“This little elder sister is also very beautiful, and it sounds like a very difficult to deal with!”

Listening to the words of this group of children, Bai Mo twitched the corners of his mouth.

“Are the kids so precocious now?!”

Ram’s face flushed, because she is not Bai Mo’s girlfriend, but that kind of secretive joy What is the feeling! ?

Toozi accepted it calmly, and her mood became very good, because some people said she was beautiful, and some people recognized her vision!

Gardevoir doesn’t care, she just needs to be with Bai Mo all the time!

Only Mew looked at his figure very uncomfortably!

“Sister, don’t I look like a little girl and can’t have a boyfriend!”

“Although Bai Mo and I have nothing to do, you don’t recognize me as a what the hell…Ah!”

After the children talked about it, Roxanne made a forbidden gesture to signal the classmates to be quiet, and then said, “Classmates be quiet, next, Let’s ask Professor Bai Mo to explain Pokémon’s Characteristic Trait to everyone.”

“Okay!” The classroom was quiet for an instant, and everyone looked at Bai Mo.

“Cough cough, actually…”

(…You should not like to watch popular science, so I won’t write it!)

“Okay, Today’s class ends here, and students can observe Pokémon’s Characteristic Trait and Implicit Characteristic in future competitions!.”

Time came to noon, took a long breath, Bai Mo faced him The children said, took Grovyle back into the Poké Ball, and clicked nodded in the direction looking towards Roxanne, indicating that she would explain it next.

Roxanne gratefully clicked nodded, and immediately stepped up to take over these children!

Touzi listened to the side like a student with keen interest pleasure, because Bai Mo said that she had never heard of Implicit Characteristic of the Royal Sanjia in Hoenn Region before.

Treecko all the way to Sceptile’s lightly loaded Implicit Characteristic!

Fire Pheasant until Blaziken’s acceleration Implicit Characteristic!

Marshtomp all the way to Swampert’s Damp Implicit Characteristic!

These are not known for the time being, but today Bai Mo said it during class for free!

Free? !

Bai Mo didn’t think so. The lessons he took were really free of charge, and that was just the dozens of students who attended again!

And when he started the class, he asked Ram to start recording the video, and waited for the space to be available for Ram to edit and set it as a paid video and put it in his Professor column!

Bai Mo knows very well that he just set the ten yuan Alliance to watch once, and there are many people, and he decided to set it up!

At this price, no one thinks it is expensive, and no one will save it. They will definitely watch it. The title of the video is called “Bai Mo Professor, Hoenn Region Imperial Sanjia’s Implicit Characteristic Decryption”.

In the future, the two words Bai Mo will become a brand!

And Bai Mo, both fame and money are needed!

In the future, we will do such things a few more times. When he is strong enough to start building power, at least, financial resources will not become an obstacle!

Because of Raj’s video, Bai Mo is now a billionaire with 1 billion working capital!

Chapter 0139 Made by Zvqi and Dewen

Of course, although Bai Mo has become a billionaire, don’t think he is really rich.

It is true that with this money, Bai Mo can buy a lot of good things, such as going to the Siruf family to buy various man-made special Poké Balls, building Mega villas, buying land, building bases, and so on!

But I really have to say more, but not too much. For example, if you want to buy a Quasi-Legendary Dratini at Yulong’s house, well, the starting price is 100 million, or Aptitude is the worst At the same time, you have to have a good relationship with the Yulong family!

If you are an ordinary person, there is not 1 billion, so don’t think about it!

As for an ordinary person, it’s not bad to be able to make millions in this life!

So, looking at the demand, Bai Mo is far from enough!

Of course, Bai Mo will make money very quickly. After a few years, he will start to build up his influence. First of all, he will use money to create a solid base and secret base!

Of course, these are still far away for the time being. Bai Mo is still slowly improving his plan. At present, he should first strengthen himself and his Pokemon is the main theme!

At this time, I left and came to the gate of Pokemon Academy.

Touzi took a deep breath, stretched her waist, outlined her nice curve, and asked, “Bai Mo, where are we going next!?”

“Nature Going to the next Gym!” Bai Mo said and touched his chin, he still had the first choice to collect Badge!

“The next gym?” Touzi blinked, and while taking out his navigator, he asked, “Where is the next gym?”

” The nearest one here is Dewford Gym on Dewford Island.” Ram has taken out the navigator and called up the map to view!

“en!” Bai Mo clicked nodded and said, “But we can fill up the daily necessities in Kanaz City.”

“Now I am also a local tyrant , All the daily necessities and ingredients, Pokemon ingredients, etc. are all the best!”

“I agree with this!” Mew Little Loli abruptly raised his hand and said, “Bai Mo, don’t Forget what you promised me!”

“Don’t worry!” Bai Mo’s mouth twitched, “As long as you keep following me, Pokemon food will be enough in the future!”

“This feeling Good!” Mew Little Loli licked his lips!

Ram said at this time, “I just looked at the route, and it takes a ferry to go to the next Gym.”

“The boats to Dewford Island are There are three trips at 9 am, 12 noon and 5 in the evening!”

“It is almost twelve o’clock now, it is really unnecessary to catch noon!”

“So You can choose to do the evening trip. If this is the case, you can have a good stroll this afternoon.”

“Well, I will look at the route too!” Toozi finally found himself when he heard Ram’s words. The navigator of, but after operating for a while, he said strangely, “Eh, what’s going on? My navigator seems to be out of use.”

Speaking, Toozi is still very cute. Shaking the navigator’s hand, there is still no screen displayed on the navigator’s screen.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo helplessly said, “It seems that we need to go to the Dewen Manufacturing Repair Shop first!”

The navigator is the Zvqi family Designed by the founding Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., the construction and sales rights of the entire Hoenn Region are under the full control of the Zvoqi family. This is a compromise of Alliance.

For Regions outside of the Hoenn Region, the Zvozi family provides technical support. Alliance builds, sells, and promotes, and the division is divided into five to five points!

Summarize in one sentence, the Zvqi family is a Hegemon!

And this Hegemon’s heir is the current Hoenn Region Alliance Elite Four champion, Steven Stone!

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