She got the ice Pokemon and her Trainer seemed very happy. Then, the trainer put away the ice Pokemon and started to update the Pokemon forum as usual!

Opening the navigator, the first thing the girl saw was the top headline. After seeing the headline information, girl’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then she clicked to watch it immediately!

After reading all the expert templates of Bai Mo, girl’s eyes turned into admiration and admiration. Then, she checked the video from the information obtained from many commenters!

After watching the video, girl pouted her mouth!

“What, Too Zi and Bai Mo researcher, oh, no, no, Bai Mo Professor together!”

“This is a shame, didn’t expect Toozi went to Hoenn Region. Didn’t he say that he didn’t talk about boyfriends before the age of twenty? And when Yai talked about it last time, did he still say that he was not interested in Bai Mo Professor? Why are you traveling with Bai Mo Professor now? This is obviously Yayi’s dish!”

“hmph, no matter what, I’m going to Hoenn Region to find Toozi and Professor Bai Mo!”

Immediately, this beauty was carried The cute girl immediately put away her bag, then took out a Poké Ball and threw it in front of her, “Come out, booming pheasant!”

As Mei’s voice fell, a red light flashed past her. , A female booming pheasant appeared in front of her!

When the banging pheasant appeared, Yayi crawled on her back without saying a word, and then said, “Bang pheasant, hurry up, let’s go to the nearest city, and I’m going to the Hoenn Region by plane. Find Touzi, find Bai Mo Professor!”


The roaring pheasant called out and immediately patted his wings to take off!

When a lot of girls were affected because Bai Mo suddenly became a Professor, our protagonist Bai Mo brought Toko and Gardevoir to visit the sightseeing lighthouse in Rustboro City!

It’s just that Bai Mo, Toozi, and Gardevoir all dressed up when they went out, because Bai Mo is now a celebrity.

Because of that video, Xiaonai and Toko were seen by many people!

Before the craze of Bai Mo becoming a Professor passed, in crowded places, they had no choice but to pretend!

Chapter 0133 Sucker Punch bathroom!

“The food is so full~” The sightseeing tower, the floor where you can enjoy the food, stretched out contentedly, and said contentedly.

After the same meal, Bai Mo took out a tissue and wiped it on Toozi’s mouth. He chuckled and asked, “How about doing it better than me!?”

“Of course it’s not better than you!” Toozi didn’t speak yet, Mew Little Loli just interrupted there, “I don’t know what you are doing as a man cooking and Pokemon food is so delicious!?”

“Of course it is to serve the stomachs of you beauties!” Bai Mo said with a twitch on the corner of his mouth!

Toozi and Gardevoir’s faces suddenly blushed, even Mew was dumbfounded by Bai Mo’s sudden praise, then curl one’s lip turned his head!

At this time, looking at the sunset outside, Bai Mo asked the three women, “Let’s go to the top floor to visit, how about!?”

“Okay!” Toozi Naturally, Gardevoir and Gardevoir will not refuse, but Mew doesn’t matter what it is!

Re-disguised, Bai Mo used Psychic to sense, and directly took the two Pokemon to the top floor!

Standing on the top floor, feeling the cool breeze, watching the beautiful scenery all around, Bai Mo and the others feel calm!

“Excuse me, are you Bai Mo Professor?”

While they were watching the scenery, a familiar girl’s voice suddenly came from behind them.

Turning around and looking back, Bai Mo and the others saw a girl wearing a blue dress and long brown hair standing there, with several children behind her.

“It turned out to be Roxanne Young Lady, hello!” Bai Mo took off his sunglasses and said, “I am indeed Bai Mo, Roxanne Young Lady, don’t tell me, otherwise, I can’t Enjoy the beauty here!”

“Understandable!” Roxanne lightly nodded with a smile, but then said after tangling for a while, “Professor Bai Mo, I have a request, I don’t know. Can you please!?”

Looking at the children around Roxanne, Bai Mo probably guessed her thoughts, but still asked, “Please tell me!”

” It’s like this. I’m in the vicinity of Pokémon Trainer breed Central Academy as Teacher, I don’t know, can I trouble you to go to our Academy for a class!”

“The children in our Academy have read you The research report on Pokémon Characteristic Trait and Implicit Characteristic!” When asked this question, Roxanne was a little worried.

Originally, after Bai Mo challenged Gym today, she wanted to ask Bai Mo if she could teach the children a lesson, but when she hesitated how to speak, Bai Mo teleported directly. gone.

A few hours later, he heard the news that Bai Mo had become a Professor, which made her regret it even more!

Now, to be able to meet again, Roxanne immediately wants to seize the opportunity for those children!

“Okay!” After thinking about it, Bai Mo not at all refused. He has just become a Professor. The things like giving children lessons are quite impressive. It’s not bad to do it occasionally. !

“Thank you so much!” Seeing Bai Mo’s blunt promise, Roxanne immediately gratefully clicked nodded. As a member of the college, she felt very grateful for the students!

“The time can be set for tomorrow morning. After noon, I will leave for the next Gym!” Bai Mo faintly smiled!

“Of course there is no problem!” Roxanne immediately clicked nodded!

Then the two exchanged a few more words, and Roxanne left with the children.

Bai Mo and Tou Zi continue their date.

It wasn’t until ten o’clock in the evening that Bai Mo returned to the Pokemon center with Touzi and the others, speaking of which, this World is really magical, obviously a very low-level disguise, when As long as you are not an acquaintance, you can’t find it!

In other words, people in Pokemon world generally don’t have any thoughts!

Back to the Pokemon Center, after a day of exhaustion, Bai Mo, Toozi and Pokémon are all planning to take a bath!

Bai Mo first released Zorua to let everyone get to know him, and then threw some of his male Pokémon directly into the public bath.

At this time, Toko, Gardevoir, and Mew have taken off their clothes and entered the bathroom of the room to take a bath!

Hearing the laughter and the sound of running water from several girls in the bathroom from time to time, Bai Mo dreamed about the scene and couldn’t help swallowing his saliva!

Immediately, a wicked smile appeared at the corner of Bai Mo’s mouth. He found that there was still a trace of the bathroom door. He immediately recalled it. The last person who entered before seemed to be Mew. The outsider is floating there, Lolita must have forgotten!


Since the door was not closed, Bai Mo immediately had an idea in his mind, pretending to take off his coat and pants, leaving only a pair of shorts and a towel He moved towards the bathroom!




The sound of the bathroom door opening!

The sound of Bai Mo being thrown with soap by Tou Zi!

In the end, it was Mew who used Psychic to bounce Bai Mo out, but finally the sound of hitting the bed calmly!


Lying on the bed, this series of transformations made Bai Mo look awkward. He had just opened the door before, and what caught the eye was the soap picker. The picture, the two pieces of white flowers that were pushed up high because of bending, he was about to look down seriously!

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