Although Bai Mo was mentally prepared for other women, she also accepted Ram’s appearance, but when she thought of Bai Mo being close to other women, she still Will be nervous.

At least, Too Zi has an idea in her heart. There are some things she must do first. Anyway, she must have it first.

On the bed, Sleep Talk glanced at her with a wicked smile, and an idea appeared in her heart!

At this moment, two silhouettes suddenly appeared in the room!

“Bai Mo!”

Seeing someone showing up, Toozi and Ram immediately looked over and found that Bai Mo was back, and the two girls screamed excitedly. !

But when they saw Bai Mo holding a girl they had never seen before, the two women’s hearts suddenly tightened.

For Toozi, I have known Bai Mo for so long. The two traveled together and got along day and night. After a lot of experiences, they also confirmed their relationship. Suddenly I saw Bai Mo hugging a strange woman. Naturally will be affected!

And Ram’s words, although she and Bai Mo have known each other not long ago, Bai Mo’s excellence is also placed there, and it is more related to her future. The feelings for Bai Mo are not normal, so I suddenly see When I came to Bai Mo and hugged a strange woman, I felt a little sour.

But this feeling, when she saw Xiao Nai’s appearance, was suddenly replaced by look of shock.

Like, it’s so alike.

This woman, from height to appearance, is the same as her own, that is, her hair color is different from the direction of her bangs and the color of her pupils. Otherwise, she will feel like she is looking in a mirror.

Is this my younger sister or elder sister that I don’t know?

At this time, Mew also looked over here. The moment she saw Xiao Nai, her eyes shrank, and then immediately used Psychic to sense it, confirming that the opponent’s strength was still the same as before. At that time, she was sighed in relief.

Immediately afterwards, she closed the cartoon in her hand and asked in a positive tone, “Have you found the Transfiguration Flower?”

Since Gardevoir has transformed, she has no strength. At the championship level, there is only one answer.

“That’s right!” I ordered nodded to Mew, Bai Mo said with a smile, “I just want to ask you, is this transformation flower just eat one piece? The rest What will the transformed flower become?”

“The transformed flower!” After thinking about it, Mew indifferently said, “This flower came with the loneliness of Pokémon, and it was bred by loneliness. , Is the power of transformation. It is estimated that only Arceus knows how this flower came!”

“What I know is that the transformation flower has at least one petal and a maximum of four, and the number of pieces corresponds to Pokémon’s. Aptitude and the time to guard!”

“Pokémon of high grade Aptitude, guard for one year, the transformed flower blooms and grows a petal!”

“Pokémon of top grade Aptitude, After guarding for two years, the transformation flower blooms and grows two petals!”

“The Pokémon of the perfect Aptitude, guarding for three years, the transformation flower blooms and grows three petals!”

“The Pokémon of Divine Grade Aptitude, guarding for four years, the transformed flower blooms and grows four petals!”

“After the petals have grown, as long as you eat a leaf, Pokémon ignores the level and can transform Shape!”

“Of course, it doesn’t matter if you don’t change your shape. There are many Pokemons that control Profound Truth who don’t change your shape, because, for Pokémon, Pokémon’s body is more comfortable!”

“As for the remaining petals, if you can’t find anyone taking it within a day, it will disappear!”

“Will it disappear?” When you hear Mew, Bai Mo frowned, If such a good thing is not used, it feels a bit wasteful.

Or, ask the mother Pokemon present, which one likes transformation.

Moreover, if it is transformed, the picture should be very glamorous!

Thinking about it, Bai Mo took out the transformed flower, and there were two petals left on it!

Seeing the shape of the transformed flower and the remaining petals, Mew’s suddenly said, “Hey, Bai Mo, you are lucky. This is a three-piece, perfect product of the Aptitude Pokémon breed. .”

“Gardevoir has turned into a human form, and one piece is used, that is, the Pokémon of the breed flower is not eaten. You can give it to her.”

“In this case, you There will be a Pokémon of Divine Grade Aptitude!”

“Divine Grade!” Bai Mo’s breathing was stagnant, and then asked, “I wanted to ask before, isn’t it, perfect Aptitude, not the strongest Aptitude? ?”

Chapter 0164 Divine Grade Milotic, glamorous scene

Hearing Bai Mo’s question, Toko and Ram also looked towards Mew curiously.

Before, the two were still dumbfounded, but after listening to the dialogue between Bai Mo and Mew, they probably understood a situation.

That is, Gardevoir and Bai Mo went out and met a Pokémon with a perfect Aptitude. For any special reason, they breed something called the Transformation Flower.

The transformation flower thing, as long as you eat a petal, you can make Pokémon Human Transformation.

The girl Bai Mo is holding now should be what Gardevoir looks like after being transformed.

Of course, what concerns the two girls most is the last question asked by Bai Mo, Pokémon, there is even the unknown Divine Grade Aptitude?

“Divine Grade is of course available!” Mew saw Bai Mo asked this question, so he lifted his legs and took out a bunch of snacks indifferently said, “For example, the Divine Beast in your mouth, any one Divine Beast, most of them are Aptitude with Divine Grade!”

“This is also the reason why Divine Beast is so strong, so don’t call it Divine Beast!”

“These Divines Grade Divine Beast as long as it is an adult, it is the champion level strength in your mouth, that is, the level 3 Divine Beast strength level!”

“As long as you work hard later, becoming a Sect Master level is also Level 2 Divine Beast. It’s not a problem anymore!”

“As for the above Level 1, it is too difficult. It takes all kinds of training, time, opportunities, etc. to create it!”

“Of course Nature is still somewhat fair. There are low-level Pokemon with high Aptitude, naturally there are Divine Beasts that are rubbish, and some Divine Beasts can only have perfect Aptitude. It is normal to get stuck before Sect Master level!”

“Moreover, because Divine Beast is too strong, it is difficult to have children!”

“Okay.” Hearing Mew’s explanation, the three Bai Mo immediately understood that Divine Grade exists. Yes, and those Divine Beast are basically all!

Perhaps it is because it is Divine Beast that it is common. This Aptitude is called Divine Grade Aptitude.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo suddenly asked, “You mean, the Pokémon that gave birth to the morpho flower can break through Aptitude by eating the morpho flower?”

“Of course! “Mew calmly nodded and said, “If you lose, you must gain. The laws of nature are fair. He has given freedom and suffered loneliness. The morphing flower brewed by him will naturally have a miraculous effect on her!”

“This is the true meaning of transformation, because it directly changes Pokemon’s Aptitude!”

“Is that so!” There was a touch of excitement in Bai Mo’s eyes. , Immediately took out the Poké Ball with Feebas and let her out!

“Master!” After Feebas appeared, he immediately jumped into Bai Mo’s arms. He couldn’t make a sound at that um, but Bai Mo felt what she meant!

“So ugly!”

Seeing this Pokémon, Toozi and Ram thought instinctively.

About the fact that Feebas can evolve into Milotic, at this stage it is only news that some senior leaders have grasped. After all, no civilians are really bored enough to conquer such an ugly Pokemon and cultivate it. Beautiful and confident!

“Feebas, eat this!” There was no disgust in Bai Mo’s eyes, he reached out and touched Feebas’ head, and then took out the morphing flower!

Feebas saw Bai Mo’s action not at all and was anxious to start eating, but asked in a puzzled way, “I have promised to give this flower to the master!?”

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