“I’m really wondering whether to report to Alliance.”

“If Professor Bai Mo is interested, we can check it out first. After all, I heard of Professor your Psychic The level is very good.”

“so that’s how it is.” Hearing Tie Xuan’s words, Bai Mo immediately understood that Divine Beast appeared in the area of ​​Mauville City. That power plant should be the same as Tie Xuan. The power control is related, so the other party did not immediately report Officer Jenny to let someone handle it, but told Tie Xuan that Tie Xuan also has the responsibility to protect Mauville City.

Obviously, because Zaptos is an Electric Type, and because of the injury, Tie Xuan has a bit of ambition.

Of course, this non-separation is definitely not subjugation, because Divine Beast, if you are not directly defeating subjugation, you will not listen to you. Of course, if you are a criminal organization using other methods, you can Two said.

If Bai Mo guessed well, Tie Xuan would look at the situation and see if he could get some oil and water. A feather from Zapdos is enough for his Electric Type Pokémon. Has grown up.

As for talking to Bai Mo, it’s not that Tie Xuan showed kindness, but the ability of Bai Mo Teleport. This is because he is afraid of being hostile by Zaptos. After all, the opponent is in an injured state, so he must be on guard. Very heavy.

A good way to find the future.

Thinking about these key points, Bai Mo looked around Ram and the others, and immediately asked them to stay in the Pokemon Center.

The invitation to him is coming, but she doesn’t want Ram and the women to follow the risk. With Divine Beast, it’s hard to say what his temper is.

For example, Mew, Bai Mo is not dead, so I’m too lazy.

Hearing Bai Mo’s words, the three daughters of Ram are naturally nothing unusual. Mew glanced at Bai Mo and knew what he meant, and ordered nodded. Because of the element of testing, he only protected Bai Mo’s safety, the rest is Bai Mo’s own business.

Bai Mo’s consent made Tie Xuan also sighed in relief. Originally, he planned to directly report to Alliance. After all, with his strength, he went to Divine Beast. It was courting death, but now it’s different. Yes, Bai Mo is there, at least, escape is not a problem.

Later, Bai Mo and Ram and the others entered the Pokemon Center first. Bai Mo restored his Pokémon to their best condition. After all, I don’t know what they will face later. .

After Pokémon recovered, Bai Mo came to Mauville Gym again alone. Mew has changed back to the appearance of Pokemon, and I don’t know where he is hiding.

Before Mauville Gym, Tie Xuan, who was obviously well prepared, immediately greeted Bai Mo and said with a smile, “Bai Mo Professor, let’s go.”

“We need to speed up this matter. After a long time, it is difficult to guarantee that some people will not find it.”

“Well, please ask Tie Xuan Gym Leader to lead the way.” Bai Mo understands Tie Xuan’s Meaning, Divine Beast appeared in an area where people were after all. If this was discovered by someone, there would be unpredictable results, and none of these conditions would be good for them.

Later, under the leadership of Tie Xuan, Bai Mo followed him to a power plant set up on a lake outside of Mauville City.

At the same time, in a cold drink shop in Mauville City, a woman with long golden hair was really enjoying the ice cream in front of her, and she couldn’t help sighing, “Ai, such a carefree enjoyment My ice cream days are not much.”

“I will soon take up the title of champion. Bai Mo is the same. I have been waiting here for almost a week. Why is he not here? ?”

“Did you change the schedule?”

Just as the two girls sighed, the cold drink shop opened automatically, and three girls with very good looks Walked in from outside the door.

One of the girls exclaimed, “I don’t know if I will be in danger at this time.”

“No way, isn’t there a big sister there? ?” Another red-haired woman replied.

“Yes!” The previous woman also felt that she was a little worried about her thoughts, and she said with a smile, “Then you guys, can you get something good if you go this time?”

“It’s difficult if the big sister doesn’t make a move.” Next to her, another girl speculated, “After all, opponent, not simple.”

“Also!” The other two women hearing this are nodded.

After that, the three women were not discussing this matter, but began to discuss what to eat.

At this moment, the blonde beauty slowly stood up, and saw the girl who spoke last. This beauty knew very well that the Bai Mo Professor should have arrived.

Of course, just ask what the facts are.

At the same time, Bai Mo and Tie Xuan got on the speedboat to the power plant, and it took only a few minutes to reach the shore.

After getting off the shore, Bai Mo and Tie Xuan frowned, because the moment they set foot on this small island, a strong wave of fluctuations spread from the power plant in the middle of the island.

Just as Bai Mo and Tie Xuan thought it was Zapdos who had spotted them, when they were given a warning, two figures rushed out of the power plant and a collision occurred in the air.


A loud bang blew in the air, not only Bai Mo and Tie Xuan heard it really, but in Mauville City not far away, everyone listened It was clear that many people stopped their work and looked up in the direction where the sound came from.

Bai Mo also looked up and moved towards the sky at this time, and saw the situation in the sky, his eyes shrank.

“This is Latios and Zapdos!?”

“Looking at this posture, is it going to be a fight!”

Mew is also holding it at this time A bunch of snacks appeared somewhere, and he said with excitement in his eyes:

“There is a good show to watch!”

Chapter 0186Latios VSZapdos

” Mo!” Beside Bai Mo, Gardevoir, who had returned to a Pokemon state at this time, stretched out his hand and held Bai Mo’s hand, his eyes filled with worry.

The previous collision was so loud, the two Pokemon in the air were obviously not a normal fight, and now they are too close to this battlefield, it would be bad if something happened.

“It’s okay.” Bai Mo squeezed Gardevoir’s little hand, said with a smile, “This kind of battle, look good, this is a championship-level battle.”

Bai Mo has immediately probed the Aptitude and strength of the Zapdos and Latios in the sky through his own Psychic, which is different from Mew’s chaos. He can see the strength of these two Divine Beasts.

The two Divine Beasts have golden aura on their heads, which is the Divine Grade Aptitude that is common in Divine Beast. They are all at Level 3 Divine Beast, which is the championship level. Obviously It hasn’t fully grown up yet.

This game should be an evenly matched game.

At this moment, in Mauville City, the blonde woman also raised her head, frowning tightly.

“Shirona elder sister, what’s wrong?” Toozi asked, noticing the blond woman frowning.

“There is a champion-level Pokemon battle.” Shirona moved towards Touzi explained, “Listening to this voice, it is a champion-level Pokemon who is trying his best. The situation is a bit strange.”

” I’m going to have a look.”

Speaking, Shirona moved towards the door, but after just two steps, Shirona turned her head to Toozi and said, “Toozi, if Bai Mo Professor came back , Please tell him what I am looking for.”

“Okay, Shirona elder sister.” Toozi immediately ordered nodded, although this elder sister just met, but Toozi and the others But she feels very close.

And this, a large part of the reason is because of Shirona’s superpower that can directly communicate with the soul.

After Shirona left, Ram suddenly said at this time, “I feel that Shirona elder sister does not need our introduction at all.”

“Why?” Meng Wendao.

“Stupid!” He habitually lost her words, Toko explained, “Since it is a champion Pokémon match, it must be related to that Zapdos.”

” Shirona elder sister is now in the past, and you can definitely meet Mo.”

“It turned out to be like this.” Yai once again sproutingly nodded.

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