A smaller screen suddenly appeared on the bookcase.

Joseph Stone shined his eyes again!


As if some kind of switch was unlocked, the bookcase slowly began to move towards the sides slowly moved away, and then, a big iron gate appeared in front of everyone .

At this time, Joseph Stone took out a key and inserted it into the keyhole of the door, and pressed a series of passwords on a bunch of keyboards.

After pressing the password, the key turns automatically.

Then the iron gate opened.

What appeared in front of everyone was an obvious secret room.

But thinking about the process of opening a door, even if the secret room is not kept secret, there seems to be no problem.

“This place is where I really store precious items!” Joseph Stone said with a smile proudly, “Everyone, please come in!”

Speaking, Joseph Stone is the first enter.

Seeing this, Bai Mo and the others also followed.

After entering, Bai Mo and the others were directly stunned, because there were all kinds of precious things inside, such as some precious herbs, various top grade evolution stones, etc.!

Joseph Stone came to a cabinet at this time, turned his head and said to Bai Mo, “Here, I have stored some of them. During the process of collecting the stones, I found the kind of stones!

Speaking, Joseph Stone took out a box, and in the box, there are five Mega Evolution Stones stored!

The point is, these five Mega Evolution Stones, and Bai Mo owns All three are different.

Seeing these five Mega Evolution Stones, Bai Mo eyes shrank, he realized that Joseph Stone was pretending to be puzzled by the Evolution Stone before!


There are so many Mega Evolution Stones, he should have known for a long time, these stones are extraordinary, and even started to investigate.

These, Bai Mo is a little grateful for his plan .

Get most of the Mega Evolution Stones first!

Without hesitation, Bai Mo reached out and took over the five Mega Evolution Stones, looking for them in his own memory. After a while, I immediately have a count.

These five are Gardevoir Mega Evolution Stone, Charizard X Evolution Stone and Charizard Y Evolution Stone, Garchomp Mega Evolution Stone and Beedrill Mega Evolution Stone.

They are all good things!

After Bai Mo accepted the five stones, Joseph Stone generously took everyone to visit the secret room.

Anything in it, if you go out, will make people’s head to the ground.

However, Bai Mo didn’t dare to pay attention to this place, at least for the time being.

Because, he found that his Psychic couldn’t find this place, that is, he couldn’t Teleport.

He also asked Mew. Mew is also in the same situation. Obviously, manufacturing The periphery of this secret room is not simple!

After visiting for a while, Bai Mo didn’t bother to look at it because he couldn’t get it. The entire group came to the office to taste tea again.

At this time, Kennedy walked in!

“Toozi Young Lady, your navigator has been repaired. “Secretary Kennedy handed the navigator to Touzi.

Receiving the navigator, Toozi clicked to open, and the map of the entire Pokemon world was displayed on the navigator screen.

“Really Ready to use! Thank you Mr. Kennedy! “Toozi laughed politely immediately.

Bai Mo at this time looked at the watch in his hand, it was almost 4 o’clock, and immediately said to Steven and Joseph Stone, “President Zvqi, And Mr. Steven, we have to go to Dewford Island to challenge Gym, and the evening flight is about to open. “

“I will leave first. “

“Good! “

“That organic will meet again! “Joseph Stone and Steven looked at each other, they were nodded!

Time, it’s 2nd day early in the morning.

When the first ray of sunlight hits the boat, I lie on the boat. Bai Mo in the guest room slowly opened his eyes, then got up and stretched out comfortably.

After getting dressed, Bai Mo came to the ship’s deck as a Teleport!


Yesterday afternoon, they took a steamer to leave. Now they are getting closer and closer to Dewford Island. Standing on the deck, you can vaguely see the appearance of the houses built by the aborigines on Dewford Island.

At this time, Ram and Toko also walked out of the cabin.

Open their arms, Toko’s eyes slightly narrowed up, feeling the wisps of breeze blowing on his face, “Um~ the space here is good Fresh! “

“Toozi, look, Dewford Island is in front of you, it’s so beautiful! Ram stretched out his arm, pointed at the beach in the distance and exclaimed excitedly.

“Yes, it’s so beautiful!” “Tuozi looked at the blue sky, Bihai and Beach, and blinked his big eyes!

Soon, the ship slowly docked!

The passengers on the ship started slowly. Disembark!

“This is Dewford Town on Dewford Island. “When he came to the land, Bai Mo looked at the surrounding environment and said, “The environment is really good. “

“Hmm! “Toozi and Ramzizi are nodded. Toozi originally wanted to say something, but her belly suddenly rang at this time.

Looking at Toozi, whose face was flushed, Bai Mo said with a smile. , “Let’s go to the Pokémon Center first, how about? “

There is no problem with these two girls.

After arriving at the Pokemon Center and handing Pokémon to Joy, the three of Bai Mo bought some early breakfasts and found one to rely on. Sit down by the window and quietly enjoy breakfast and the sunshine bathing in the breakfast.

Many people around recognize Bai Mo, but because it is in the center of Pokemon, no one comes up to bother, but take the There are still a lot of people who took pictures out of the navigator.

At this moment, some girls’ comments came into Bai Mo’s ears!

“Do you know? Fujiki is going to Surf today. “

“Ah, isn’t it? Finally waited for him, he didn’t have Surf for several days. “

“Think about his handsome appearance in Surf, with eight-pack abs, my God, I’m going to get a nosebleed when I think about it. “

“Who are you talking about? “At this time, a female Trainer who should have come from another place curiously asked.

A group of gossip girls looked at the girl in front of them like aliens, and then chirp chirp twitter twitter Explained, “You don’t even know Fujiki! He is handsome and beautiful for a lifetime. Let’s Gym Trainer in Dewford Town, Dewford Island! Sit down quickly, we will give you popular science. “

“Let me tell you, he has been 3 years old…”

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