When Bai Mo met Steven, he had not yet awakened the ability to check his strength. He could only check Aptitude, so he didn’t know the exact strength of Steven’s Trump Card Metagross!

But Bai Mo feels that half-step Sect Master level, that is, half-step Level 2 Divine Beast’s strength, that Metagross should be there!

And after six or seven years, in the Mega era, Metagross should have the strength of Sect Master, at least, when it was in Mega!

But six or seven years later, Bai Mo is confident. With his prophecy and various Pokémon skills in his mind, he can make up a Sect Master-level team. Even a few Divine Beasts may not be. impossible!

It must be him who stands at Pokémon world Peak!

“Little girl, do you need any help?” Just when Bai Mo entire group was planning to go to the Dewen Manufacturing Repair Shop, not far away, a middle-aged uncle with a hat saw Toozi slamming hard. The navigator in hand approached and asked.

“Uh, it’s okay, but my navigator seems to be unavailable.” Although Toozi was puzzled by the middle-aged uncle that suddenly approached, he still said his situation!

“so that’s how it is.” Looking at the navigator in Toozi’s hands, middle-aged uncle said, “Then you can go directly to Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.”

“Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.?” Too Zi asked suspiciously.

“Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Isn’t that the headquarters of Da Dewen Manufacturing!” Bai Mo ticked the corner of his mouth when he heard this middle-aged uncle. He probably guessed it. The uncle in front of him It should be the chairman of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Steven is his father.

A strange old man who doesn’t like to be an office and likes to show his latest invention to children.

At the same time, like Steven, he likes to collect all kinds of stones!

“Want to come and meet him here, he must be showing off some new invention today.”

“Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is the head office of Dewen Manufacturing Repair Shop. , There are a lot of fun things made there, and there is no problem to help you fix the navigator!” The middle-aged uncle said with a smile to Toko.

On the side, Hoenn native Ram explained the situation of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd. to Toozi.

“Really?” Hearing Ram’s words, Toozi’s eyes lit up and looked back towards Bai Mo, “Mo, shall we go?”

“Yes, The navigator’s issues must naturally be resolved first.” Bai Mo ordered nodded, speaking of which to Toozi. In fact, he also wanted to see the largest technology company in Hoenn Region!

Now that I have this opportunity to go to Rustboro City, it’s okay to check it out!

See Bai Mo agree to go, this middle-aged uncle, that is, Steven Stone’s father, Joseph Stone, chairman of Devon Manufacturing Co., Ltd., immediately said enthusiastically, “I can take you there. I know this place best.”

Chapter 0140 Hoenn Champion: Steven Stone

Under the leadership of Joseph Stone, soon Bai Mo entire group came to Dewen Manufacturing Before the company limited by shares.

Looking at the building in front of him, Bai Mo corner of mouth twitching, I thought to myself, “The rich are so capricious, and this company is too tall…”

Yes, this building is very tall. It was much taller and bigger than Bai Mo imagined and shown in the animation.

Subsequently, under the leadership of Joseph Stone, the security guards at the door were not obstructed, and Ram and Toko, who were immersed in the shock of seeing the tall building for the first time, were both Found something wrong.

Until, the entire group followed Joseph Stone into the company for some distance.

Before taking the elevator position, when a man in a suit saw the Joseph Stone before Bai Mo and the others, he walked quickly and said, “President, you are back.”

“President?” Touzi and Ram looked at Joseph Stone in surprise.

“Yes, this is Mr. Zvqi and the president of Dewen Manufacturing Co., Ltd.” The man in the suit saw Ram and the others didn’t know Joseph Stone and took the initiative to introduce.

“wa!” At this moment, both Ram and Toko looked at Joseph Stone in surprise, because the navigator they were in in the building and usually used was the kind uncle in front of him. By the company!

The most important thing is that this uncle’s son is the Elite Four champion, Mr. Steven!

Didn’t expect, I can see such a character today!

At this time, however, Joseph Stone was looking at Bai Mo and said, “It seems that Bai Mo Professor is not surprised at my identity!?”

“old fogey me I don’t show up very often in public, Professor Bai Mo, shouldn’t you know me!?”

“I did meet today!” Bai Mo said with a smile, “Can this company The security guards have no sense of blocking, I think it should be the top of the company!”

“Also, I have seen the champion Steven, the husband looks very similar to him, so I recognize it naturally!”

“so that’s how it is!” Hearing Bai Mo’s explanation, Joseph Stone was relieved immediately, said with a smile, “As expected of Bai Mo Professor!”

“Also Good!” Bai Mo slightly smiled!

Aside, looking at Bai Mo who was chatting and laughing with Joseph Stone, Ram and Toozi suddenly found something unreal, because Joseph Stone was far away from their lives!

And Bai Mo is familiar with them!

Now, it can be seen that Joseph Stone and Bai Mo are talking on an equal footing!

This is different from Joseph Stone’s kindness to the average person, it’s really equal conversation!

This is the performance of Bai Mo outstanding, and the strangeness in the hearts of the two girls is suddenly deepened!

At this time, I chatted with Bai Mo. Joseph Stone said to the man in the suit, “Kennedy, this is Professor Bai Mo. The two girls are Toozi and Ram, the navigator of Toozi. It’s broken, so I’ll take them here to fix it.”

“I’ll do it myself, and you will prepare some tools for me!”

“Yes!” Kennedy immediately nodded, and then he took a serious look at Bai Mo and said, “You are the youngest Professor in the Alliance, Bai Mo Professor!”

“I have read all your articles!”

“Thank you!” Bai Mo smiled politely.

At this time, Kennedy continued, “Professor Bai Mo became a Professor at a young age. It’s really amazing!”


Speaking of this, when the conversation turned, Kennedy suddenly said with the same admiration, “However, I still think that our president’s son Steven Young Master is the most powerful!”

“So young he became Hoenn Region He who is the Champion of the Elite Four must be strong.”


Speaking of Steven, this Kennedy’s mouth is like turning on a switch, talking endlessly. After talking a lot, he didn’t stop until Joseph Stone said helplessly.

Kennedy at this time suddenly said, “By the way, I forgot to find the president of your purpose. Steven Young Master has just returned to the company, so I am looking for you!”

” Oh, this kid knows to come back and look at me!?” A hint of surprise flashed across Joseph Stone’s face, and then moved towards asking Bai Mo and asked, “Is Professor Bai Mo interested in seeing my ineffective son?! “

“Of course!” Bai Mo is naturally nodded, and he is naturally happy to see the Elite Four champion.

“The president, Bai Mo Professor, and two Young Lady please.” Seeing Bai Mo’s decision, Kennedy made a gesture of please and led them in this direction go with.

It was very open. Entire group came to the door of a room with the words “Development Group” printed on it. As soon as I reached the door, before I went in, I saw a handsome man with silver hair coming out of it.

“father!” When the man saw Joseph Stone eyes shined, he immediately greeted him.

“Steven, you still know you want to come back and see me!” Seeing Steven, Joseph Stone’s face was stern, but everyone could see the joy in his eyes.

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