“Camerupt loses battle strength, Milotic wins!”

Chapter 0219 Latias debut


Until The referee yelled, and Moore recovered from his dazedness. He gave a worried cry and took out the Poké Ball and said to Bai Mo, “Bai Mo, you are really outstanding. There has been no Trainer to pass by for a long time. My test, defeating my two Pokémons so easily, made me take out the third Pokémon.”

“Hehe, Moore Gym Leader, I can’t fight easily, although Milotic and Charizard didn’t Lost the battle strength, but the physical strength is also lost a lot. Basically, I will not take it out and fight again.”

“And with the Pokémon level that we will release at the end, the previous battle is just now. It’s equivalent to me and you, only one Pokémon is left.”

“I just look forward to Moore Gym Leader, how powerful your third Pokémon is!”

Bai Mo said with a smile, then took out the Poké Ball and took Milotic back.

“Well, in that case, come out, my Old Partner!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, Moore stopped the hand that was going to reach the first Poké Ball on the left side of the Pokemon belt, and turned to He took out the Poké Ball, fourth on the right of the Pokemon belt, and threw it out.

As the Poké Ball opened, a white light flashed, and a tall Typhlosion appeared in the field in a standing posture.

The moment he appeared, his neck suddenly burst into flames, and it was fierce.

“It’s Pokémon from Elite Peak, only high grade Aptitude!?” I used Psychic to look at Typhlosion, Bai Mo heart startled. Before, Moore obviously didn’t intend to take Typhlosion out, so he should be taken out. The second echelon of Pokemon is the Pokemon in the first Poké Ball on the left side of the Pokemon belt.

According to Bai Mo’s estimation, this Pokémon should also be the intermediate rank, which will not exceed the top rank. Then, given that he can play Mega with Gardevoir now, he still has a chance to compete. .

After all, after this period of time, Gardevoir also comprehended Fairy Type’s Profound Truth to the third level, and then it was a small breakthrough. In the case of Mega, it is not difficult to have the strength of an intermediate rank.

But perhaps because Bai Mo said a little provocative in his last sentence, Moore unexpectedly released his fourth-ranked Pokemon.

In this way, Bai Mo feels that the top three Pokemon on the right of Moore should all be champions.

Take out Typhlosion, Moore’s face is peaceful:

“Bai Mo, this is my strongest Elite Pokémon, I went to Johto Region to take it when I was young, although Aptitude is a bit worse, only high grade, but I have been with me for a long time, and now I have the strength of Elite Peak. I hope you can fight it.”

When talking, Moore was still faint With a hint of a smile, there is quite a way, saying to Bai Mo, “Let you provoke me, now regret it!” The meaning is in it.

Looking at Moore’s Nether look, Bai Mo couldn’t help feeling a little uncomfortable. He stretched out his hand to the side of Poké Ball’s gesture at his neck, and then tore off the pink crystal and raised it to his chest. “Latias, this time, please!”

Then Bai Mo’s words fell and Latias appeared on the field. After feeling the opponent power of Typhlosion, I felt excited. With fighting spirit, he immediately entered a fighting stance.

However, I saw that the shape in front of me was similar to that of a bird, with a streamlined body and Nancy-like feathers. The upper part of the body was white, the lower part was red, and the face was red with triangles. His ears have white pentagonal patterns on his forehead, jet-wing-like wings and fin-like feet are on the back, and there is a Pokemon with a blue triangle logo on the chest.

Everyone couldn’t help but swallowed their saliva.

This is Latias! ?

This is Divine Beast!

Even the girls in the Mai Yi are also very surprised. After Latias was subdued by Bai Mo, because of the Zaptos incident, they have been training in the crystal because of the importance of strength. They are rare. Then, didn’t expect, Bai Mo actually took her out to fight.

I didn’t believe in evil and rubbed my eyes to make sure there was nothing wrong. Moore took a deep breath. He hadn’t seen the Divine Beast Trainer before, but he was so young like Bai Mo. Seen for the first time.

Moreover, Latias is Dragon Type and Psychic Type, which are more powerful Attributes.

In this round, we must be cautious.

Bai Mo at this time said faintly, “Latias only has the strength of Elite Top Rank, so please Moore Gym Leader Hold Back.”

“Reserve your sister!” Listen When I get to Bai Mo, Moore in the heart will directly explode, cracking a joke, Divine Beast of Elite Top Rank, is Normal Pokémon comparable to it?

He was slanderous, but Moore knew that the game would continue, and he would not lose, so he immediately said, “Bai Mo, didn’t expect you to take out a Pokemon like Latias, Very good, but Latias obviously does not have the strength of the championship level, he has not grown up yet.”

“My elders will teach you all!”

Said, but when Moore spoke, there was also a cautious look in his eyes. With his old eyes, of course, it can be seen at a glance that Latias’s strength is definitely Elite.

But even so, Divine Beast is Divine Beast, and the Trainer that can use the legendary Pokémon must be absolutely not simple. Just the first two games are not enough to interpret the power of Bai Mo.

“hehe, Moore Gym Leader, thank you for the compliment!” Bai Mo didn’t care about Moore rely on age to show of age either. He laughed, and a hint of playfulness flashed in his eyes.

Sure enough, it’s more interesting to hit others in the face with strength.

Since I have installed a senior expert, Moore wants to save face, so he immediately said, “Well, Bai Mo, you are a challenger, go ahead!”

What Moore said, Bai Mo was not hypocritical, and directly ordered, “Latias, the wave of the dragon!”

“Typhlosion, Flamethrower!” Hearing Bai Mo’s order to Latias, Moore also shouted immediately .

Listening to the move, Moore clearly wanted Typhlosion and Latias to directly confront each other.

Latias opened his mouth quickly, a purple Energy Ball condensed in his mouth, and then moved towards Typhlosion directly sprayed out, and a beam of purple energy fluctuating light was emitted.

Typhlosion’s reaction seemed to be a bit faster. Opening his mouth was a Flamethrower. The two forces met in the middle, and after a stalemate, they exploded and aroused a cloud of smoke.

Obviously, Dragon Type Fire Element does not restrain each other.

The strength of Typhlosion and the formidable power of Flamethrower are obviously stronger than Latias and Dragon Wave.

But the final confrontation was evenly matched.

Divine Beast is the reason for being Divine Beast.

Latias in Chapter 0220 Temporarily Dominant

“Strength is part, but Aptitude and Species Strength are not decorations!”

See the situation in the field , Bai Mo’s mouth turned into an arc, and then he said loudly, “Latias, Mist Ball!”

The smoke has no effect on Latias with Psychic, Bai Mo immediately launched an attack.

“Typhlosion, Spark!” Moore also commanded Typhlosion to launch an attack when the Unique Ability confrontation came out.

Getting Moore’s order, I saw a fire-blue figure in the smoke and dust flashed, dragging a white band of light and instantly appeared in front of Latias, slamming Latias back.

“Flame Wheel!” After a successful blow, Moore issued a simple and powerful life again.

“hmph, do you want to interrupt Latias’ attack by this attack?” Bai Mo indifferently said, and immediately shouted, “Latias!”

As Bai Mo’s voice fell , I saw Latias instantly launch a ball surrounded by misty feathers gathered in his mouth towards Typhlosion.

Mist Ball is the Unique Ability of Psychic Type. The formidable power is not small, the speed is extremely fast, and sometimes it can reduce the opponent’s special attack.

Mist Ball didn’t give Typhlosion a chance to dodge at all. The breath came in front of it, and it exploded instantly after hitting it, and the smoke and white mist began to diffuse.

But even so, Moore is still calm and composed, as if he didn’t care about Mist Ball’s attack.

At this moment, there was a burst of dazzling fiery-red rays of light in the smoke and dust. Then, Typhlosion was wrapped in flames and went out of the smoke directly, moving towards Latias and rolled away.

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