Toozi is also in the same situation, and naturally he also cleverly stretched out his hand.

Except for the two, the coolest person is not the usual careless Mei, nor the Milotic who always calls Bai Mo his master, nor the black-belly Little Loli Mew and the arrogant Ram.

It was Serperior, she stood up directly, came to the opposite side of Bai Mo, and reached out her cold hand to wipe Bai Mo up.

Of course, when this iceberg beauty came to Bai Mo’s side and looked at some of his equipment up close, there were still a few beautiful and alluring red clouds on his face.

Bai Mo just watched and stayed there anyway!

With Serperior’s initiative, Milotic also not to be outdone, stood up and came to Bai Mo’s front road.

“Master, let me wash you with these two of your favorite balls!”

Chapter 0214 takes advantage of it, and the Gym game begins!

Hearing what Milotic said, Bai Mo couldn’t help but look up. The peaks and the red are really imaginative.

On the side, Serperior, who was wiping Bai Mo’s chest, straightened her chest as soon as she saw it. She was still very proud of her breasts, but she would not be inferior to Milotic.

Seeing this scene, the women around felt a little inferior. Mew looked down at his figure, curl one’s lip uncomfortable, and then slipped and lifted his feet to Bai Mo’s face. Blushing, turning his head, whispered, “Bai Mo, you will wash my feet.”

“Then I will deference is no substitute for obedience!” Bai Mo reached out and grabbed it all at once After playing with Mew’s little feet, what Mew Little Loli wants to say that Bai Mo feels can’t stop, it is this pair of small and cute feet.

I really can’t help but want to take care of it, and I can’t help but want to play.

Feeling Bai Mo’s touch, Mew’s face turned red.

Around me, I saw that Mew was beginning to take advantage of his own advantages. Naturally, Yayi and other women were not to be outdone.

This time, Bai Mo can be regarded as enjoying the blessings of all people.

Of course, if you want to open a group “Pa”, it’s definitely not enough. It’s the first time for several girls, so I don’t want to give up my first place in front of other women in this place. Times.

However, Bai Mo feels that it is okay to go to Toozi and Gardevoir to discuss life together at night. After all, so many benefits have ignited the flames in his heart to the highest level.

In the evening of the song, I went to Bai Mo to soak in hot springs, take a sand bath, and go shopping. In the morning of the 2nd day, Bai Mo and Touzi and other women came to Lavaridge Town Gym. outside.

“Is anyone here? We are here to challenge Gym.”

Lavaridge Town Gym is built in the backyard of the residential house, so Bai Mo is not easy to go directly Going in, I had to stand at the door and rang the doorbell and shouted.

“Oh~ Finally, there is a Trainer to challenge again.” Bai Mo just rang the doorbell and couldn’t save it. A girl with red hair, navel and tights, energetic and bustling opened. Door, with a surprised expression on his face, seemed to be happy for someone to come here to challenge.

“Hello, my name is Bai Mo. I am here to challenge Moore Gym Leader. Is Moore Gym Leader at home?” Seeing each other, Bai Mo recognized her and it was Ash who came to Hoenn. At the time of the challenge, Asha, Moore’s granddaughter who took over the job of Lavaridge Gym Gym Trainer!

“Yes, here.” When Yasha heard Bai Mo’s words, she quickly nodded, her eyes became a little brighter, and she happily said, “My name is Yasha, and Moore is my grandfather. I’ll come in, didn’t expect Bai Mo Professor. You are really here. Grandfather also said that you will definitely come to challenge him. The venue should be ready.”

Without giving Bai Mo a chance to speak, Asha took Bai Mo and several other women and walked inside.

Seeing this, Bai Mo looked at each other and followed them with a smile.

What is the special feature of the battle field of Lavaridge Gym? It is a Normal battle field. When Bai Mo and his party followed Yasha, a white-haired old man was already standing in the gym leader’s field. In terms of position, the referee is already in place.

Asha exclaimed to Moore excitedly, “Grandfather, what you said is right, Professor Bai Mo really came to challenge.”

“Of course I can’t be wrong. !” Although Moore was very old, he was full of anger and laughed at his granddaughter’s pampering, so he looked at Bai Mo sharply and said, “Professor Bai Mo, when I heard from you, I knew I was like you. Such a character will definitely come here.”

“But, you must have heard of it. Although I will not use Pokemon as the main force of Elite Four, since I became the Gym Leader, Few people can take away the Heat Badge. Therefore, many Trainers will not choose to challenge the Lavaridge Gym with extreme heat.”

“When you come here, regardless of whether you win or lose, it already shows that you are better than the Normal Trainer. There are a lot of outstanding.”

In this regard, Bai Mo looked confident, lightly said with a smile, “Moore Elite, I am here to challenge, naturally to win the Badge, so after the battle, Heat Badge will definitely It belongs to me!”

“hahaha ~ well, it’s been a long time since I met Bai Mo Professor such a confident boy, let me see your strength!” Moore said with a big smile, ” But before the game starts, let me ask you, do you want to play the regular game or the official game!”

The regular season is the way to play Normal Elite Gym. Gym Trainer will release a Top Rank Pokémon first. Check whether the Trainer is eligible for the challenge, and then send elite, quasi-Elite or even Elite Pokémon to the exam school based on the situation.

Officially, that is, Trainer will directly take out Pokémon at least quasi-Elite for the battle, and it is a formal battle.

“Of course it is a formal game, so that my Pokémon can grow faster.” Hearing Moore’s words, Bai Mo made a decision without the slightest hesitation.

It is rare to play against Pokémon and his Pokémon at the level of Elite Four. Bai Mo naturally has to make good use of it and let his Pokémon fully absorb the experience.

“Okay!” He cast an appreciative look at Bai Mo, and the referee on the side Moore moved towards motioned.

“Now the Lavaridge Gym Trainer and the challenger Bai Mo will use Gym Badge as the wager of the competition. Three Pokémons are used. When any Pokémon loses its battle strength, the battle is over. There is only challenge in the game. Players can change Pokémon at will.” The referee who received Moore’s signal immediately announced the rules, and then seeing that both of them were ready, they immediately shouted, “The game begins!”

“Go, Torkoal!” as a Gym Trainer, Moore released Pokémon first.

Poké Ball opened, and what appeared in the venue was an orange-brown body, a black-gray turtle shell, and a black-gray ring stripe on each of its limbs and long neck. There are three claws on one foot, a short tail on the back, five fiery-red depressions around the tortoise shell, and a small hole at the top.

It is Torkoal, a tortoise with coal burning inside!

After Torkoal appeared in the field, a thick black smoke immediately sputtered up between the nostrils and the back shell.


“top grade Aptitude, quasi-Elite intermediate rank, deserves to be the Elite Four who has lived for such a long time and has a champion Pokémon!”


Thinking about it, Bai Mo also took out a Poké Ball.

“Come out, Charizard!”

“Huh, the Pokémon of Flying Type and Fire Element?” Seeing Bai Mo take out Charizard, Moore asked depressedly, “Bai Mo , You know you want to challenge me, don’t you have prepared Water Type Pokémon?”

“Moore Gym Leader, Water Type Pokémon is advantageous to Fire Element, but it doesn’t mean that other Attributes cannot win.” Bai Mo lightly saying, “Moreover, my Charizard is as strong as your coal ghost. This time, it depends on the level of the two of us!” Of course, Bai Mo has another fact that he didn’t say is Milotic. With such a perverted Aptitude, he became an Elite after being trained for more than a month. Is it abusive to let it go?

Then when the time comes Moore, I was angry but took out the champion Pokémon, where would I cry?

Is Mew there?

Chapter 0215 Champion Trainer Battle Rhythm

Hearing Bai Mo’s domineering words, Moore was very happy to touch his beard, said with a smile, “haha, That’s right, then let me see how you can defeat my Torkoal!”

“As you wish, Charizard, Air Slash!” Bai Mo unceremoniously took the lead in attacking, Moore He has lived a few lifetimes, and he is still a champion trainer like the Elite, not comparable to Maxie.

Such people must be treated with caution.

In midair, flying Charizard flapped its wings, and several half-moon-shaped air blades appeared in the void and cut to Torkoal.

“Torkoal, Rapid Spin!” Moore ordered calmly.

On Ground, facing the fierce air blade, Torkoal was not afraid, quickly retracted his limbs into the shell, and then began to spin quickly on the spot.


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