hearing this, Bai Mo immediately happily ordered nodded, top grade Charmander, and in the end it was his!

But at this moment, Oda Juan made a different voice:

“I disagree!”

Speaking, Oda Juan hated iron for not. Becoming steel looked at Bai Mo. It was different from Professor Oak’s Pokemon just now. The Yusanjia in his hand had been in possession for a while. After a period of testing, he knew that the fire pheasant was a high grade Aptitude.

And this Charmander in his opinion unless dogshit luck, otherwise it must be the normal goods of middle grade.

Bai Mo’s change made him very unhappy.

In Oda Juan’s heart, Bai Mo is his favorite Junior. Since Bai Mo likes the trainer road, he doesn’t want to stop it. Therefore, he hopes that Bai Mo chooses a better one, not because he likes it. Just choose!

Looking at the appearance of Oda Juan, Bai Mo is not angry. He knows why Oda Juan is so persistent. However, Charmander is a top grade. I can’t tell now, otherwise no one would know that black hair boy changed No change, and he couldn’t explain what he was like.

Thinking about it, Bai Mo flashed a light in his eyes and said with a smile to Oda Juan, “Professor, what do you think of this, I use Charmander, he!”

“Speaking of which.” Bai Mo looked at a boy with black hair.

“My name is Heizi, hello!” The black hair boy knew, and immediately introduced himself!

Hearing the name of the boy, Bai Mo almost fell to his knees with no legs.

“Heizi, Midori!”

“What are you trying to do!?”

With slander in his heart, Bai Mo continued facing Odawaki, “I use Charmander, and Sunspot uses fire pheasant. We play a game. Regardless of the outcome, you watch the game and make the final decision. How about!?”

Bai Mo not at all said he won. To get Charmander, after all, it is hard to guarantee that Sunspot did not deliberately lose for the fire pheasant, although such possibility is almost impossible!

When I heard Bai Mo’s words, although I didn’t know what medicine was sold in his bottle gourd, Oda Juan didn’t want to push him too tight, so he ordered nodded.

“Okay, it’s up to you to make a decision after a fight!”

“How!?” Bai Mo looked towards Heizi.

“I can’t ask for it!” Heizi is obviously also a militant faction, and he won’t be shy to get his Pokémon!

“Okay, let’s play in the open space in this backyard.” On the side, seeing Bai Mo and Heizi have made a decision, Professor Oak smiled lightly and walked to the center of the open space, “I’m here. Acting as a referee, there is no problem, right!?”

“No problem!”

Bai Mo and Heizi stood on both sides of the open space, Charmander and Fire Pheasant also stood wisely. In front of Trainer!

When you see a game you can watch, Xiao Lan, Ash and Green Room also stand aside immediately!

Looking at Charmander in front of him, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with confidence:

“My First Stage battle, must win!”

Chapter 0017 First Second victory

“Are you all ready!?” Seeing Bai Mo and Heizi stand up, Professor Oak asked as usual.

“Okay!” Bai Mo and Heizi are nodded together!

“Okay, next is a one-on-one friendly match, Bai Mo from Littleroot Town vs. Sunspot from Pallet Town!”

“Until one of the Pokémon loses the combat capability, the match is over !”

“Now, the game begins!”

“Bai Mo, come on!” As soon as Professor Oak’s voice fell, Ash shouted eagerly, this militant for the first time Contacting the trainer’s battle up close, all the cells in the body are living Splash.

Ignoring Ash’s voice, Bai Mo waved his arm and commanded Charmander to attack first. Although he had never played against anyone, he had the experience of training Ralts to the quasi-king Gardevoir within one year. , Compared with Heizi, he is much ahead!

“Charmander, say hello, use Ember!”

“Oh!” After receiving Bai Mo’s order, Charmander’s mouth opened instantly, and a dense Ember immediately moved towards the fire pheasant The chicken lass away!

“Fire pheasant, come dodge!” Kuroko responded immediately.

In the arena, Ember quickly came to the front of the fire pheasant. After hearing the voice of Sunspot, the latter didn’t react slowly. The two graspers slammed hard and his whole body jumped up. Dangerously and dangerously avoided Ember.

“Torchic, just like that, use Peck to attack!” Seeing the fire pheasant in midair, Sunspot had good fighting instincts, so he immediately took the opportunity to command and launch an attack.

“Kamoo!” responded with a light Growl, and then descended, a white light appeared on the sharp beak of the fire pheasant, and it hit Charmander straight like this!

“Good idea!” To Heizi’s appreciation, Bai Mo also entered the state, his eyes flashed, and he gave instructions, “Charmander, use sharp claw, next!”


Roar said, Charmander’s eyes became firm, and he lowered his center of gravity slightly to bring himself closer to Ground, and a burst of white light appeared on his paws.


Next moment, sharp claw and peck collided with everything, and the two Pokémon stood in a stalemate.

“This!” Seeing this scene, Ash and the others just felt passionate about watching, and they had the urge to end the game right away. Odawaki and Professor Oak saw some clues. There was a touch of strangeness in his eyes.

Oak heard that Oda Juan talked about the fire pheasant’s Aptitude.

At this time, both Fire Pheasant and Charmander are Starter Pokemon, and their experience and strength will not be much different. The pecking used by the fire pheasant of high grade Aptitude following the fall is actually used by Charmander, which they think is not good. The sharp claw attack was steadily blocked, which can only show one thing.

Charmander’s Aptitude, at least it doesn’t have to be a fire pheasant, or even…

Thinking of this, Oda Juan and Damen are full of enthusiasm. If their speculation is true, then No wonder Bai Mo insisted on Charmander so much. Perhaps, he saw something in the past few days of getting along.

At this time, Oda Juan realized that he was really caring and messed up. Bai Mo is a fifteen-year-old researcher. How could he ruin his career and choose Pokemon based on his preferences.

“Charmander, use Leer!”

At this moment, Bai Mo’s calm voice still reached everyone’s ears.

In the arena, Charmander, who was really competing with the fire pheasant, clearly felt that the strength of the opponent’s mouth was weakening, and the power on his paws was also disappearing. He suddenly heard Bai Mo’s words, although Doubtful, but he still moved towards the fire pheasant nearby and used Leer.

In the eyes of the fire pheasant, Charmander’s big eyes suddenly stared, and a strange red light appeared in his eyes. For no reason, the feeling of fear in the fire pheasant’s heart.

Because of fear, the fire pheasant’s Peck, which was about to end, was immediately interrupted. Next moment, it was directly knocked out by Charmander and the last force on its paws.

Seeing the fire pheasant in midair, Bai Mo clicked the corner of his mouth and immediately directed Charmander to pursue the victory.

“Charmander, jump up, use Ember when you reach the highest point!”

“Oh!” Get up, when its body is close to the highest point it can reach at this time, its mouth also grows up immediately!

Seeing Charmander’s action, Kuroko heart shivered with cold, anxiously commanded, “Fire pheasant, hurry up dodge!”

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