At this moment, Bai Mo is staring into the sky seriously.

In the air, this confrontation between Zapdos and Latios can be said to be a hard fight without reliance on tactics.

Latios’ body was enveloped in golden rays of light, and he used Mega to hit the Unique Ability and ran straight into Zaptos.

Zapdos couldn’t dodge, moved towards the back and flew far away, but he quickly flapped his wings to control his body.

Control your own body shape, Zapdos is also not to be outdone, open your mouth and condense an Electro Ball in your mouth, and instantly launch a Zap Cannon with huge formidable power.

Faced with Zap Cannon, Latios apparently got into a stiff state because of the Mega impact, and remained motionless there.

However, Level 3 Divine Beast is Level 3 Divine Beast. Although Latios can’t move, he also initially overcomes the complete rigidity after Unique Ability, facing Zap Cannon who shoots at him sharply. Latios finally shot out a purple light wave quickly.

Dragon Wave!


Another huge explosion sounded.

The Unique Ability used by the two Pokemon are equipped with Profound Truth controlled by various controls. The formidable power of Unique Ability and Normal Pokémon are used, which is completely different from the cloud and mud.

In the air, the Dragon Wave and Zap Cannon stalemate for a while, but obviously, Zap Cannon’s formidable power is stronger. Zap Cannon quickly overwhelmed Latios and instantly turned it into a stalemate. Shrouded, and moved towards the downward retreat.

Latios was hit directly into the lake.

Seeing that Latios fell into the water, Zapdos had no plans to settle down at all. A golden rays of light flashed in its eyes, and black clouds appeared throughout the sky in this brief moment, one After another, the thick lightning struck constantly above the water.

At this time, the entire lake is full of sparks.

“I’ll go!” Seeing this scene, Bai Mo and Tie Xuan directly exploded in foul language. They could hardly imagine that if this lightning strikes them, it is estimated that they will change in an instant. It’s coke.

This time, the two of them looked at each other in a tacit understanding, and the meaning in their eyes was very clear. Pay attention to playing Divine Beast, so don’t think about it for the time being.

This time, try to hide yourself and protect yourself.

But sometimes, it’s not that they want to protect themselves.

In the lake, don’t Zapdos hit two consecutive Electric Type Unique Ability hits, Latios called out in pain, and the same anger flashed in his eyes, and then his whole body was enveloped by Jin Yellow’s rays of light. Began to keep brewing.

After a few breaths, Latios opened his mouth, and a huge golden Energy Ball was moved towards the air by it.

This energy light ball rises extremely fast, and it flies out of the lake almost instantly, moving towards the position of Zapdos in the air.

Looking at the energy light ball flying towards me, a layer of Profound Truth of Flying Type appeared on the wings of Zapdos, enveloping the Profound Truth, Zapdos flashed its wings quickly, and a few flashes It is the Flying direction that leaves the energy photosphere.

But all this is obviously not over yet. After the energy light ball rises to a certain height, it seems to have lost the motivation to move on, and Normal stops.


Following a huge explosion, Bai Mo saw that the energy light ball in the sky burst instantly, and then turned into countless pieces of the same size. The energy light ball, and in the light ball, is wrapped a piece of Rock.

The surface of every piece of Rock is burning with flames, and the moved towards the position below is enveloped.

Moreover, on the surface of Rock, there are still weird fluctuations. These are all manifestations of Latios’s control of Dragon Type Profound Truth.

All this is like a dense meteor Normal.

“It’s Draco Meteor!” Seeing a scene, Bai Mo and Tie Xuan immediately realized something, and both eyes flashed with solemnity.

Such a dense Draco Meteor, and obviously with the Dragon Type Profound Truth controlled by Latios, if it really falls on this Ground, this small island is afraid that it will be instantly raze to the ground.

The two of them seem not to be spared either.

At the edge of the lake, Shirona was sitting on Togekiss’s back, and a dignified look flashed in her eyes:

“Draco Meteor with such a large formidable power is to make a full shot with Garchomp. Not much difference, what happened here?”

Chapter 0187 Rady Yas, the hidden secrets of the city of water!

“What the hell happened?”

Shirona looked at the situation in front of her, completely unable to understand the situation.

At this time, Mauville City Officer Jenny, who also discovered the situation at the power plant, also started to take action. All quasi-Elite Gym Trainers began to be called up, but because of the lack of Mauville City the strongest The Trainer is also the command of the Gym Leader Tie Xuan of Mauville Gym. The entire group has not yet started operations.

“Bai Mo Professor, what shall we do?” Looking at Draco Meteor in the sky, Tie Xuan asked, moving towards Bai Mo, he was powerless anyway.

“Don’t worry.” Hearing Tie Xuan’s words, Bai Mo opened his previously closed eyes and said, “Zapdos and Latios in this space did not deliberately affect the fluctuations. Teleport can be used. “

“If you want to escape, you can do it at any time.”

“That’s good.” Hearing Bai Mo’s reply, Tie Xuan finally sighed in relief, and then looked towards sky. .

At this time, because Draco Meteor was too close to the center of the explosion, Draco Meteor came again densely and quickly. Zaptos had no time to dodge at all, so he was hit by several Meteorites, and it was also a painting of golden rays of light. Fell to the ground.

The rest of the Rocks began to fall on the Ground, some small mountain rocks, trees, and even power stations.

Suddenly, Ground was smashed out of huge pits, the mountains were also smashed into rubble, and the periphery of the power station was constantly being destroyed, and one after another large holes appeared.

Fortunately, because of the arrival of Zapdos and the irritable atmosphere, the surrounding Pokémon were basically gone, so no Pokémon was harmed.

Bai Mo and Tie Xuan also accidentally dropped a piece of Rock on top of their heads, but Gardevoir used Teleport as soon as they discovered the situation, and the entire group quickly moved elsewhere.

Until this time, a water column suddenly appeared on the surface of the water, and the one that flew out of the water column was naturally Latios.



“ao wu ~~”

I saw Latios appear, a shape Similar to birds and very similar to Latios. Pokémon, with a streamlined body and Nancy-like feathers all over, suddenly appeared and screamed not far away from him.

The lower part of this Pokémon’s body is different from Latios. It is all red, with jet-like wings and fin-like feet.

On her chest, there is a blue triangle logo. And the upper part of her body is white like Latios.

Apart from this, the face of this Pokémon is red, with triangular ears, and the white pentagonal pattern on the forehead.

This is a Latias.


“so that’s how it is.”

At the immediate appearance of Latias, Bai Mo found her and started paying attention From the situation over there.

At this time, Latios told that Bai Mo also learned about it by telepathy.

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