Toozi, who bowed his head, found it from the foot forward and took a hit of soap!

After that, before he could speak, Mew threw him out with Psychic!

“Wait for me to finish reading anyway!” Bai Mo regretfully touched his forehead, only a little too close to seeing what Toozi should have seen!

“By the way, I can use Psychic!” Suddenly, Bai Mo eyes shined, thinking that he is really stupid. No need to have Psychic, second fool!

So Bai Mo immediately let go of his Psychic perception, but next moment, his corner of mouth twitching, because there is a pink invisible mask around the bathroom, this mask, only Psychic can feel it!

Bai Mo knows that this is the Mental Force Formation that Mew arranged with his Psychic!

Seeing that his good deeds are disturbed by Mew, Bai Mo suddenly unhappy with curl one’s lip and said:

“che, I look at my woman, not Mew, you washboard , Stop what!”

But after saying this, Bai Mo’s eyelids picked up, because he thought, Mew must have been taking Psychic outside for a bath, so what he did I must have been sensed a long time ago, why can I still see Touzi! ?

Moreover, the time when I was kicked out was so coincidental, it was when I wanted to see the key parts!

“Damn, Mew, you black-belly Little Loli!!!”

Chapter 0134 Observer’s younger sister: Ram

“Damn, this The black-belly is deliberate!”

Soon, Bai Mo figured out the key. The previous scenes were probably deliberate by Mew.

First of all, after discovering that he was going to the bathroom, Mew didn’t stop him, but definitely used Psychic to accidentally get the soap on the ground at a suitable time, and let Toko pick it up.

At this time, Bai Mo arrived, opened the door, and saw some nice pictures, but when he was about to see the most beautiful pictures, Mew used Psychic to get him away!

The result is that now his heart seems to have countless ants crawling there, and Toozi, Toozi must have thought that he had finished watching him and hated him!

It’s okay to hate, there is always a small emotion, but the point is that he didn’t see it!

“It’s a loss!” Bai Mo scratched his head uncomfortably, “Mew, this black-belly, is a nightmare, I can’t beat her!”

“The future is good Darkness!”

At the same time, when Bai Mo sighed, Toozi blushed and hid in the bathtub, only the part above his nose was exposed. The rest was immersed in the water, and his mind was full of Random thinking:

“Well, I was seen out!!”

“It’s over, kiss and kiss, and I’ve watched it too!”

“mother , I seem to have found the husband of my life!”

“So fast!!!”

“wu wu wu!!!”

See you When I reached the appearance of Touzi, I used Psychic to observe the appearance of Bai Mo. Mew Little Loli’s mouth showed a wicked smile!

Across from Mew, Gardevoir and Serperior noticed that Mew’s appearance is funny shook the head. It is estimated that everyone, there is nothing wrong with it, right?

“dong! dong! dong!”

Just when Bai Mo was upset, the door of his room suddenly knocked!

“en!?” I was knocked out inexplicably, Bai Mo was a bit strange. In the center of Pokemon, it is impossible to have someone come to chase the stars, that is, someone came to find him, or went wrong. The door is up! ?

With a hint of doubt, Bai Mo quickly put on his clothes, and while moving towards the door, he used Psychic to observe the situation outside the door!


Notice the appearance of the three people outside the door, Bai Mo’s pupils shrank unexpectedly, then he directly speeded up his pace and came to The door opened the door of the room!

“It really looks exactly the same!”

“It’s amazing!”

Seeing the girl at the door, Bai Mo exclaimed in his heart. But with a curious expression on his face, he asked Joy, the only one of the three people he knew, “Hello, Nurse Joy, is it so late, is there something wrong?”

” Sorry for interrupting, Professor Bai Mo!” Joy said with a smile apologizing, “I would take the liberty to bother, that’s it, the siblings next to me have something to do with you!”

“Because things are involved Bai Mo Professor Your reputation right, and they are more urgent, and the matter still involves me, so I will bring someone over to find you!”

Joy’s tone of speech seemed very respectful , But this is normal. After all, Bai Mo no longer has many researchers in every Region, but the existence of the Professor who is scarce in the entire world!


“Is there anything that involves Young Lady!” With a light smile, Bai Mo walked to the door and closed the door, then his expression was flat Said, “My female partner is taking a bath, it is not convenient to pick up guests here. Why don’t you borrow Nurse Joy’s office to talk about it!?”

“Of course there is no problem!” Seeing Bai Mo, it was the subsequent promise After getting down, Joy smiled slightly, and then moved towards one direction, and the siblings in the mouth of the pair of Joy next to Bai Mo seemed to be very talkative, and they were also sighed in relief!

Soon, the entire group came to the office.

Bai Mo naturally sat on a chair and saw that Joy and the pair of siblings were both standing, lightly said with a smile, “Sit down, before Nurse Joy talked about the right of reputation !”

“I guess one of the two is an observer who recorded the video of the match between me and Maxie and sent it to the Pokemon forum, right!?”

“Yes! Bai Professor Mo, I’m sorry!” I heard Bai Mo said that all three of them sat down. The younger sister was talking among the siblings. She glared fiercely at her big brother and stopped him talking, and then stood again. Get up and bow to Bai Mo, “Professor Bai Mo, I’m sorry!”

“My name is Ram, I am an observer!”

“This is my big Brother, it’s called Raj!”

“Our parents are observers. They always competed when they were young, but they were always a draw!”

“Later with us Because of their ambition to win, the two took me and the big brother to live in two separate places, in order to use their respective heirs to prove that they are better!”

“There was an observer game some time ago, and I and the big brother Brothers all participated, and then I won the championship, he lost!”

“He has always insisted on shooting and good quality pictures!”

“You and Mr. Maxie During the battle, he also recorded it at the right time to see that the observer’s instincts were haunting him. He felt that he could surpass me once. Please forgive me!” Ram’s apology is very sincere. To be honest, she I don’t have much affection with my big brother, because when I was a child, I was raised by my parents. But this time, she still wanted to do her best. As a younger sister, she still wanted to do her best, because she thought Raj would do it. Part of the reason, there are parents’ reasons!

“Ram, even the name is the same!” Looking at the girl in front of him, Bai Mo showed a smile at the corner of his mouth!

The girl in front of me is about 160 cm tall, with big eyes, pink lips, and a very cute face.

The hairstyle is short and neck-length hair, but the dividing line of the hair is different. Qian Liuhai covers her left eye. A long skirt based on white, with a white hat on the head.

The long skirt has been specially modified, only the girl’s slender shoulders are exposed, and the curves of the body are clearly shown, temptation but not exposure!

This girl is very good at dressing up, should I say that she is an observer who is good at grasping beauty!

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