his fingers and fell into thinking, the amount of scale powder was wrong.

Pokémon such as Beautifly will not naturally spill too much scale powder during the Flying process, and there is obviously too much scale powder mixed in the Silver Wind.

Is this able to improve Silver Wind's attack ability, or is it adding powder Ability like Stun Spore?

Tyson was a little confused for a moment.

After all, he has not tried Breed Bug Type Pokémon himself, and has no real experience with many abilities. He is not Divine Immortal, and he knows everything well.

The commentary is still chattering.

"Bug Type's Silver Wind and Rock Type's Ancient Power and Ghost Type's Ominous Wind are called Luck Emperor Class Ability, and they all have a small probability of making Pokémon's basic five abilities at the same time after use. Get a promotion.

In different Trainers and Pokémons, this probability is completely different, some can be flawless, but some can only be silent and pity alone. "

Beautifly's proficiency in using the Silver Wind of this department is definitely much better than Pidgeot's using Heat Wave, which may be the only one of its advantages.

In terms of attributes, or standard formidable power, strength, etc., even with the ability bonus, Silver Wind can't resist the impact of Heat Wave anyway.

Although Pidgeot took the initiative and started to prepare Heat Wave first, the speed of releasing Ability was still a bit slower than Beautifly.

Silver Wind approaches Heat Wave with a faster stance.

At the moment of the touch, Tyson crossed the field with his outstanding vision and saw an Attract smile on Sugiyama's face.

"Back off, Roost!" A sudden flash of trouble flashed through his mind, and he shouted subconsciously.


next moment, Pidgeot, who was still in a stiff state after using Ability, forced his wings to push himself diagonally back, and the moment he landed, The two huge wings folded together and pressed against the front of his body.

“bang bang bang!!”

Just as Pidgeot completed this series of operations at an extremely fast speed, the two abilities also collided and issued an unexpected The huge rumbling sound of one after another, a louder sound.

“Old Brother, this trainer, Hoenn’s coordinator, can do that.”

In the lounge of Fuchsia Gym, Janine, who was watching the Tyson game with Koga, said.

"Well, but she improved it a bit, and hid the preparatory work until the time of using Quiver Dance, and the powder is more tightly bound." Koga nodded, responding to her younger sister's comments question.

"Why don't you look surprised?" Janine complained about her Old Brother.

"Because I used it when she came to challenge Gym, who told you to run out again, so I had to do it myself." Koga rewarded himself, this uneasy young sister, with a brain break .

"Aha~" Janine smirked, saying that she didn't understand what Old Brother was talking about.

However, this guy is very good. She looks at the picture on the TV, and she can reproduce and even improve it just by watching the Koga used. This is not something that can be done easily. .

The explosion on the field finally ended, and the smoke and dust were everywhere.


What's going on, we saw a violent explosion when Silver Wind fought against Heat Wave! And now It's still going!

It's pretty bad for Tyson's Pidgeot, the center of the explosion is too close to it!"

Originally still introducing Ability The commentator instantly became passionate because of the situation on the field.

As for saying that it's completely different from what he said at first, what's the matter? It's quite normal to be slapped in the face as a commentator.

He also wished to be beaten a few more times, because it showed that the battle had progressed unexpectedly and often meant that the battle would be more exciting.

His salary is closely related to the ratings in the main game, and he finally won the qualification of the flame runner's game commentary.

Is the scale powder exploding, Tyson thought with a sullen face, not knowing how much damage Pidgeot avoided.

He didn't know that Koga would do this and guessed it.

It's just that this scene is understandable when you think about it.

Pokémon's powder Unique Ability and Insect's Scale Dust are extremely flammable substances, and almost all Trainers use fire to deal with these things.

Or how to say Fire Element Pokémon is perfect for Bug Type and Grass Type.

But in contrast, when the Powder cloud and air formed by this flammable object are wrapped within a certain range, they don't even need an open flame to ignite, only a little heat energy is needed. Detonate it.

At this time, the flammability of the scale powder increases the formidable power of the explosion, and the lower limit of density required for the explosion is also reduced.

Did he deliberately spread a lot of scale powder when he used Quiver Dance? Tyson recalled the scene of the battle just now, which is really hard to observe.

For Pokémons like Beautifly, it is quite normal to occasionally drop scale powder in Flying, even more how is under the attack of Pidgeot's powerful Gust Ability, the scattered scale powder is mixed into In the wind, there is no trace at all under the sunlight.

Although the formidable power of the second explosion is high, Roost should have been successfully used at that time, but the damage will be less, but I don't know if the defensive posture was completed when the first explosion occurred. Calculates the state of the Pidgeot in the smoke.

Scale powder explosion this method, the most dangerous is not the first explosion, but the second.

The first blast wave will blow up the Powder deposited on the Ground, and then the negative pressure generated at the center of the explosion will suck in the surrounding air. The density will be greater and the explosion will be more violent.

Tyson's facial expression grave is worthy of the Indigo Plateau Conference. The quality of every player is very high, and every opponent should not be underestimated.

Even without a powerful Pokémon, they have a lot of powerful abilities to use.

Tyson's attitude was more serious.

After estimating, he started to attack again: "Razor Wind is ready."

After using Roost's Pidgeot, the Flying Attribute will be temporarily lost, leaving only a Normal Type. Then the Ability of Flying Type will not have the effect of consistent addition of Attribute.

Fortunately, there is also a Razor Wind in the Normal Type regular Ability that can attack remotely.

Sugiyama Jijia clenched her teeth. Really, she hated this kind of continuous attacking Trainer the most.

If it wasn't for the fact that the guy on the opposite side switched Heat Wave too decisively, his Beautifly's scale powder blasting formidable power would have been stronger.

A vortex of air suddenly formed in the smoke and dust on the field.

"Aim at the target and use the Shadow Ball."

At the moment when the Razor Wind Stockpile state appeared, Sugiyama Norika hurriedly directed Beautiful, who managed to stabilize her body from the aftermath of the explosion. fight back.

No way, who made Pidgeot's Attribute have excellent resistance to the Bug Type and Grass Type Ability that Beautifly is best at? Instead of wasting energy and stamina to use these abilities with low damage, it is better to use Shadow Ball attack.

Good luck can also disrupt Pidgeot's energy, reducing its defensive ability.

She wanted to use the Poison Type Ability to kill the opponent's physical strength, but considering the weak toxicity of her Beautifly and the strength gap between the two, she had to forget it, this job is still suitable for Dustox to do.

A dark purple Shadow Ball spawns in front of Beautiful's tiny main torso.

With a flick of Beautifly's mouthparts, Shadow Ball quickly moved towards Pidgeot's position.


The Tackle hit, but the air vortex didn't shake in the slightest.

Beautifly was not discouraged, and once again condensed a Shadow Ball moved towards Pidgeot and threw it.


This time Shadow Ball failed to attack Pidgeot. It will take a while for Stockpile's Razor Wind to be ready. The sharp blade of air is a vertical vortex. , hit the Shadow Ball directly, and after crushing it, the castration cut wildly around Beautifly.

Beautifly issued a painful Growl.

"Air Slash, solve it."

Following Tyson's final order, several air knives flew out of the smoke and dust that had not yet dispersed, slashing the Beautifly full of air slashes. scars on the body.

Beautifly finally couldn't hold it any longer and fell into the dust in a whirl.

The dust cleared.

Beautifly's eyes turned round and round, and Pidgeot spread his wings and flew into the air again.

It doesn't appear to have suffered any damage, other than a slightly messy feather.

"Beautiful loses the combat capability, Pidgeot wins, does the blue player need to replace the Pokémon?"

The referee raised the blue flag, indicating that the winner of this battle is Tyson, and at the same time asked.

Tyson shook the head, signaling Pidgeot to continue the fight.

"Then, please send a second Pokémon from the red team, and the battle will start again!" The referee put down the blue flag, raised the red flag again, and moved towards Sugiyama Jijia.

"Vileplume, give it some color and see!"

Sugiyama Norika threw away a Luxury Ball in an imposing manner.

A Pokémon with an indigo body and a "flower" of five bright red petals with white round spots and a central orange spindle appeared on the Ice Field.

The two Pokémon stared at each other across the air, as if it had just begun.

It's just that on the big screen next to the venue, under Sugiyama's head, a Poké Ball has dimmed, and next to it is an image of Beautifly.

Although she shouted in an imposing manner, she was self-aware of the hardships. Norija Sugiyama felt that she was unlucky enough to be drawn to the Ice Field as the First Stage. A powerful opponent of the top 64 strength.

This is not at all good.

Her Pokémon's Attribute is basically overpowered by Tyson's Pokémon.

Beautifly last game, Vileplume this time is the same.

Trump Card Nidoqueen is alright, but it is an ice field. You can't expect a Pokémon like Nidoqueen to move freely on the ice floes. If one accidentally falls into the ice water, the pair will have For Nidoqueen of Ground Type, it's a hell of a thing.

“Air Slash.”

It was still Tyson who grabbed the first strike, and it was still a stance of long-range consumption.

Sugiyama Jijia feels like she's going crazy, your Pidgeot strength is clearly ahead, I don't know how much, okay, do you have to play so conservatively.

Tyson doesn't care about that, Poison Type Pokémon and Ghost Type Pokémon can be said to be the two best at using the weak to defeat the strong, and he doesn't want to capsize at the gutter.

After the explosion of scale powder just now, he didn't dare to underestimate the opponent in front of him.


But Sugiyama Kijia had no choice but to command Vileplume to defend passively.

With Pidgeot's strength and speed, Snatch's initiative is completely easy. As the weaker side, she certainly wants to take the initiative and do something to win, but she has the final say.

Hey, she was helpless sighed, it would be great if the other side chose to replace the Pokémon, she thought in a whimsical way.

The losing side sends Pokémon, and the first attack right is the same as at first.

It is equivalent to restarting a new match, the only difference being the state of the victorious Pokémon and the situation of the entire battle.

But if the winning side chooses to replace the Pokémon, then the Pokémon equivalent to the losing side stands on the field ahead of time, and it can use the Ability ahead of the Stockpile. In this case, the latter must go first.

Don't underestimate the first attack and second attack, which has a great impact on who has the initiative in the battle.

It is precisely because of this that in the Gym battle, the challenger in the weaker position holds the natural first-strike right.

However, it is very rare for a Trainer to replace a Pokémon after a victory, which is not a cost-effective option, unless it is compelled by circumstances or the victory is in hand.

“peng peng peng ”

Pidgeot threw away's Air Slash and Vileplume's Fling Ability throwing ice cubes collided together, making a dull sound, the ice being crushed The blocks turned into ice mist and scattered in the air.

Intricately, it is colorful after reflecting the sunlight.

"Wow, as expected of the Coordinator Trainer from the Hoenn Region, Ji Jia is very good at creating such a scene full of beauty.

Some Kanto viewers may have a problem with the Coordination Trainer. I’m not very familiar with this profession. What about the so-called Coordination Trainer?”

The scene was a bit boring for a while, Air Slash is better in quality, Fling’s ice is better in quantity and speed, the commentary can only find From a strange angle, I began to popularize science.

This Vileplume is not bad, and the Fling Ability that is not in the department is so skilled, Tyson sighed.

"Pull the height up, Heat Wave down."

It's not a solution to hold on like this, although the high probability of winning in the end is Pidgeot, but it's a waste of time, Tyson decisively changed his move again.

The advantage of taking the initiative lies in this, the rhythm of the other side has to follow you.

After Pidgeot heard the command, he threw away several Air Slashes one after another, forcing Vileplume to defend, and then he fluttered his wings and appeared at a height of 60 to 70 meters in an instant.

This is the maximum height that Flying Pokémon can stay in the tournament for a long time. If it goes up, it can only be skipped briefly, otherwise it will be considered a negative game and will be judged a loss.

It's reasonable, after all, many Pokémon can't fly, and they're too high to hit them.

The fiery-red curtain appeared on the field once again, only this time instead of moving from left to right, it was pressed from top to bottom.


Under the helpless eyes of Sugiyama Jijia and Vileplume, the ice field gradually began to melt.

Vileplume doesn't do anything about it.

You can't expect powder or venom to fly to such a high place under its use. It is only about fifty meters in the sky, and it can't reach each other at all.

Not to mention that the existence of the Heat Wave above will cause these things to be consumed quickly.

The setting of 60 to 70 meters is very unfriendly to some Pokémon who do not have long-range attack means. It happens that Vileplume is one of them.

"Sunbeam, break it for me."

Watching Fire Element's Heat Wave melting the ice field, Vileplume that kept moving towards Grass Type attacked, Sugiyama Norika made a final resistance.

After a long Stockpile, a hot beam of light moved towards the top.

A large circular hole was broken in the middle of the fiery-red curtain, revealing Vileplume standing on a small ice floe below.

There is water all around.

Vileplume said that although he is a Grass Type, he is not afraid of water, but he cannot swim at all. It is a standard land duck.

The well-prepared Pidgeot started high-speed Flying high in the sky when Vileplume started the Stockpile solar beam.

The powerful Grass Type ultimate Sun Beam doesn't even touch its edge.

Or even if it encounters a problem, it is not a big problem. Who makes the Grass Type Ability only half of the standard formidable power damage? Under the strength gap, the crispy it can resist at least two or three. Sun beam.

The battle went on without the slightest surprise.

“Vileplume loses combat capability, Pidgeot wins.”

The referee went about his job as usual.

The consumption is still a bit high, Tyson looked at Pidgeot, who was breathing slightly above.

The gap between the quasi-Elite and the elite Peak is not too big. After a series of two, Pidgeot also suffered some injuries, and the physical strength declined more obviously.

However, winning the last one shouldn't be a problem.

Tyson still chose not to replace Pokémon, which is his trust in Pidgeot and his confidence.

"Now Ji Jia is in a very bad situation. She already has two Pokémons that have lost the combat capability, and only the last Pokémon is left.

And the other Pokémon. Tyson's first Pokémon Pidgeot still has good physical strength, I wonder if Ji Jia can make a miracle by turning the corner?"

The commentator's voice was still so natural.

Sugiyama Jijia felt that she didn't catch her breath, and wanted to run to the commentary stage and punch the commentator on the spot.

What is she going to do to make a comeback? Can she get her head? She madly hammered the commentator's head in her heart.

"However, even if I can't win against you, I won't admit defeat so easily, at least I have to beat your Pidgeot."

She spoke suddenly and spoke to Tyson .

Of course, the referee didn't stop it. This was just a normal conversation, and it didn't affect the game.

"Come on."

Tyson was stunned for a while, and replied in a friendly manner.

"Slowbro, give me all your strength to kill that bird."

Sugiyama Jijia's mouth twitched, and she simply threw away her last Luxury Ball in this battle. The tone was very bad.


A lazy voice sounded.

A bipedal Pokémon appears on the field with a pink body, a cream banded belly, and a fiercely bit of a spinning top shell on its tail.

This is a Pokémon, Slowbro, also known as Slowbro, which evolved from a combination of Slowpoke and Big Tongue.

Continue writing, there will be a chapter tomorrow

(end of this chapter)

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