Suddenly, Skarmory let out a groan. In the flames, Skarmory’s body trembled uncontrollably, apparently suffering a great deal of pain.

At this time, Charizard’s eyes flashed with red rays of light, the flame in his mouth suddenly changed, and a large-shaped flame appeared moved towards Skarmory’s body and flew away.

And the front and back of this big flame is connected to the flame, one end is Skarmory, and the other end is Charizard’s mouth.

“Finally comprehended, these days of exercise, especially today’s half-day uninterrupted training, are not in vain.” Seeing this scene of Unique Ability used by Charizard, Bai Mo’s mouth has a touch of radian.

Charizard this move, Bai Mo thought about it for a while and came up with it. It was a combination of Big Character Boom and Flamethrower.

The success of this move is due to Bai Mo being able to communicate directly with Charizard using his Psychic.

Bai Mo asked Charizard to feel the various sensations of the body when the Flamethrower Spit Up mouth, and the sensation of using the big letters, but told Bai Mo this feeling.

With the continuous feedback of information, Bai Mo discovered that these two Unique Ability channels can be integrated.

Because the method of using Flamethrower is to continuously spray out the Fire Element Energy in the body, and the big character explosion is to press the Fire Element Energy into a large font in a special way and spray it out. The energy is hidden in a burning big character.

And Bai Mo, is to let Charizard not only use these two abilities, familiarize themselves with the differences, slowly change, and then find a peculiar balance.

That is, after Flamethrower Spit Up, energy continues to brew into big characters, and finally with Flamethrower Spit Up, and Flamethrower will be used later to provide energy for big characters.

The formidable power of this move is far beyond the usual big characters, and the hit rate has also increased.


Skarmory was instantly enveloped by the flames of big characters at this time, and then a powerful explosion occurred.

When the Smokescreen generated by the explosion dissipated, what was revealed was Skarmory, who had lost its battle strength.

“Mo, congratulations, didn’t expect Charizard to master the combination of Dazibang and Flamethrower so quickly.”

For Charizard’s growth, aside Ram and the others are also one after another. I can’t help but exclaim when I see Charizard’s achievements…

It’s Shirona who is on the side, and there is also a flash of approval in his eyes, Bai Mo’s battle against innate talent and training of innate talent, through the past few days of contact, she has already had a very deep understanding, the young man in front of him becomes an existence of his own level, it is only a matter of time.

And this time is just time for Pokémon to grow up.

The main thing is to give Bai Mo a team of champion Pokémon now, and it may not even be impossible to play with her.

Thinking of this, Shirona looked towards Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with brilliance, but when I thought about it, Shirona was a little bit upset by this hateful man before taking advantage of it in the name of teaching.

“hmph, wait a minute, there are no more than five flavors of ice cream, don’t try to comfort me.”

For the compliments of the women around him, Bai Mo just smiled calmly and planned to greet me. They continued to move towards the mountain within the valley.

At this moment, it seemed that if he sensed something, he looked up towards the side of sky.

Where, a little dark shadow is constantly zooming in. Soon, this dark shadow came to Bai Mo and the others’ Sky.

It is exactly a Swellow.

Above Swellow, sitting there is the girl with a winged hat.

Moved towards the crowd below took a look and found that there was a Skarmory coma on the ground. The girl’s eyes shined and immediately said to Swellow patted under her, “Swellow, let’s go down!”


“Tear it~~!” After getting the command of his Trainer, Swellow immediately moved towards the top and flew away, and finally landed not far from Charizard.

When it fell on Ground, the girl on Swellow’s back fell directly onto the bottom, politely said with a slight smile to several people, “How are you guys.”

Speaking, the girl looked at Charizard, Skarmory, and Charizard side, Bai Mo, eyes shined and said, “You are Bai Mo Professor. It’s really my luck to meet you here!”

“no!” Upon hearing the girl’s words, Bai Mo said with a smile, “I can meet you from the Gym Trainer Winona Young Lady of Fortree City here.”

“Yes My luck is right.”

Boss of Chapter 0195: Steelix

“Bai Mo Professor know me?”

Hear Bai Mo Winona looked at Bai Mo curiously, and obviously didn’t know how the youngest famous Professor knew herself.

But next moment, Bai Mo gave the answer.

“Winona Gym Leader ranks ninth as the Hoenn Region Alliance Gym Trainer, and the quasi-Elite Gym Trainer first exists, and it’s so beautiful!”

“If I don’t If you know it, it seems a bit abnormal, isn’t it?”

Bai Mo asked with a slight smile.

“You’re too praised.” Winona smiled slightly, she was praised a lot, but the words came out of Bai Mo’s mouth, the feeling was different, and it made her heart I am still very satisfied, and I have a lot of affection for Bai Mo.

But this time Winona let go of her responsibilities as a Gym Trainer, but she has her own business and does not waste time. After complimenting each other with Bai Mo, Winona asked heartily. “Professor Bai Mo, don’t you know that this Skarmory is what you intend to take?”

Speaking, Winona reached out and pointed her hand to regain consciousness, but after seeing Bai Mo side Charizard, she has no fighting at all. Skarmory of intent.

This Skarmory, knows that its Aptitude is good, Winona has been paying attention for a long time, and recently received news that it appeared near the Valley of Steel.

As a civilian Gym Trainer, a Pokémon of high grade Aptitude is actually quite pretty good.

Top grade Pokémon, except for the most important ones, you don’t have to think about it.

When I heard Winona’s question, Bai Mo said with a smile very freely, “If Winona Gym Leader likes it, please feel free.”

This Skarmory, Bai Mo had no idea of ​​conquering, and Ram, Mei and Touzi had no interest in conquering either.

As for Shirona, uh, I believe that if it is not to be funny, you will definitely not subdue such a Pokémon breed.

Seeing Bai Mo and the others expressing that they don’t need to conquer this Pokémon, Winona was slightly surprised. In her opinion, this Skarmory is very valuable.

But Bai Mo doesn’t matter, it happens to be cheap for her. Thinking of this, Winona took out the Poké Ball and said to Skarmory, “We met again. Last time I let you run away. Now, I’m willing to do it. My Pokémon?”

Skarmory immediately ordered nodded when he picked it up. Although Bai Mo defeated her at this time, it had encountered Winona before and was defeated, too. It was because of speed that he escaped in the end.

Now being subdued, it will not feel dissatisfied in its heart.

Seeing that Skarmory had no problem, Winona ordered nodded and threw a Poké Ball. She asked Skarmory that she didn’t really follow the other party’s wishes, but just wanted to make sure that her Pokémon would completely obey herself.

Skarmory was successfully subdued, and Winona’s face was filled with a smile, and he immediately ordered nodded and said to Bai Mo, “Bai Mo Professor, many thanks, I really don’t know how to repay you. “

“You don’t need to thank you.” With a light smile, Bai Mo’s eyes suddenly changed, “I just don’t know if you have Badge in Winona Gym Leader. If you can, I hope to be with you Play a game with Badge as a bet.”

“Gym challenge.” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Winona was not surprised. Trainer was challenged while traveling outside and was recognized by Alliance, but he couldn’t In the wild, it needs to be in the center of Pokemon, or borrowed from other gym places, because Trainer’s Gym and Alliance need to be recorded.

“Badge, I brought it!” After thinking about it, Winona said with a smile, “But you can’t fight here. If Bai Mo Professor insists, you can go to the nearby Pokemon center to fight.”

“I remember, there happened to be a Gym near here on the cliff, but it echoed my Fortree Gym’s style of playing field.”

Hearing Winona’s words, Mei eyes shined, “In this case, Pokémon can be replaced and restored, so Touzi and I can also play against each other.”

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