Pokemon: Trainer Starts As Bounty Hunter Chapter 256


Chapter 256 Scene 2, Grass Field Preparation (1422)

Slowbro This kind of Pokémon is of great research value and significance. It is currently the only known Pokémon that truly conforms to the theory of fusion evolution.

Why do you say that?

Because both the Slowpoke and the big-tongued mussels that make up the Slowbro still retain their individual consciousness and communicate with each other, even after the big-tongue mollusks on the Slowbro's tail fall off, the Slowbro will degenerate into a Slowpoke.

It is the only known Pokémon in the Pokémon world that can evolve and then "degenerate".

There are also many Professional scholars who speculate that Slowpoke and Big Tongue Bei have evolved into Slowbro rather than a combination, but rather that they have formed a very special symbiotic relationship, which is their unique relationship.

The rest of what looks like, or is called, the Pokémon that evolves in Fusion, is actually very different from the way Slowbro evolves.

At least none of them can evolve and then degenerate.

For example, Mantine in Johto Region, if Mantyke in his childhood wants to evolve into Mantine, he must raise the level with Remoraid at the same time.

If the Trainer catches Mantine in the wild, he will often find a Remoraid attached to it.

Although the two of them can be unreasonably included in a Poké Ball at the same time, the subsequent existence of Remoraid will not affect Mantine's morphological changes. After Remoraid no longer follows Mantine, it can also evolve freely Become Octillery.

They have always been identified as two Pokémons, not as one Pokémon like Slowbro.

It is also for this reason that many official games, including the Region Conference, require Mantine to undergo manual inspection before entering the battle - to prevent Remoraid from attaching to Mantine to form a two-on-one situation.

In addition, Pokémon that look like two or even three pre-forms, such as Doubly Ice, Dugtrio, and Magneton, are actually evolving more like split evolution, which is essentially the same. A Pokémon.

This is also the case with Quasi-Legendary Metagross.

Evolving from Beldum to Metang, and then to Metagross, you don't need two different Beldum or Metang to evolve, as long as a Pokémon reaches the energy level and self-split evolution can be done.

If this were not the case, then the current Hoenn champion, the Shiny Metagross of Steven Stone, son of the Grand Duke of the Devon Group, would have to evolve from four different Shiny Beldums.

Not to mention the Mega Metagross that evolved from mega, you have to have eight, because Mega Metagross is formed by combining 1 Metagross, 1 Metang and 2 Beldum.

Even if the Devon Group is a big family, they can't afford to play like this.

Pokédex says it's true that two Beldum/Metang are combined, at least the number is okay.

Including the Nosepass and Probopass, which are used as food by the Metagross family, are also similar to this evolutionary method. If the Nosepass is in a special magnetic field, it will attract three more small Nosepass after upgrading, thus evolving into a Probopass up to 1.4 meters.

These three little Nosepasses are not actually Pokémon individuals, but parts and components, which can only be attracted with the help of a special magnetic field.

It can only be said that the evolution of Pokémon is all kinds of strange things, while the evolution of Slowpoke and Slowbro is unique and unmatched.

Slowpoke's tail is as delicious as Farfetch'd, but its evolution is what Nishinomori Professor (V) calls one of the seven wonders of Pokemon.

It is the Professor who developed Pokémon Pokédex with Professor Oak. Before Professor Oak did not appear, the Nishino Mori family was the most prestigious Professor family in Kanto Region, from Nishino Mori I to Professor Westwood V, All have contributed greatly to the perfection of Pokémon information.

"Slowbro, use Hurricane Snow!"

Looking at Tyson who was in a daze and didn't attack first, Sugiyama Jijia's face was flushed with anger, okay, look down on me, right? Gotta beat your Pidgeot.

Slowbro, commanding her gnashing teeth, used a ranged attack.

Ice Beam's ability to go straight is not worth it, it's too easy to dodge at Pidgeot's speed.

Slowbro's dull eyes lit up slightly, condensing the ice attribute energy with a very fast reaction speed that did not match his appearance.

Thanks to the help of the venue, the Hurricane snow was completely formed in a moment, and the light blue wind whistled towards the still Pidgeot in the sky, where the constantly flying shards of ice and Icirrus seemed soft, but in fact it was incomparable. violent.


A slightly distracted Tyson directs Pidgeot to dodge.

A light light flashed across Pidgeot, as if the feathers had grown even brighter.

With his wings outstretched, several long afterimages dragged behind the high-speed Flying Pidgeot, which was dizzying.


Hurricane Snow follows closely behind it, refuse to yield an inch.

"Tsk, Psychic isn't weak." Tyson sighed.

If the Normal non-ice attribute Pokémon used the ice attribute Hurricane Snow, it wouldn't be so manipulative.

The reason why Slowbro can control Hurricane Snow chasing Pidgeot's attack can be seen from its eyes that emit blue purple rays of light, which is that it is using its own Psychic auxiliary control.

Hurricane snow gradually increases in size.

There are still many benefits to using the ice attribute Ability in the Ice Field.

Tyson definitely can't let Hurricane Snow attack Pidgeot. The ice attribute Ability is very effective for Pidgeot. Hurricane Snow is also an Ability known for its formidable power. If this move goes on, Pidgeot will be less to say. Lose half of your stamina.

"Steel Wing, defeat it."

Tyson chose the most violent way possible.


Pidgeot's proud Growl resounded throughout the arena, and his wings gradually took on a steel-like color.

In a whirl, Pidgeot slammed into the Hurricane snow with his Steel Type energy-filled wings gathered around his body.

After a brief silence.


A crisp crack sounded.

The Hurricane snow, which was still swept away just now, was disappeared without a trace in an instant.

Pidgeot, with his body exposed, spread his wings again, and flew leisurely in the air, looking straight at Slowbro below.

Sugiyama Jijia felt powerless for a while. Even if Steel Type had restraint on the ice attribute, it would be too easy.

Slowbro being beaten head-on by Ability is bad.

The Hurricane Snow just had its Psychic attached to it. Pidgeot defeated the Hurricane Snow and also destroyed its Psychic, and now its Mental Force is a little disordered.

"Can't you, then it's my turn." Tyson said, "Spark meets Wing Attack in a flash."

To deal with Psychic's powerful Slowbro and against Vileplume just now The method is completely different, the long-range attack is meaningless, and it is easy to be blocked by the telekinesis body of Psychic.

Not to mention that Slowbro's own defensive ability is quite good. If the long-range attack is slowly grinding, I don't know when it will hit.

However, compared to Pidgeot's fast movement speed, Slowbro's movement speed can really only be described as a turtle, even if it is in ice water now, one to one hundred Compared with two to one hundred, it seems to be twice as fast, but in fact it is useless.

In the close-up state, even if Slowbro's brain reacts, his body can't keep up.

Pidgeot's entire body seemed to be made of normal white light, spread out his broad wings faster than he had just avoided the Hurricane snow, and rushed towards Slowbro on the water.

Wherever it passes, a channel is formed, and the water below is forced to flow to the sides by the pressure.

"Razor Shell." Sugiyama Jijia can only pray that Slowbro has recovered from the bad state just now.

But unfortunately, her prayers were not successful.


Pidgeot charged with momentum, fiercely pounding his wings on Slowbro powder Doduo's body.

Slowbro was hit directly out of the water, rolled in the air one after another, and landed on the few remaining pieces of floating ice behind.

“Aerial Ace.”

Under Tyson's command, Pidgeot's offensive came in wave after wave.

"Confusion, stabilize your body."

Seeing Slowbro being knocked into the air by Pidgeot Aerial Ace, Sugiyama Kika can only think of a way to stabilize Slowbro and fall into the water in or on ice floes.

Even if Psychic's Help Slowbro can hang in the air and even do Flying, but the opponent is Pidgeot, the Flying Attribute Pokémon of Beauty can only be beaten passively when facing the opponent, how can Slowbro do it? to better.

"Help it, Gust." Tyson ruthless.

Since you don't want to stay in the air so much, let me down.

Pidgeot climbed, instantly appearing directly above Slowbro's head.


The powerful wings flapped wildly, and the strong wind formed seemed to press down the water surface below.

"Pu tong"

The sound of falling into the water sounded, Slowbro, who was relying on Confusion to maintain his body falling slowly, fell directly into the water under the sudden external force.

Fortunately, Sugiyama Jijia was very relieved. Fortunately, Pidgeot's wind blew away the floating ice, and the damage of falling in water and falling on hard ice was completely different.

It's a little uncomfortable to fall into the water at this height.

And after falling into the water, Pidgeot should not be able to attack Slowbro for a while, and he can recover a little.

This is not a passive game, it is a passive game played by Pidgeot and cannot come out. The rules are also allowed, and it is a reasonable use.

But the time should not be too long, otherwise the referee will still interfere.


Tyson ignores it and directs Pidgeot to zoom in.

Pidgeot can't find the location of Slowbro. With Keen Eye, it likes to hunt fish Pokémon, and it is still very clear about the situation of Underwater.

But fighting Water Type Pokémon in the water isn't much fun.

Might as well just roll up the water with the Hurricane so that the Slowbro has nowhere to hide.


The water column that reaches the sky is manifested in the next moment, when the powerful Hurricane becomes a waterspout, just like Gyarados using Dragon Rage in the ocean situation.

Sugiyama Jijia wanted to command, but she still weakly lowered her hands on the railing of the podium.

In this case, the idea that Slowbro can maintain the combat capability has become a luxury.

Pidgeot flew to the side close to Tyson, watching the spinning waterspout quietly.

It took more than half a minute for the huge waterspout to dissipate, and the field barely recovered.

"It's a majestic scene of imposing manner. The Hurricane used by Tyson's Pidgeot completely broke through my imagination. This is simply an enlarged version of Twister."

The voice of the commentary is always so timely.

However, his statement was recognized by many viewers, and the scene just now was really exciting.

Although they were at a distance from the battlefield due to safety concerns, the water from the threw away splashed them all.

That is, this kind of thing happens every year, everyone is very experienced to prepare raincoats, otherwise some audience's clothes are not very suitable for walking back to the hotel so soaked.


Slowbro's unconscious voice sounded, its figure surfaced on the water, and its eyes turned into circles.

"Okay, we saw Ji Jia's Slowbro lost the combat capability, and this is her last Pokémon.

According to the rules of the competition, it's a pity that Ji Jia has lost her combat capability. Player Jia can only stop here, thank her and player Tyson for bringing us such a wonderful battle, but player Ji Jia's strength is still quite good, I hope she can achieve better results in the future.

In this fight, Tyson's Pidgeot's strength is really startled, defeating three Pokémons in a row with one Pokémon, which is quite rare."

Not waiting for the referee to announce the result , The commentary starts with a summary of the battle.

Sugiyama Jijia's face was tense and she withdrew Slowbro. After the referee announced the result, she moved towards the outside of the game without looking back.

Arriving at the exit passage to extend the hand, Tyson, who was just about to have a friendly handshake after the game, had to force the referee to shake his hand.

The referee looked helpless.

The post-match handshake is not a hard and fast rule, but everyone does it out of friendliness.

It's easy to understand if the loser is really unhappy, especially if the loser is so miserable.

Not to mention the rambunctious commentator next to him, the referee thinks he is deserving a beating.

"Fortunately, I am the referee, It shouldn't be beaten while walking at night."

The referee who returned to his temporary rest area took a sip and thought so.

The job of commenting is actually not easy to do. In order to stimulate the atmosphere of the scene, sometimes what you say will inevitably make the players on the field very upset.

According to the gossip, of course, it is only the gossip. After the conference every year, the number of people who were beaten inexplicably at night will go to the police station to report the case. is an explanation.

In the service hall.

"Is it hard? Is there any?"

Tyson, who handed his ID card to Nurse Joy for verification, was chatting with Ye Zang next to him.

Ye Zang's game is tomorrow, so I'm very free. I just came over to squat with Tyson after watching Tyson's game.

"Yes, there's a beautiful little elder sister across from you. You actually made a bunch of others." Ye Zang said with a tone of hate iron for not becoming steel.

"Hey, Normal, a string of three is just like that." Tyson said laughed, rubbing his head.


Nurse Joy, who was operating the computer, couldn't help laughing.

"Is a string of three the point?" Ye Zang was speechless.

"Isn't that the point?" Tyson looked towards him in confusion.

Ye Zang supported his forehead.

"Ok, congratulations on passing the first round of the Ice Field, your second round will be held on the Grass Field, the details will be after Nine Heavens, on March 20th sent to your watch in the evening, please pay attention to receiving."

Nurse Joy's sweet voice sounded, and handed Tyson's ID card back to him.

"Ok, thanks Nurse Joy." Tyson said thanks.

The elimination of the first round in all venues will last for at least eight days. After all, there is only one branch in each venue, and it will take some time for so many battles to be held at the same time.

It's good that he'll have plenty of time to watch the battles of those powerful potential opponents live.

"Go away."

Tyson greeted Ye Zang.

Thanks to Grandma Fusheng for giving Pidgeot 500 starting coins.

Continue to write, there will be another chapter in the evening (my time concept may be a little different from normal people..)

(end of chapter)

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