With the sound of several collisions, Torkoal bounced off the cut Air Slash easily and slid to one side of the field. Tackle was on the ground, leaving a few tracks. Deep marks.

After doing all of this, Torkoal continued to fly in the direction of the moved towards Charizard.

Seeing this, Bai Mo shouted immediately. “Charizard, avoid!”

“Torkoal, Flamethrower!” Moore counterattacked easily.

In the air, when the Torkoal Rapid Spin came over, Charizard, who was ordered by Bai Mo, flapped his wings and flew in the air. Bai Mo usually did not waste his flying training. Although his body is not small, he Fly flexibly in the air, easily avoiding the Rapid Spin.

And Torkoal at this time heard Moore’s command, and the moment he got the command, his body stopped spinning, his head quickly stretched out of the shell behind a hot flame and Spit Up in his mouth, yes Shot Charizard in the air.

This time, Charizard did not dodge anymore, and Flamethrower hit its back in an instant, slamming Charizard into Ground.

However, the effect of Fire Element Ability on Fire Element Pokémon was halved. Moore asked Torkoal to use Flamethrower, obviously not for the purpose of causing damage.

Just as Bai Mo was thinking about Moore’s motives, the latter shouted at this time, “Torkoal, Body Slam!”

In the air, Torkoal got the order, and his whole body was completely relieved. After opening it to increase its coverage area, it was pressed down in the direction of moved towards Charizard.


Seeing this scene, Bai Mo opened his mouth to give an order, but at the next moment, a trace of cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

“It’s so powerful, it almost pulls me into his fighting rhythm!”

Glanced at Moore with a solemn look, deeply feeling that one of the Hoenn Elite Four has a strong commanding ability On the contrary, Bai Mo’s mouth has an extra radian.

Bai Mo not at all rushed to the slightest fear, but was aroused by fighting spirit. On one side, he said solemnly, “Charizard, Protect!”

Heard Bai Mo’s order , Charizard shook his head, expression congeals, recovered from the damage caused by Flamethrower before, wings controlled his falling figure, and a white rays of light also appeared in his body, quickly forming a protective mask .


After Torkoal’s Body Slam directly pressed on the guardian rays of light, after the two Pokémon stood in a stalemate for a while, Torkoal was immediately bounced away.

“Ancient Power!” Observing Charizard carefully, suddenly Bai Mo expression congeals shouted.

“Iron Defense!” Moore reacted almost at the same time as Bai Mo.

In the venue, Charizard’s Protect light curtain disappeared at this time, and after Bai Mo’s order, he immediately opened his mouth and emitted a yellow energy light wave.

The light wave appeared extremely fast, and it was sent straight towards the Torkoal that was bounced away, and it arrived in no time.

“hong long!”

A huge explosion occurred, and everyone saw Torkoal being blown out in panic Growl.

Obviously, although Moore, as the trainer’s command, kept up with the rhythm and responded very quickly, the quasi-Elite Pokemon he sent could not keep up with this rhythm.

In other words, Bai Mo has already been plotting against. The Ancient Power Ability can hit the opponent’s speed. Unless Moore predicts it, otherwise, the Pokemon he sent is only a quasi-Elite Pokemon that can’t respond. of.

“Charizard, counterattack, Air Slash!” After getting rid of Moore’s rhythm, Bai Mo didn’t dare to slack off, and directly pursued the victory.

“Oh, I broke free so soon.”

“As expected of Bai Mo Professor, I won the battle against Maxie.”

Moore Realizing that his fighting rhythm has been broken, it is not surprising in his heart that Pokémon cannot be directly crushed when he is at the same level of strength. It is Trainer’s command, Bai Mo, who is obviously similar to himself.

“I really have the level of a championship, I have something to do when I am young.”

He secretly praised, but Moore continued to order, “Torkoal, Rapid Spin!”


As soon as the blown up Torkoal heard Moore’s words, he shrank his limbs and revolved quickly and bounced the Air Slash away, and then counterattacked towards Charizard.

“The same trick is of no use to me!” Bai Mo immediately shouted, “Charizard, to Ground use Air Slash!”

Charizard’s wings violently stirred up for several and a half months The air-shaped blade is released with a sharp imposing manner.

“Bang! Bang! Bang……” The voice sounded one after another.

Because the Air Slash of Charizard use keeps appearing with air blades, constantly hitting on the Ground, immediately agitating patches of dust. These dusts are just in the middle of Torkoal and Charizard.

“Not good, Torkoal, stop!” Moore’s voice came at this time with a hint of panic.

At this moment, because of the dust, neither Moore nor Torkoal knows about the situation on the opposite side. If the latter rushes through like this, they still don’t know what the situation will be!

The most important thing is that even if Torkoal can react one or two times, Moore does not have the same Psychic as Bai Mo because of the dust cover, and he can’t see the other side in a short time. Inability to make judgments and commands.

In this case, the game between Charizard and Torkoal will have a championship-level trainer command gap. This gap is fatal when the trainer is about the same strength and is not clearly dominant!

The corners of Bai Mo’s mouth, at this time, also evoked an arc!


“Rock Slide!”

Chapter 0216, Game 2, Elite Battle!

Although Moore’s command came very quickly, Torkoal was able to hit Charizard very fast. Even if he had to stop this time, he couldn’t stop it for a while.

When Torkoal started to respond to Moore’s commands, stopped his spinning body, and stretched out his head, he was already on the other side of the smoke, and Charizard was not far in front of him.

At the same time, Charizard had already stepped on Ground, and a huge Rock appeared in front of him, and he was punched towards Torkoal.

There was no time for Torkoal to react. With a sound of “hong long”, Torkoal was hit by a rock ball and flew out.

“Charizard, Air Slash!” After a hit, Bai Mo ordered again.

Charizard’s wings stirred again, launching several air blades straight across Torkoal, but facing the crisis that he could not see, and the Torkoal crisis, Moore had recovered after the initial tension Calm down.

Alliance Elite Four is not called, and such a small problem is not a problem. It’s just that I haven’t encountered it for a long time, so I feel a little slow.

“Since I can’t see it, I don’t play strategy anymore.” Moore’s eyes became sharp, and he shouted directly, “Torkoal, Overheat! (burning out)”


When I heard Moore’s command, Bai Mo was also startled. This trick is the ability of formidable power second only to Blast Burn in Fire Element Ability. Formidable power should not be underestimated.

This move is to use all of your power to attack, and for this reason, you will receive a certain degree of reaction force, which will reduce the special attack a lot.

Before, Bai Mo always wanted Charizard to learn this move, but unfortunately he couldn’t find a way to get started, so he gave up. Then because of a coincidence, he used Flame Charge and Flare Blitz before and learned it. Blast Burn.

Bai Mo also didn’t plan to let Charizard learn this move.

This move, with the increase in use, will make Torkoal’s attack power decrease. This is the first time I use it. It is the first time for formidable power. Bai Mo doesn’t want Charizard and it meet force with force, So he said loudly, “Charizard, use Protect!”

In the field, on the side of the smoke and dust, Torkoal’s entire body emits red rays of light, which seems to have gathered all his flame energy Normal , And then, with a mouth, a huge three-color flame sprayed out in the direction moved towards Charizard.

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