“I am Serperior!” Serperior’s cool, arrogant and beautiful pretty face evoked a strange arc.

“No!” Hearing Serperior’s words, Mei immediately shook the head, “You are younger than me, I can’t call you elder sister!”

“But didn’t you call before!” Serperior He asked calmly while eating.

“That’s not okay!” Ya Yi shook her head quickly, and then said strangely, “By the way, Serperior, how did you become a human? Could it be that Pokemon can still become a human?”

After the question, Mei’s eyes shined, “In this case, can my Emboar become a human being?”

Bai Mo’s room is full of youthful sparring After that, she figured out a lot of situations.

For example, how Too Zi and Bai Mo are together.

How Serperior was transformed.

Wait, wait!

Until the end, took a deep breath, Mei said seriously, “I have decided, I want to join you and travel with you!”

After that, she blinked. Looking at Bai Mo and asking, “Oh, okay, Mo!”

Faced with the pitiful appearance of the beautiful girl, Bai Mo would naturally not refuse, and immediately nodded and said, “Of course no problem!” “

When they saw this, the girls rolled their eyes together. Toozi is also a curl one’s lip, but she didn’t say anything. In essence, she has a very good relationship with Mei, but she lost and couldn’t live up to the face. !

After that, everyone chatted for a while, planning to move towards the location of the next Gym.

Of course, before leaving, Yai has to go to Gym on Dewford Island to challenge Teng Shu to get the first Badge in Hoenn!

Because there are more people, Bai Mo didn’t plan to take the women Teleport, but used it.

Because of this, when the entire group walked to the entrance of the Pokemon Center, a red-haired man appeared in front of them.

Seeing Yai and Toozi, the man’s eyes shined, and then directly ignoring Bai Mo and saying to Yai and Toozi, “Yi, Toozi!”

“You really are here! “

“Aka wild!” Seeing the visitor, Mei and Toozi frowned tacitly. Toozi directly coldly said, “Aka wild, I have said it countless times, I have no feeling for you, let you Stay away from me!”

“Why!” Hearing Tooko’s words, Akino was puzzled, “Isn’t I handsome?”

“I don’t have enough money Is it too much?”

“I’m still not strong enough!”

To tell the truth, Akano looks good, and Young Patriarch, a first-class family, also has money. No less. After traveling for a year, he won the runner-up of Unova Region Alliance. His strength and innate talent should not be weak.

Normal women are really easy to chase under normal circumstances.

Knaihe, Mei and Touzi are not frivolous daughters. Those so-called outstanding conditions can at best be regarded as reference standards, not standards for mate selection.

There is only one standard for choosing a spouse for the two, that is, that man, sincere enough for them!

Toozi felt this as early as Bai Mo gave him Bulbasaur and Ralts.

At this time, Touko and Yai were not allowed to speak, Bai Mo stood in front of Akino, indifferently said:

“You are not outstanding, but there is no outstanding me!”



Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Akino slowly raised his head to look at Bai Mo. Although he was only sixteen years old, Bai Mo was already 1.8 meters tall, more than The 175-meter Akano is quite high!

“Are you Bai Mo!?”

The first time I looked at Bai Mo seriously, Akino frowned and asked.

“Yes, it’s me!” Bai Mo looked at Chi Ye faintly, coldly said, “Maybe I don’t know, Toko and Mei are my girlfriends, and you are after my girlfriend! “

“Should you tell me something?”

“Give you a chance, let’s fight a game, if you win, just get out, don’t show up in my In front of women, for the time being, I’ll forget the blame, but don’t take it as an example!”

“If you lose, let your father be prepared to apologize!”

“Otherwise, I won’t Mind to announce some of the various weaknesses of the Pokemon used by your family.”

Chapter 0169 can make sense with a hard fist

“gu lu!” Hearing Bai Mo’s domineering words, Akino If he couldn’t recognize it, he just swallowed his saliva. Isn’t he just after two girls?

Why did you hit this iron plate?

Bai Mo, the youngest Professor.

Professor can already have an equal dialogue with the champion Trainer.

Bai Mo has boundless prospects, it is estimated that his father really dare not offend him.

Actually, to be honest, Bai Mo also learned from Toozi that this person named Chiye is not emotionally quotient, and he is not a rascal. Otherwise, he directly uses Psychic to kill people in secret top secrets. ends all one’s troubles.

“Well, Professor Bai Mo, I don’t know these things!” Akino said nervously, “I don’t know this situation either!”

Although Akino has emotional intelligence No, but IQ is still there. Knowing Bai Mo’s energy naturally shows weakness.

hearing this, Bai Mo indifferently asked, “Do you think, if you know, I will give you a chance to compete with me?”

“Um, No way! “Aka Ye said bitterly, this Bai Mo is simply not playing cards according to common sense.

At this time, Bai Mo moved towards one direction on the left, and there was a big tree.

On the big tree, a man felt Bai Mo’s sight and exclaimed in his heart, “If you are a Psychic, your perception is really sharp.”

“This Bai Mo Professor , No matter what it is, there is no offense. There is still room for recovery. It is better not to be guilty.”

Thinking of this, the man jumped directly from the tree and wandered over. In front of Bai Mo and Chi Ye, steady nodded and said, “Young Master, Bai Mo Professor.”

“You are!?” Chi Ye looked at the man strangely.

“My code name is 5, I was sent by the family to protect you, Young Master!” The man explained, and then looked towards Bai Mo, “Bai Mo Professor, Young Master is an unintentional fault, please don’t Remember the villain, don’t care about this.”

“I have notified patriarch that I will prepare a gift for you!”

“Don’t!” Hear the man’s words Bai Mo smiled and shook the head and said, “It’s a bit of a bully. Since it’s a misunderstanding, let’s compare it.”

“One to one!”

“As long as this Akano Young Master wins, it’s fine, he won’t show up in front of my woman in the future!”

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