The air blade brought by the Air Slash that Charizard used before was instantly smashed in this flame, and then the three-color flame continued to move towards Charizard.

Feeling the hot energy from the opposite side assaults the senses, Charizard also unfolded the Protect light curtain at this time, and the white rays of light instantly covered it.

After all, Charizard and Torkoal are at the same level, even if Torkoal uses a big move, under the protection of the Protect light curtain, Charizard still uses the light curtain to protect himself from the influence of Overheat.

Although he was not injured, the huge formidable power of Overheat struck, Charizard directly against the light curtain or was forcibly pushed by the huge power of the flame against the wall on the side of the gym field. on.

I waited until the formidable power generated by Overheat disappeared, and then the panting Charizard reappeared in the field. Obviously, it was very difficult to maintain the Protect’s light curtain just now.

The principle of Protect is to form a defensive light curtain, and the degree of defense depends on the degree of power output by Pokémon. The more output, the stronger the defense, but the physical strength will also be lost a lot, but It will be much better than being hit by Unique Ability.

This is why Protect will be useless when you are hit by Pokémon whose strength is far beyond your own, because you gather all your strength and cannot stop the formidable power of a blow.

Similarly, if a low level attacks you, you only need to use the energy in your body to block the attack.

Successfully blocked this wave of Overheat’s Unique Ability, Bai Mo would naturally not let go of the opportunity to attack, and said loudly, “Repay it, Blast Burn!”

In the venue , Charizard, who received Bai Mo’s order, immediately gathered flames on his body, and then slammed into Torkoal. After pouring Flame Power all over his body, Charizard moved towards the air and flew away.

At the same time, the flames accumulated in front of Torkoal exploded instantly, and the formidable power generated was even greater than the previous Overheat, and a cloud of smoke was also aroused.

After the smoke dispersed, Torkoal had passed out.

“Torkoal loses battle strength, Charizard wins!” The referee immediately announced the result.

Until this time, the people around watching the game let out a sigh of relief. Yes, they let out a sigh of relief.

The previous match between Bai Mo and Moore, don’t look like it was very long, but the total time spent will not exceed 3 minutes.

3 minutes, only 3 minutes was the winner. While everyone lamented the fast pace, they were also shocked by Bai Mo’s performance.

Of course, Toozi and other women are more like being proud.

The Fire Element restraints are Ground Type, Rock Type and Water Type. Before, Charizard used Ground Type’s Ancient Power and Rock Type’s rock wall and finally used Fire Element’s biggest trick to defeat Torkoal. It is also reasonable!

At this time, Bai Mo is thinking about letting Charizard learn Overheat. It is true that this Ability formidable power is not as good as Blast Burn, but it has the advantage of long-range attacks and can be a good killing move.

“Come back, Torkoal, thank you!” Moore took out the Poké Ball at this time and took Torkoal back, and then said with a smile to Bai Mo, “Bai Mo Professor, this It’s a very good offensive and defensive battle. A quasi-Elite level battle. Just go find those ordinary gym leaders. I’m going to be more serious now.”

“Here is my second one. Pokémon.”

“Come out, Camerupt!”

Although Moore didn’t say too much compliment, but it contained a lot of content in just one sentence, Bai Mo shook it. Don’t think about Overheat for now.

At this moment, seeing Moore release the second Pokémon, he instinctively swept it with Psychic.

“Elite Primary Rank, top grade Pokemon!”

“Very well, it’s finally time to fight Elite.” A flash of fire flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo immediately took it back because Charizard was panting too fast, and then took out a Poké Ball and threw it out.

“Milotic, this time, it’s up to you!”

This time, Bai Mo dispatched Milotic who has been breakthrough to the Elite level!

“Oh, Milotic, have you finally taken out the Water Type Pokémon!?” Moore asked Milotic by surprise. After all, although Milotic is famous, there are few people who own it. Of course, battle strength is also very good. Strong.

And Bai Mo took out Milotic at this time, Milotic’s strength must be at least quasi-Elite.

It will be another exciting battle.

Unconsciously, Moore’s eyes became serious!

Chapter 0217 Elite Pokemon battle!

When I heard Moore’s words, Bai Mo faintly smiled and said, “Of course, Moore Gym Leader, your Camerupt strength is obviously Elite. Although Charizard is not injured, he has experienced the high-paced After the battle, the remaining stamina will not be too much.”

“It is not enough to fight against the Elite Camerupt. Use Water Type Pokémon is also the right time.”

“oh?” Moore is so mature, he immediately understood what Bai Mo meant. Eyes slightly narrowed and said, “putting it that way, you are confident that the third Pokémon sent by yourself is confident to defeat me even if it is not a Water Type.” The Trump Card?”

The Trump Card that Moore said is naturally not a real Trump Card, but the strongest battle strength that Gym rules can produce, Elite Peak Pokémon.

As for the champion class Bai Mo thought about, uh, that doesn’t exist. Gym is a test place, not a hindrance!

“Hehe, at this point, when the time comes wait and see, Moore Gym Leader, you are, now let’s go to the second round, I will give you a surprise first!” Said, Bai Mo ordered to Milotic, “Milotic, use Confusion to catch Camerupt!”


When you hear Bai Mo’s words, don’t say Moore, it’s the surrounding buds. and the others exclaimed.

Although there are not many users of Milotic, because of its beauty and strength, it is well-known, but no one has ever known that Milotic would actually use an ability like Confusion.

Among the people, Mew was the only one who looked indifferent, Milotic could use Confusion, or she told Bai Mo.

Each Pokémon of Divine Grade has a special innate talent. This innate talent is more than a cow from Shiny Pokémon’s Shiny Characteristic Trait. Milotic has been alone in the cave for so long, and it has been nurtured. Shape grass, the outstanding Mental Force is an advantage.

During this period, under the guidance of Mew and Gardevoir, Confusion can be used initially.

For this kind of thing, Bai Mo readily accepted it, because he thought of Kanto’s Millennium Gastly and Johto’s Psychic Ninetales.

Because of this, Bai Mo can’t help feeling a little hot. These two Pokemon definitely have at least a perfect level of Aptitude, and their strength must be above the Elite level.

“haha, Bai Mo, you too underestimated my Camerupt, don’t you think Psychic is almighty if you are a Psychic? And it’s the Psychic used by Milotic!” Right here At the time, Moore, who was the first to recover from the fact that Milotic would Confusion, laughed a few times and said loudly, “Camerupt, show your strength, use Take Down!”

In the venue, get Bai Mo commanded Milotic’s eyes to be filled with blue rays of light, and a wave of not weak Psychic appeared in Camerupt’s surroundings, turning it into the center.

Just when Milotic was about to take control, Camerupt, who received Moore’s command, suddenly roared, and his whole body forcefully broke away from Confusion, his two hind legs pressed hard, his limbs stepped, and he quickly rushed towards Milotic.

This sudden scene did not give Milotic time to react. It only allowed her to step on the surface with a Mental Force to isolate her from Camerupt, and Milotic was knocked out.

At this time, Charizard stepped on his feet and continued to rush towards Milotic, obviously wanting to give Milotic a continuous blow with this blow.

“What a great power! What a fast speed!” I was slightly surprised, seeing Camerupt continue to hit the hit Milotic, Bai Mo’s mouth showed a hint of said with a sneer, “Milotic, Water Pulse!”

As Bai Mo’s voice fell, Milotic, who was still flying backwards, did not release Psychic to protect his body, but quickly stabilized his body, and then when Camerupt was about to hit him, A dark blue color flashed in his eyes.

A water blue Energy Ball appeared on Milotic’s chest, and it happened to be printed on Camerupt’s head. Suddenly, the Water Pulse spread out completely, as if the fountain Normal drove Camerupt back.

Being concentrated by such Water Pulse, Camerupt suddenly sent out a painful Growl.

“Good judgment!” Moore couldn’t help exclaiming at this moment. Before Bai Mo’s order had been given early, he might find a way to order Camerupt to avoid it.

The next night, even for a short while, Camerupt will seize the opportunity to hit him directly.

But the fact is the scene in the field. It can be seen that the time it took Bai Mo to make a move against Milotic and the time it took Camerupt to crash into Milotic have been carefully calculated…

The most important thing is that it can cause such damage to Camerupt. Milotic’s strength is absolutely Elite. The Water Type Unique Ability already contains a comprehensible Profound Truth.

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