But at this time, the fire pheasant has fallen into a state of fear, and for the time being, Kuroko is still a temporary Trainer’s order and has not listened to it at all!


Next moment, Ember, who seemed to be denser than before, caught up with the fire pheasant that flew out. A small one appeared on the fire pheasant’s body. It exploded, and finally fell heavily on Ground, sparking a layer of smoke!

Sweeping with Confusion, Bai Mo immediately found the fire pheasant in the smoke. Seeing that the other party was still climbing up in Struggle, there was a touch of approval in his eyes, but the command did not stop there. “Charmander, rush over and use sharp claw!”


Without hesitation, Charmander immediately moved towards the direction of the smoke and ran over, just as it was close to the smoke At that time, the smoke had faded a lot, and everyone had noticed the fire pheasant who was getting up on Struggle.

Seeing that the fire pheasant hadn’t lost yet, Heizi clenched his fists instinctively and shouted nervously, “Fire pheasant, I believe in you, dodge!”

“Gamo. “It seems that he felt Heizi’s trust, and the fire pheasant finally stood up, but at this time, Charmander’s sharp claw attack came in front of him!


The fire pheasant was knocked out again, drew a long distance on the ground, and directly lost the combat capability!

Seeing this, the corner of Bai Mo’s mouth ticked!

“The first time I played, I won!”

(PS: Pokemon Aptitude does not have absolute limits on strength. After all, the protagonist has no travel and has no comprehensive understanding!)

Chapter 0018 gets Charmander!

“Fire pheasant!” Seeing that the fire pheasant lost its combat capability, Kuroko immediately ran into the field and picked it up.

Seeing the actions of Kuroko, Bai Mo, Professor Oak, and Professor Birch flashed with appreciation.

Only Trainers who care about their Pokémon immediately are worthy of respect!

“Let me take a look!” With a kind smile, Bai Mo walked up to Heizi and took it in his arms. He took out a Potion spray.

I used Psychic to accompany my eyesight to check the fire pheasant, and sprayed it in several places with spray. Soon, after Bai Mo’s treatment, the fire pheasant regained consciousness. .

“Ka moo!” As soon as he woke up, the fire pheasant jumped off Heizi and called to Bai Mo.

“You’re welcome!” Sensing the meaning of the fire pheasant, Bai Mo touched the little head of the fire pheasant, and then reached out and touched Charmander’s head, “Charmander, good job Oh!”

“Oh!” Charmander roared proudly.

At this time, Charmander has approved Bai Mo.

Pokémon’s wisdom is not weak, he won the game so just and honorable, Charmander felt that he must be able to follow Bai Mo.

speaking of which, because Bai Mo has Psychic, in the past few days of company, Charmander and other Pokemon can communicate with him and get along very well, plus Bai Mo is right They are good, so Charmander has a good impression!

Now, Bai Mo commanded it to win another victory simply and neatly, and it was immediately approved by Charmander.

On the side, as Charmander thought, Oda Maki and Professor Oak looked at each other again and did not choose to interfere.

Although the Charmander in front of me seems to be not developing very well, it is definitely not a problem caused by the limited Aptitude, it should be something wrong in the middle process.

Before, in addition to the performance on the sharp claw, Charmander jumped up to use Ember when he heard Bai Mo’s command, but the two of Oda Maki clearly saw that Ember became denser. This is what Charmander wants to understand. The precursor of Flamethrower.

Although there is a reason that Bai Mo made Charmander jump up and get closer to the sun to activate the formidable power of Implicit Characteristic to deepen the flame, but this Pokémon’s Aptitude cannot be denied.

If there are no accidents, this Charmander definitely has a top grade Aptitude, otherwise it won’t be just after the battle, so there is a tendency to understand Ability.

At this time, whether it is Professor Oak, which has a better relationship with Bai Mo compared to Kuroko, or Oda Maki, who is directly considering Bai Mo, will naturally not stop!

When Bai Mo saw that the two Professors did not speak, he probably guessed what they were thinking, and did not make any extra effort to ask again. Instead, he seriously looked towards Heizi, “Now, are you still willing to change it!” “”

“Yes!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Heizi didn’t hesitate to click nodded, “This time you will lose in a battle. It’s not a fire pheasant’s problem, it’s my command or not. Good!”

“Next time, when I become stronger, I will bring a stronger fire pheasant to come to you for revenge!”

Said, Heizi looked towards the fire pheasant with a firm gaze, “Okay, fire pheasant!?”

“Ka moo!” Seeing Heizi likes herself so much, I don’t blame myself for losing the game and shouted for joy. The fire pheasant jumped into Heizi’s arms all at once. What does this mean, no need to say more!

“Okay, waiting for you to come and challenge Charmander with the fire pheasant!” Touched Charmander’s head, Bai Mo smiled with satisfaction, and he also remembered the person Heizi, who has become The potential of powerhouse.

Of course, Bai Mo never felt that he would lose. Perhaps, there are still many people who are better than him, but he will certainly rise quickly.

As long as you are surpassed by him, never think about surpassing him.

Bai Mo, have this confidence!


Seems to feel Bai Mo’s confidence, Charmander also screamed full of fighting spirit.

At the end of the battle, Kuroko and Bai Mo got all kinds of favorite Pokemon, and the two Professors didn’t stop it. It can be said that everyone is happy.

But after watching this game, Midorima and Xiaolan also calmed down from the excitement of just getting Pokémon. Originally, they wanted to challenge Bai Mo. After all, Bai Mo I’m a researcher, but I’m a Rookie Trainer just like them.

But after seeing Bai Mo defeating Heizi so simply and neatly, both of them put away their thoughts!

They all want to become stronger!

Quickly said goodbye to Professor Oak, and the three of Kuroko immediately set off on their own journey.

To become stronger, we must cherish every one minute of time.

“Bai Mo, you are amazing!” Professor Oak Laboratory, you, since Bai Mo won the game and had Charmander, Ash has completely become a tag-a-long, which makes Bai Mo Very upset, sometimes he still thinks about it. Fortunately, Ash doesn’t know he has a Gardevoir of the quasi-king class, otherwise, it might be even more annoying.

“Ash, don’t you have anything to do!?” Bai Mo turned around impatiently and looked at Ash who was following him.

“I will leave for another year. I have nothing else to do now!” Ash said immediately.

“Don’t learn the theory of knowledge class!?” Bai Mo slightly frowned.

“As soon as I see that thing, I want to Rest!” Ash looked indifferent, “Besides, the game just depends on the bond with Pokémon!”

” Okay, this is Ash!” Hearing what Ash said, Bai Mo’s corner of the mouth twitched, in the end he could only let him continue to follow, but Bai Mo has already thought about it, anyway, everything is settled, and I will return to Hoenn Region tomorrow!

Chapter 0019 things not to be said the night before departure!

Professor Oak Laboratory, 2nd day early in the morning, before Ash came, Bai Mo immediately took Oda Juan to the Airport in Viridian City and planned to rush back to Hoenn Region immediately.

“Xiao Mo, look forward to seeing you next time!” Before the plane, the Gate Professor looked at Bai Mo with appreciation.

hearing this, Bai Mo smiled slightly and nodded, “I am also looking forward to meeting again with Professor Oak. This time, I plan to start traveling in Hoenn Region and challenge Alliance’s Evergrande Conference. Next year, I will travel to Kanto Region. When the time comes, I will ask Professor Oak to take care of you!”

“Good talk, good talk!” Professor Oak smiled on the shoulder of Patted Bai Mo.

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