“You want to be my observer, I accept it!” Passing the breakfast in his hand to Toozi, Bai Mo gently said with a smile to Ram, “Although Trainer There can be many observers, but I don’t want to be hasty, so let’s do it!”

“How about traveling with me for a while!?”

“If I think you are good, we will sign an agreement. How!?”

“Then why don’t you sign the agreement directly!” Ram wrinkled, “After signing the agreement, isn’t it because you have the right to fire me!?”

“Because of respect!” Bai Mo Qian Qianyi said with a smile, “I think people can only get along with each other and be convinced, okay!?”

“Now bind you If you are not satisfied in the future, what should you do if you don’t work hard!”

“So it is!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Ram’s eyes became brighter. At this moment, Bai Mo’s image in her heart is on one side again, and she has become a gentleman who really knows how to measure!

If Bai Mo knows what Ram is thinking, he must laugh to death!

His gentleman is also because the target is a beauty like Ram. If you try another man and ignore it, he is not interested in traveling with a man! !

Aside, after seeing the breakfast Bai Mo handed her and found that it was her favorite sandwich, Too immediately replied, but after hearing what Bai Mo and Ram said, she again Pouting her mouth, because she heard a message from the conversation between the two!

In the future, Ram will travel with them!

After that, when Touzi finished breakfast, Mew and others also finished the Pokemon food. Bai Mo let them and Ram get to know each other!

After that, Bai Mo ordered nodded to Gardevoir and used Teleport directly!

He has already planned to go to the next place, Dewford Island, but before going, he still has to fulfill his promise!

As Gardevoir used Teleport, Bai Mo entire group appeared at the door of Rustboro Gym. At this time, there were many trainers who came to challenge Gym lined up at the door, but they were all notified that they would come back in the afternoon, because Roxanne Classes at the Pokémon breed academy!

The appearance of Bai Mo and the others attracted the attention of those Trainers, but before they could see clearly, Gardevoir used Psychic again, bringing Bai Mo and the others behind the Gym, Pokémon breed The door of the college!

At the door, Bai Mo pushed the door directly and took Touko and the others walked in!

“dīng líng líng!”

Hearing the sound of the wind chimes on the door of the college house, the Principal at the door was looking for reputation. At first glance, he recognized People who came in immediately greeted them with excitement, “Bai Mo Professor, and two Young Lady, hello, I am the principal of this college, yesterday I heard Roxanne Teacher say that you are coming to class, I have been waiting here Come!”

“It’s really an honor for our school that you can come!”

Hearing this, Bai Mo smiled politely and said, “Principal, you are polite,”


“Mr. Principal just calls me Toozi (Rahm).” Ram and Toozi replied with a smile at the same time.

“hahaha, okay, Bai Mo Professor, Toko Young Lady, Ram Young Lady, please here.” Principal laughed heartily, taking Bai Mo and the others moved towards Roxanne’s class go with!

Across the long corridor, Principal did not forget to introduce on the side, “There are many classes in the school.”

“Bai Mo Professor, you see, here is The students and classes targeted by Pokémon Professor. What everyone is currently studying is exactly some of the Characteristic Trait of Pokemon you found, which everyone finds particularly interesting.”

“And very helpful for fighting!”

“I also found it by accident. I am also very happy to be able to help everyone.” Bai Mo smiled modestly. This attitude made Toozi and Ram both take a look. This man, should Domineering when you are domineering, when you should be a gentleman, a gentleman, really, outstanding!

Chapter 0138 Billionaire Bai Mo

When Bai Mo said, Principal also smiled and stroked his beard, and then took Bai Mo and the others all the way to one Before the class.

“Here, this is the Trainer specializing class taught by Roxanne Teacher.” With that, Principal gently opened the door of the classroom.

Just as the door opened, Professor Oak’s voice came out of the classroom.

When Bai Mo walked into the classroom, I saw Professor Oak’s figure appearing on the classroom multimedia screen!

Obviously, this is teaching in video!

“This is probably the case. Now students should know that there are various types of Pokémon.” Professor Oak smiled at the children and asked!

“Yes.” The students answered in unison.

At this time, Professor Oak also noticed that the classroom door was opened, and he was not surprised to find that the familiar figure of Bai Mo appeared in front of him.

Because after finishing the research yesterday, Professor Oak talked to Bai Mo about Fairy Type, and naturally knew that Bai Mo had arrived in Kanaz City.

Speaking of which, he forgot to ask Bai Mo if he ever challenged Gym. Looking at the situation now, the challenge should have been completed.

However, I noticed Toozi, Ram, Mew humanoids Little Loli and Gardevoir beside Bai Mo, and Professor Oak at the end of the video suddenly showed a bad smile and said:

“Bai Mo, let’s meet again!”

“Are these all girlfriends next to you!?”

“Awesome, just like my grandson Gary!”


“Cut!” Hearing Professor Oak’s gossip, Bai Mo is disdainful of curl one’s lip. Gary’s vulgar fans add up to nothing better than a random female companion beside him!

“Professor Oak, hello!” Hearing Professor Oak’s words, Gardevoir was only slightly nodded, Mew Little Loli rolled his eyes, and only Ram and Toko said hello politely!

“Ah haha, hello!”

Professor Oak laughed, and then curiously asked Roxanne, “Yes, have Xiaomo and Touzi finished challenging Kana? Here’s Gym?”

“Who won, you or Roxanne?”

“Professor, you are not shivering me, of course Bai Mo Professor and Touzi Young Lady won!” Roxanne was a little helpless, but Bai Mo was against Maxie. Isn’t it easy to beat her?

When she saw the video last night, she was speechless for a long time!

“hahaha, okay, that’s it, we’ll see you next time.” After speaking, Professor Oak turned off the video, and he also found that his previous question was a bit stupid!

Seeing Professor Oak hung up as if evasive, Bai Mo and the others smiled, Roxanne patted her hand and said to the children in the seat:

“Classmates Guys, this is the youngest Professor Bai Mo certified by Alliance. The big sister by his side is Touzi, which is also very difficult to deal with. Oh, she was the top eight player in the previous time Unova Region Alliance tournament. She only traveled first. Year!”

“The other one, Ram Young Lady, she is an observer of Top Rank!”

“Today, Professor Bai Mo will teach everyone Oh, welcome everyone!”

“Wow, that’s amazing. I heard of Professor Bai Mo from my mother, eh.”

“Yes, it seems to be this big brother Published a lot of articles about Pokémon’s Characteristic Trait!”


“So that’s how it is, but what is the Characteristic Trait?”


“I don’t know about this!”

“This little brother is so handsome. When I grow up, I must be the same as the two elder sisters next to me. I want to find a handsome boyfriend. !”

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