Speaking, Shirona smiled very freely.

“Then you are welcome to join Shirona Young Lady.” To hide the excitement in his heart, Bai Mo stretched out his hand.

Seeing this, Shirona stretched out her hand and shook Bai Mo, and then said with a smile, “It’s fine for Professor Bai Mo to call me Shirona. I am only four years older than you.”


“Then Shirona, you can also call me Bai Mo.” Bai Mo also said immediately.

After that, the entire group chatted for a while, because I got a specific notice from Tie Xuan, saying that it would take ten days to refit the Gym at the earliest. In the end, the three of Bai Mo decided to go first. Lavaridge Town, challenge Moore, the ranked second Elite Gym Trainer.

I took a rest in Mauville City for one night. Early on the 2nd day, Bai Mo took Ram, Mei, Toko and Shirona, and lived a life of travel again.

The life of traveling is still very fulfilling. Every day, Bai Mo, Mei and Toko are training Pokémon. Bai Mo also took the time to teach Shirona to use his own superpower to communicate with Gardevoir and use the link ability. It feels that Bai Mo still has some great advantages.

This makes Shirona really didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, but when Bai Mo deliberately prepared ice cream for her, she chose to ignore it.

But at the same time, she also noticed Bai Mo’s strange feeling towards herself!

The route of Bai Mo and the others to Lavaridge Town is completely opposite to that of Ash in the anime.

After several days of travel, this day, the entire group walked out of the forest and came to a valley.

“Mo, everyone, didn’t expect that after coming out of the Spinda Garden on the top of the mountain, it will be this valley called the’Valley of Steel’.”

“Navigator It’s said that this is the territory of Steel Type Pokémon, and these Pokémon are very territorial, and often attack non-Steel Type Pokémon and humans that appear here.”

Stand out at the intersection of the valley, Ram watched As the navigator told the geographical situation in front of him, he seemed to be asking Bai Mo if he wanted to continue walking.

“Is it the territory of Steel Type Pokémon.”

Hearing what Rahm said, Bai Mo didn’t care at all in his heart.

What we have to face afterwards, at most, will encounter many battles when passing through this valley.

And this is just right, just to use these Steel Type Pokémon to take the spar obtained from Ho-Oh, Charizard who has just transformed Aptitude as the object of training.

By the way, I also test the results of training during this period of time.

Of course, if there is a good Pokemon, Bai Mo wouldn’t mind accepting it.

“Everyone, let’s go, you should be able to reach Lavaridge Town soon through this valley.” With a decision in his heart, he said to everyone, Bai Mo threw a Poké Ball.

With a flash of red light, Charizard appeared on Bai Mo and the others.

Looking at Charizard, which is obviously much stronger in imposing manner, Bai Mo clicked nodded with satisfaction, and both hands crossed near chest said, “Charizard, this is the Valley of Steel, there are many Steel Type Pokémon, now It’s time to test your training results during this period of time.”

“See if your endurance has improved, and there must be quasi-Elite Pokemon here, when the time comes, you have to perform well. !”

“Oh!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Charizard fighting intent filled the Spit Up with a burst of flames.

Beside Bai Mo, Mei thought about it and released her own Emboar, which is a typical example, while Ram took out the camera and prepared to record beautiful and wonderful pictures.

As for Shirona.

Well, Shirona is in a bad mood today, because in the morning, Bai Mo then felt the excuse of strength. After touching her hand for half an hour, it was a little bit of fruit that still meant that the afternoon continued.

This champion has a temper.

But soon, Bai Mo and the others began to travel through this valley!

“Charizard, Flamethrower!”

“Emboar, Flamethrower!”





After entering the Valley of Steel, Pokémon never stopped appearing all the way.

From the first Magnemite to Magneton, Bai Mo no longer remembers how many Pokémon attacks were defeated by Charizard and Emboar by himself and Mei.

But relative, there are many benefits. At least for now, Charizard has become more and more skilled in the ability of Flamethrower, whether it is formidable power, or use speed, accuracy, and control.

As Aptitude improved to perfection, Bai Mo was trained in this way.

Charizard’s progress is visible every day!

At the same time, outside of the Valley of Steel, on the back of a Swellow, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of a woman wearing a hat with a pair of lovely wings.

“I hope the news is okay, Skarmory, I hope there is.”

Chapter 0194 The Arrival of Winona

“Skarmory, really a relatively rare Flying Type Pokémon That’s it.”

As the girl sitting on Swellow approached the Valley of Steel, Bai Mo looked at the Pokemon that appeared in front of him and sighed with ease.

The whole body of this Pokémon is silver like armor. The wings are red and the mouth has sharp teeth. Naturally, the food is mainly steel.

It is exactly a Skarmory, and this kind of Skarmory obviously thinks that Bai Mo and others have entered its territory, so they come out to drive people.

Skarmory’s Aptitude Bai Mo saw it. It was high grade. When it came to the Core Zone of the Valley of Steel, the strength is naturally not weak, with elite-level strength.

However, Bai Mo is not at all intending to conquer Pokémon. In addition to looking at appearance and Aptitude, Bai Mo also focuses on Species Strength. Those with less than 500 Species Strength are not in his scope. Inside, he doesn’t even have the qualifications to become his second-tier Pokemon.

Of course, it is still possible to play a game and become the nourishment for Charizard’s growth.

At this moment, seeing Bai Mo and the others have not left after his tweet, Skarmory used Drill Peck to attack Charizard in the air.

“Charizard, avoid!”

Seeing that Skarmory’s attack was about to hit Charizard a short distance away, Bai Mo said lightly.

I saw Charizard’s wings fiercely, and a cyclone appeared, driving it to fly towards the upper side, and suddenly escaped the attack of Skarmory.

At this time, because of using Drill Peck, Skarmory couldn’t control the moved towards the front and flew for a certain distance. At this time, its back was completely exposed to Charizard’s attack range.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo immediately shouted, “Good opportunity, Charizard.”


Suppression level is lower than his own. Attribute restrained Skarmory, Bai Mo had no idea about Charizard’s huge unique ability with formidable power.

Following Bai Mo’s order, Charizard immediately turned around, a flame was brewing rapidly in his mouth, and it was sprayed out in no time.

Flamethrower’s attack appeared quickly and arrived very quickly. When Skarmory had no reaction at all, the flames had already reached its back and then enveloped it all.

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