“Milotic, chase after victory, Water Pulse!” At this moment, Bai Mo ordered again.

I saw Milotic returned to Ground under the Help of Confusion, and once again gathered a Water Pulse water ball on his chest and smashed it towards Camerupt.

“Camerupt, Lava Plume, Take Down!” Moore is not a good match either. Although he just suffered a loss, he quickly counterattacked and used a combination move!


With a muffled sound, everyone saw Camerupt’s back and the two humps that looked like Volcano’s normal humps. Suddenly, Spit Up was a black smoke glowing with red light. .

The black smoke, accompanied by one after another heat wave assaults the senses, soon diffused in Camerupt’s jet, covering himself and blocking Milotic’s sight.

And the black smoke is still spreading, covering Milotic’s side.

“Milotic, Protect!” Seeing this scene, Bai Mo can only make Milotic passively defend.

At this moment, in the smoke, a red figure quickly rushed out to hit Milotic. Fortunately, Milotic’s body was covered by the white light curtain, not at all hurt.

At this time, the flaming figure failed with a single blow, and quickly rushed into the smoke, and then rushed out again.

Protect rays of light began to be tackled continuously!

There was a faint sign of breaking apart.

At this moment, Camerupt is like a fish back in water in Lava Plume. The fast attack makes Milotic no time to find out the location of Camerupt, and can only passively use Protect rays of light to withstand the attack.

Seeing that the Protect rays of light are about to dissipate under Camerupt’s continuous take down with Flame Power, Bai Mo’s eyes suddenly flashed a flash of light, and he immediately shouted after discovering the situation in the field:

“Milotic, to Ground use Water Pulse!”

The outbreak of Chapter 0218 after suppression, Milotic wins

Protect rays of light on Milotic’s body in the field at this time was hit by Camerupt again and finally disappeared.

At the same time, Milotic heard Bai Mo’s command. With a flash of beautiful eyes, a Water Pulse gathered in his chest and blasted toward Ground.

Suddenly, the water polo that Water Pulse transformed into hit the ground and burst into pieces, turning into large waves of water rushing towards all directions.

Camerupt, who was about to rush over from the side of the smoke to cause damage to Milotic, also did not react, and was instantly lifted out by the water waves. Although the injury was not serious, it bought Milotic time.

Seizing the opportunity, Bai Mo immediately commanded, “Milotic, Twister!”

Milotic heard the order, eyes with weird purple rays of light, and the whole body began to twist , A wave of Twister was generated, and moved towards Camerupt, which was flying towards her, swept over.

By the way, I also blown away the Lava Plume made by Camerupt.

At this time, Camerupt has recovered from the diffuse Water Pulse just now, and directly Take Down, and took a long brewing flame at Milotic Spit Up.

The sudden arrival of flames immediately hit Milotic, and then flew her out into the air.

But Camerupt’s move made it fall into the Twister made by Milotic again. It was temporarily blocked, and it continued to be hurt.


Seeing Milotic flying into the air, Bai Mo was shocked and hurriedly shouted anxiously. You know, Milotic has been under attack since the beginning. Although he was not harmed, it also consumed a lot of Milotic’s stamina, and now he was completely hit, which is really worrying.

Fortunately, after hearing Bai Mo’s voice, Milotic immediately had a kind Growl to Bai Mo, which made Bai Mo also relaxed.

Milotic is Water Type Pokemon after all, and the damage caused by being hit by Fire Element Unique Ability is not very large.

“haha, it is rare for your Milotic to achieve this level. Here is the final blow, Camerupt, release your power, Eruption (Volcano outbreak)!”

When Moore was in the battle, he felt that he was unconsciously caught in the feeling of playing against several other Elites. The whole person’s mental outlook has changed, becoming showing off one’s ability.

The imposing manner revealed invisibly made the surrounding women such as Yayi, Toozi and others breathless.

But Bai Mo, who was directly targeted by this imposing manner, seemed peaceful.

Seeing this scene, Moore’s eyes were even more appreciative, and Toozi and Yayi’s hearts were touched in a strange way. The two looked at each other and made a tacit understanding in the heart. Kind of decision.

Camerupt stopped running and stopped below Milotic’s whereabouts. Then, with a loud roar, the tissue of the mouth of Volcano on his back made a loud “hong long” sound, and there was a lava. The Normal fire column gushes out, rushing straight towards Milotic.

“Eruption?!” Hearing Moore’s command to Camerupt, Bai Mo heart startled, he immediately said loudly, “Milotic, Protect!”

Eruption is something special The strongest Fire Element Pokémon can use is no less than the Fire Element Ability of burst burning. Of course, the final formidable power depends on the physical strength of the Pokémon. The more physical strength, the greater the formidable power.

This is the first time Bai Mo has seen such an Ability. While shocked, he also directly used Psychic to give orders in Milotic’s heart.

Hearing Bai Mo’s order, Milotic also immediately used Protect Ability.

But before the light curtain on Milotic’s body completely protected her, the pillar of fire from the Spit Up behind Camerupt had rushed up to her at this time, and instantly enveloped her body.

Seeing this scene, everyone around is not aware of Milotic’s situation, and Bai Mo does not know whether Milotic has Protect.

Looking at the pillar of fire soaring into the sky, the three girls of Yayi couldn’t help clenching their hands. Ram also forgot to press the shutter button. Bai Mo also had serious eyes, but he didn’t use Psychic to observe, because there was no necessary.

Eruption is an explosive Ability, so it cannot last. The pillar of fire rushes and then gradually dissipates. Among them, Milotic’s situation is once again revealed in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

After seeing the dazzling white light in the pillar of fire gradually dissipating, the girls’ clenched hands slowly loosened. At this moment, they only felt that their entire palms were wet. The back was also completely wet with sweat.

If Milotic is hit by the Eruption Ability with Fire Element Profound Truth, even as a Water Type Pokémon, the effect will be halved and the damage will definitely be a lot!

Bai Mo also let out a sigh of relief at this time, and then said loudly, “Milotic, Hydro Pump!”

Milotic showed a Sky Drop movement after removing the Protect light curtain on his body. After receiving Bai Mo’s order, she immediately opened her mouth. A huge stream of water with the power of Profound Truth sprayed directly towards Camerupt with the force of falling, and even injected directly into the back of Eruption Tuo, ” Volcano mouth”.

“roar!” Accompanied by a muffled sound of pain, Camerupt suddenly let out a huge roar, and his expression wilted in an instant.

“Oh, the substance in Camerupt is similar to lava. This time it was directly hit by the Hydro Pump. The water flow directly into the body, it will definitely cool down, and even the body’s reaction will also drop.”

Moore, of course, knows very well about his Camerupt. Seeing this, I don’t know the situation of Camerupt. This is really from heaven to hell.

Before Charizard had a chance to win the Normal and various violent restrictions on Milotic, but now he is instantly disabled.

“Good opportunity, Milotic, use Hydro Pump with all your strength!” As a Professor or a transmigrator, Bai Mo also knows quite well about Camerupt’s information.

At this moment, Camerupt’s body reaction is almost equivalent to no, but as long as the body temperature recovers after a while, Camerupt will also recover.

But at this moment, will Bai Mo give it?

The answer is naturally no.

Milotic at this time tried its best to mouth opened wide, the ability of Water Type and Profound Truth continued to converge, and finally, when Camerupt did not respond at all, it moved towards its head and shot it over!


A big wave instantly submerged Camerupt from his head. After the big wave dispersed, Camerupt had shrunk into a ball and fainted. .

Seeing this, the referee immediately announced.

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