“If I win, you can pay me something I need!”

“Okay, since it is Bai Mo Professor what you want!” Listen When arriving at Bai Mo, the bodyguard agreed directly for Akino.

Akano didn’t say anything about this, because he saw the Badge on the man’s shoulder, which was silver.

This is an Elite Trainer.

The Elite Trainer is not so boring to play with him.

So, a game was decided, and the entire group came to the battle field behind the Pokemon Center.

Knowing that Bai Mo and Akino were standing on opposite sides of the training ground, Mei and Toko reacted to what happened before.

They finally understand that they still underestimate the status of Bai Mo. The youngest Professor, this weight is quite impressive!

In comparison, because of what happened back then, Ram has a deeper understanding of Bai Mo’s rank and status.

In the arena, Bai Mo and Akino stand separately.

Because there was a game to watch, a lot of spectators immediately surrounded them. After seeing that one of them was the famous Bai Mo Professor, they immediately started calling friends, so a bunch of people moved towards this direction Come here!

Ignoring the surrounding crowd, the man previously acted as a temporary referee.

Bai Mo doesn’t have any comments on this!

Akino took the lead in taking out a Poké Ball and threw it in the middle of the field.

A red light flashed by, and a Pokémon that many people had never seen before appeared in front of everyone.

“Hey, it turned out to be a booming pheasant, Pokémon in Unova Region!”

After a while, someone reflected and exclaimed there!

Unova, Sinnoh and Kalos Region are located in the western hemisphere of the planet. It is too far away from Hoenn and other places such as Kanto and Johto in the eastern hemisphere. Normal can only be reached by plane, so the trainers in both places are Only after traveling to the three districts on my own side will I consider going to the three districts on the other side.

This time, it was also the Hoenn Region that Touzi wanted to avoid Yayi before he could do it by plane, but because of a video, everything became futile.

As a result, Akino came here!

“I think, with your knowledge of Bai Mo Professor, the booming pheasant shouldn’t need to be introduced by me!” After Pokemon was released, Akano stared at Bai Mo seriously, although his identity is no better than Bai Mo, but when it comes to the match, he is not stage fright.

Anyway, it is a year to become a quasi-Elite existence!

In response, Bai Mo smiled lightly, indifferent expression, Psychic swept across the booming pheasant!

“top grade Aptitude, what is the strength of the quasi-Elite intermediate rank!”

Learning the Aptitude and strength of the booming pheasant, Bai Mo did not feel surprised. Young Patriarch of the first-class family, it is nothing to have such a little background.

Moreover, it can be seen that the opponent must have not come up with his strongest battle strength.

“Perhaps it is to save face, or maybe I think this Pokémon is enough to defeat my Rookie Trainer, who has just set off for two months!” After thinking for a while, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and took out a Poké Ball moved towards the empty ground, and at the same time said loudly:

“Charizard, fighting!”

As Bai Mo’s voice fell, everyone looked at the middle peasant, a Charizard Emerge from Poké Ball middle farmer.

Charizard’s imposing manner looks very strong, and you know that you are well trained at a glance.

In this game, the people in the venue suddenly became hot.

“Really strong Charizard!” Seeing Charizard, I felt the imposing manner uploaded by it. As a member of the Flying Type and Normal Type specialization family, Akino sighed in his heart and converged. Contempt of emotions.

Originally, he thought that Bai Mo is a researcher and may not be a good Pokémon, but now it seems that he was wrong. In this game, there are still fights!

But soon, as a qualified Trainer, he has a stronger fighting spirit in his heart:

“Then, let me see, it’s your Charizard Strong, or my booming pheasant is stronger!”

Chapter 0170 Super-burning duel of rivals

On the field, the booming pheasant seemed to feel Akano’s mind and saw After Charizard flew into the air, he also flapped his wings and flew to in midair to confront it. The desire to fight appeared extremely strong.

On the side, the Elite man looked at Akino, laughing with satisfaction. Their Young Patriarch and innate talent may not be comparable to Bai Mo, but they are still very innate talent in commanding battles!

In every family, Young Patriarch has been inspected, after all, there will not be only one child.

Akano can become Young Patriarch only because he is the son of the current patriarch, but if he does not perform well, it is normal to be replaced.

As far as Akino is concerned, the innate talent in the battle is quite outstanding. As long as there is no setback in other places, there will be no problem.

Today, Chi Ye almost offended Bai Mo. This situation really scared the man. Fortunately, Chi Ye didn’t really call Bai Mo, otherwise, the heir of the family with no vision said It may be changed.

“Interesting!” After seeing the hesitation of entering the game, Bai Mo chuckled lightly, and the desire to fight in his heart became stronger, direct command Charizard said.

“Charizard, first hand attack, Dragon Claw!”

Following Bai Mo’s command, Charizard issued a roar, and two sharp claws sent white rays of light. , His body dropped rapidly, and before many people even noticed, he went straight to the thundering pheasant.

“Booming Pheasant, Claws of Crushing!”

Perhaps because of character, Booming Pheasant is a militant bird Pokémon, facing Charizard’s Dragon Claw, it’s not He didn’t evade, but screamed with excitement. Akino was naturally not one of the majority of people. Since Trainer, who is a booming pheasant, he knew a lot about booming pheasants, and he chose to confront directly.

I saw the black sharp claw of the right claw of the booming pheasant emit a cold white rays of light, and the stockpile greeted the Dragon Claw directly and grabbed it.

“Charizard, go all out!” Seeing the roaring pheasant’s head-on counterattack, Bai Mo smiled with a relaxed smile and shouted.

Charizard is a Pokémon who likes to fight. In the imposing manner, it will naturally not lose to the booming pheasant, but will directly fight it head-on.

In response to Bai Mo’s voice, Charizard made an unreserved shot. In the air, I saw the Dragon Claw, who had been directly facing the booming pheasant, plummeting, and the speed increased a few times. Minute.

In midair, the booming pheasant was also grabbed at this time, but wiped Charizard’s body and hit the empty space.

As soon as I caught the air, even as an excellent Flying Type Pokémon, the center of gravity of the booming pheasant’s body was unstable for a moment.

And this momentary opportunity happened to be grasped by Charizard. Dragon Claw once again hit the roaring pheasant in an instant, and the latter suddenly let out a painful cry, his figure backwards uncontrollably Flutter.

However, Akino’s training for this booming pheasant is obviously still good. Although it was overturned, it stabilized its body in an instant. Then, he let out an angry roar. Both of the pheasant’s claws emitted white rays of light, and then flew to Charizard quickly.

This booming pheasant, before receiving Chiye’s order, used a crashing claw again and grabbed it!

“It’s pretty stubborn!” Seeing the scene of the empty seed, Bai Mo gave a secret laugh and directed.

“Charizard, play with it in air combat, Wing Attack!”

At this time, Charizard in midair just stopped using Dragon Claw, and immediately noticed that he was fast behind The booming pheasant approaching himself.

Calculating the chance, Charizard expression congeals, a quick backflip of the body, unexpectedly appeared behind the booming pheasant.

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