hearing this, Bai Mo looked at Teng Shu, and finally clicked, “Yes, just do what you said!”

Chapter 0147 Third Gym Match !


At the beach, Bai Mo and Teng Shu stepped on the pedal immediately and started to set off with a voluntary referee’s order!

This game is a Surf Race. At 200 meters, there is a buoy with a side ocean depth. The two of them will arrive here first, and finally return to the Beach in a circle around the buoy, the first to arrive Beach’s is the winner.

Teng Shu’s Pokemon is a Poliwrath.

And Bai Mo, after thinking about all of his Pokemon, he found that he really lacked a Water Type Pokemon.

Gardevoir, Bai Mo will definitely not let her do things that take him to swim.

Calling Bagon to swim is purely cracking a joke. Just think about the weight of his head!

Charmeleon is more like a joke.

Riolu, uh, doggy style is not ashamed.

Zorua, um, this body, Bai Mo doesn’t want to lose!

For Grovyle, well, not good at swimming.

Abra’s words are also a joke!

So, in the end, Bai Mo could only ask Ram to borrow her Starter Pokemon, Swampert!

Due to the change of the competition items, it was changed to Pokémon Wave Racing.

Teng Shu and Bai Mo stand on the backs of their respective Pokémon.

Follow the call of the referee.

The game begins!

Amid the cheers of the fans on both sides, Bai Mo and Teng Shu both set off immediately, and Alliance also kept shooting and recording with their own cameras.

On the sea, Swampert’s speed is significantly faster than Poliwrath. It is clearly ahead of Poliwrath and has a tendency to extend the distance. Even if Poliwrath loses the wave treading competition due to Teng Shu’s training Can’t be familiar with it anymore, but in the end loses too much to Swampert in speed.

“Grab the position of the inside line!”

When he got close to the buoy, Bai Mo eyes flashed called out this command!

At the same time, Poliwrath also ran into Swampert. Unfortunately, Swampert’s physical strength was better than Poliwrath. In the following physical contest, Poliwrath was smashed by an absolute advantage. The first to bypass the fish bladder, began the return journey.

“Poliwrath, use Ice Beam to seal Swampert’s way forward!” Seeing Bai Mo driving Swampert always ahead of him, Teng Shu’s eyes flashed and directed Poliwrath to start an obstruction attack!

Hearing Teng Shu’s command, Poliwrath sprayed a white beam of light from his mouth, and the beam passed over the sea, instantly sealing the road Swampert was traveling on by the entire ice.

“Ice Beam, do you think I can’t!?” Seeing that the road in front of him was blocked, Bai Mo immediately shouted, “Swampert, Payback, we also use Ice Beam!”

Getting Bai Mo’s order, Swampert immediately turned his head and sprayed an ice beam in the direction Poliwrath was advancing behind him. The ice beam instantly skipped over the sea, and the ice road appeared to a greater extent, instantly becoming an obstacle to Poliwrath!

Poliwrath’s path forward was also frozen, and his actions were temporarily blocked!

“Jump on the ice, Poliwrath!” Seeing the icy road in front of him, Teng Shu felt anxious. Then, with a thought, he suddenly thought of sliding on the ice, and immediately sent to Poliwrath. command.

“Yi!” Seeing that Teng Shu thought of the original Ash, when he challenged the Orange Alliance, he tried the method of riding the waves, and Bai Mo’s eyes flashed an accident.

However, Bai Mo can’t be defeated by a method unexpectedly thought of by others.

In all competitions, he will naturally break it with his strength!

“Swampert, Surf!”

“Let’s go!”

With a sound of Swampert Roar, his eyes suddenly turned blue, and the water around it was immediately affected Under his control!

Soon, a huge water wave quickly rose from Swampert’s body. Soon, the wave rose high, and the Swampert and Bai Mo above the wave directly ignored the ice ahead. On the road, directly speed up the moved towards and rush forward.

Finally, with a clear lead, I arrived at the Beach first!


The people who supported Bai Mo immediately cheered.

Toozi was immediately excited and gave Bai Mo a hug, because the Surf game was really exciting.

And Ram faithfully recorded every handsome moment of Bai Mo.

In this game, Teng Shu was convinced to lose, whether it was Swampert’s toughness, or Bai Mo’s adaptability and use of Unique Ability, they were better than him.

“if you agree to bet you must accept to lose!” Teng Shu walked to Bai Mo and said, “Then, follow our previous agreement and play the Gym directly on the Beach! “

“Of course!” Bai Mo immediately clicked nodded. This is his ultimate goal in Surfing.

Seeing that Bai Mo and Teng Shu are going to have a Gym match in such a public place, the people around are immediately excited and consciously stepped aside, making room for Bai Mo and Teng Shu to play.

And the Alliance referee from Dewford Gym, who had been notified long ago, came to the center edge of the arena with a camera, taking pictures while making referees.

“Next, there is a gym game between Gym Trainer and Bai Mo from Littleroot Town with Dewford Gym Gym Badge as a bet.”

“The number of Pokémon that can be used is three. “

“In the game, only challengers are eligible to replace Pokémon at any time.”

“The first party of the three Pokémons to lose their battle strength fails.”

“Next, the game, start!”

As the referee’s words fell, Teng Shu took out a Poké Ball moved towards the open space in front of him on the left side of his Pokemon belt.

“Next, as usual, this Pokémon will play first!”

As Teng Shu’s words fell, a red light was shot from the Poké Ball and waited until the red light dissipated. , A Machop appeared in the field.

“Middle grade Aptitude, the intermediate rank Machop!” I scanned it with Psychic and found that Teng Berry, like all quasi-Elite gym trainers, first sent a Pokémon with high Aptitude and intermediate rank. As a preliminary review of Pokémon, Bai Mo’s mouth twitched, and at any time he also took out a Poké Ball moved towards and threw it out in front of him.

“Go, Abra, your first show!”

As Bai Mo’s voice fell, Abra appeared on the field, as always with his eyes closed.

“Wow, it’s Abra, rare Pokemon!”

“Look, the color of that Abra seems to be different from Normal Abra!”

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