Detecting the Aptitude of Feebas, Bai Mo directly exploded.

He feels that today is really his lucky day. He had only conquered an Aggron with a perfect Aptitude before, and now he has encountered a Feebas with a perfect Aptitude.

This is a bit abnormal.

What Bai Mo doesn’t know is that, in fact, according to the original trajectory, this Aggron will be Steven, and Steven now has only one top grade Aptitude Aggron, although because of the cultivation of various resources , Breakthrough reached the championship level, but the next Sect Master level is an impossible opportunity.

However, if the Aggron of the perfect Aptitude is different, not only can it quickly reach the championship level without bottleneck, but as long as it is well cultivated and various resources are cultivated, it can be expected to become a Sect Master level!

And this Feebas, after being found by Steven, was given to Jerry Lee for various reasons. In Jerry Lee’s hands, this Feebas was only five years later, that is, Ash arrived. In Sinnoh Region, it was already a Sect Master level.

If this is in Bai Mo’s hands, no one knows what miracle will happen!

Of course, Bai Mo doesn’t know these. Now he is looking at the Feebas who is directly in his arms with a dumbfounded look.

“Um, hello!” Bai Mo directly communicated with Feebas through telepathy.

“You…Hello!” Feebas responded to Bai Mo with an immature voice, which contained excitement.

“Well, may I ask, can you give me the Transfiguration Flower!?” Because I have already planned to subdue Feebas, it is my own Pokémon in the future. Bai Mo also intends to ask her for advice. Of course, Regardless of whether she agrees or not, this transformation flower must be eaten by Gardevoir. Looking at her hot eyes, Bai Mo knows her desire.

To be honest, he is also very eager.


“Yes!” To Bai Mo’s expectation, Feebas readily agreed, and then immediately said, “However, I have one condition, that is, you want to take me away.”

“At first, when I was just born, I encountered a heavy rainstorm, and then somehow I was rushed here. I have been here with a fish for three years, and I will not say anything.”

“However, I’m not stupid, telepathy can still respond.”

“Will you take me away, okay, I’m going crazy with a fish!”

Speaking, Feebas cried directly in Bai Mo’s arms.

“Uh, of course there is no problem, then you are willing to be my Pokémon?!” Bai Mo directly turned on the abduction mode.

“Of course there is no problem.” Feebas immediately ordered nodded and said, “I have already decided in my heart, who takes me out of this ghost place, I will listen to him everything.”

“Really!” Bai Mo’s heart flashed with joy when he heard Feebas’s words. This is exactly what it feels like to accept a Mega obedient maid.

Yes, it’s the maid, because Bai Mo felt it, and this Feebas is a mother.

“Then you come in, this is Poké Ball, come in here, I can take you away after a while.” With a soft smile, Bai Mo took out a Poké Ball and placed it in front of Feebas !

hearing this, Feebas didn’t hesitate at all and just bumped into Poké Ball. Because it was brought here by the current not long after he was born, Feebas’s heart was completely blank. It only knew that he was too lonely.

The sudden appearance of Bai Mo means that you can take her away from here, she can, and she is no longer alone.

When the Poké Ball in his hand stopped shaking to show the success of the reconquest, Bai Mo had some unreal feelings in his heart. A perfect Aptitude future Milotic, was he conquered like this?

At this time, Gardevoir finally stopped being patient, and came to the front of Huaxinghua in an instant.

Before, it was because of the inexplicable fluctuations from the blooming flowers that attracted her that she discovered this.

Pick off the transformed flower, Gardevoir not at all swallowed it directly, but only took off one of the petals and put it in his own mouth!

In an instant, a strange pink rays of light enveloped Gardevoir.

Chapter 0162 Gardevoir transforms into Rem, it’s time to push!

After eating a petal, a strange fan rays of light instantly wrapped Gardevoir. Gardevoir only felt that his whole body was undergoing a wonderful change!

On the side, Bai Mo looked forward to Gardevoir, who had turned into a pink ball of light at this time. His eyes flashed and he used Psychic to take over the rest of the body that was slowly falling from Gardevoir’s hands. Shape flower!

Controlling the Transformation Flower into his own hands, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes.

Looking like this, the amount of transformation flower Pokémon needs to transform is just one petal, and this transformation flower has three petals!

When I thought about what Feebas had said before, he had been here for three years, Bai Mo had a general guess in his mind.

The time it takes for this flower to take shape should vary, but it is definitely calculated in years. After a few years of blooming, a few petals will grow.

Specifically, it’s just speculation anyway. Bai Mo doesn’t care about it for the time being. He just put away the flowers and ask Mew when the time comes. Well, she must know these things. .

Holding up the flowers, Bai Mo put his eyes on the pink rays of light again.

Bai Mo just watched, and the pink rays of light began to slowly dissipate after ten minutes had passed.

As the rays of light dissipated, Bai Mo was directly amazed when he saw the scene.

It is not Gardevoir that reappears in front of Bai Mo.

It’s a beautiful girl with no barriers on her body.

The height of the girl is about 160 centimeters, her big eyes and pink lips, and her unclear face looks cute.

The hairstyle is short, neck-length hair, but the dividing line of the hair is different. Qian Liuhai covers her right eye.

The color of the hair is blue that Gardevoir originally had.

However, Bai Mo was immediately stunned when he saw one scene. This girl is simply a copy of Ram, that is, the hair and eyes are different from Ram, oh, and the breasts!

And, very good-growing cherries.

The scale of the chest is obviously stronger than that of Ram.

To be honest, if Bai Mo didn’t know that Gardevoir had changed, he would have thought he had met Rem!

At this moment, in the midair, it seems that because of his new human appearance, Gardevoir didn’t control Psychic for a while, and the whole person fell straight into the pond below him.

In an instant, her body was soaked with water.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo, a Teleport, came to Gardevoir and asked concerned, “Xiao Nai, are you okay!”

“It’s okay, Mo! “When I heard Bai Mo’s words, Xiao Nai (his human form will be Xiao Nai) said with a smile lightly, “When I was fighting, I faced various abilities. This matter has no effect at all.”

“en!” Bai Mo was slightly relieved when he heard Gardevoir’s words, his eyes widened immediately, his throat felt a little dry, and he swallowed instinctively.

Notice the look in Bai Mo’s eyes, Xiao Nai naturally knew what was going on with him, a trace of blush flashed across his face, and slowly lowered his head, “Mo, am I so pretty? “

“I think you always look at Ram’s elder sister, I wonder if you like her like this!”

“I refer to transformed into like this , But in order to distinguish, I changed my hair color and bangs direction.”

“Also, you said you like bigger breasts, so I made the breasts a little bigger.”

“This is not a little bit, Xiaonai!” Bai Mo licked his lips and stretched out his hand. “Look, one hand is almost running out.”

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