“Latias, Zen Headbutt!”

The Mist Ball formidable power of Latias is not very strong, but it is by no means weak, but now Typhlosion can actually resist Mist Ball immediately Launching an attack, Bai Mo was also surprised, but he reacted immediately and immediately issued an order.

Latias is a little girl temperament. I was happy when I saw her first official match, and Ability accurately hit the opponent.

But now, after opponent suffered her own attack, it seemed as if normal people continued to attack herself, which immediately aroused the fighting spirit in her heart, and a layer of blue rays of light appeared on her head. Light curtain.

The power of longing kept gathering on the forehead, and Latias directly slammed into the Flame Wheel that was rushing.

Suddenly, Zen Headbutt and Flame Wheel are in a stalemate with each other, and no one will let them, as if they are stronger than the two.

However, it has been proved before that, although Latias Level is weaker than Typhlosion, its strength is faintly stronger.

Now, the formidable power of Zen Headbutt is stronger than Flame Wheel. After being used by Latias, it immediately takes the advantage. As the power on the forehead continues to increase, Typhlosion’s body begins to slowly Was pushed away.

Finally, Latias made a fierce force, and the rays of light representing the amount of Confusion hit Typhlosion’s forehead, and drove it deep into the field, exploding a hole.

Latias is the force that Assist rushes forward, a backflip, flying in the direction behind him, and finally looked towards Typhlosion surrounded by smoke and dust again!

“Close Combat can’t fight!” Seeing the situation in the field, Moore knew that Close Combat Typhlosion was not as good as the Psychic Type Pokémon, which had Psychic as an auxiliary observation and had a sharper response. His heart changed immediately. Strategy.

“Typhlosion, Flamethrower!”

Although Typhlosion was hit by the Mind Headbutt and hit the Ground, the previous Flame Wheel was not ineffective, so Typhlosion not at all If you suffer too much, your head will be slightly dizzy at best.

Hearing Moore’s command, Typhlosion shook his head, and opened his mouth to launch a Flamethrower at the receding Latias.

“It is faster and faster than Unique Ability, we will not lose!” Seeing the situation in the field, Bai Mo immediately understood Moore’s plan and immediately ordered, “Thunder!”

In the field, Latias, who had received Bai Mo’s order, flashed with Yellow lightning waves, and after condensing for a while, he immediately launched it towards Flamethrower.

Only after Thunder and Flamethrower met, they suddenly made the sound of “breasting”.

Immediately, everyone saw that the entire pillar of fire was constantly being opened from the middle under Thunder’s attack. In the end, Thunder’s Spark immediately enveloped Typhlosion.

A burst of electricity, Ember flickered all over Typhlosion, and Typhlosion suddenly let out a scream to participate. When the electricity disappeared, he almost staggered and fell, and stepped back a few steps before stabilizing his body.

Under such a fierce attack by electricity, Typhlosion immediately sent an angry roar to Latias, and the flames in his neck burned more intensely.

“As expected of Divine Beast, this Latias is strong.”

Looking at the two Pokémon on the field, Moore was amazed. From the beginning of the game to the present, his strength was slightly The weaker Latias has hardly been attacked until now except for being hit by the Spark Flint. Instead, Typhlosion has been counter-attacked again and again, and his physical strength has dropped a lot.

“Latias, you did good, chase after victory, Water Pulse!!!”

Bai Mo at this time gave orders to the excited Latias with a light smile.

Actually, it was a mistake when Moore chose to start attacking Latias melee. Latias’s specialty is speed, and this Psychic assists in observing the whole body. Unless it is the kind, Latias will not be given time to resist. Bai Mo will seize the opportunity to launch a series of attacks, otherwise Bai Mo will seize the opportunity to launch a series of attacks.

However, for some reason, Moore chose a close attack again.

“Typhlosion, Spark stone fire!”

In the field, Latias opened his mouth, and a water ball with undulations began to condense in front of him. When it condensed successfully, he immediately faced him. Typhlosion launched.

The Typhlosion dragged a white light strip and ran quickly in the field. After avoiding the water polo of Water Pulse, Tackle once again hit Latias and knocked Latias away.

“Tackle at this level is useless!” Bai Mo said faintly moved towards Moore, and shouted again, “Latias, do it again!”

“Water Pulse !”

“Typhlosion, Blast Burn!” At this time, Moore also loudly shouted.

“roar! ”

Just when Typhlosion opened his mouth, Water Pulse successfully hit Typhlosion and made him roar, but even so, he still Persevering in completing Moore’s order.

Open your mouth, a huge blue and white pillar of fire spurts out, and the water ball of Water Pulse evaporates in an instant before it explodes.

This pillar of fire also shot straight in the direction moved towards Latias!

Seeing this, Bai Mo’s eyes shrank!

“Blast Burn?!”

Chapter 0221 Crisis, Latias, Mega!

“Blast Burn?!”

“It turned out to be Blast Burn!”

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo couldn’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, this move, Charizard will, and it is one of Charizard’s ultimate moves.

What he didn’t expect was that this Fire Element’s ultimate Ability would actually be displayed in this form. You must know that Charizard, even when it was a Mega, had to carry its own flames to the past, and this one Typhlosion can be sprayed directly.

But after that, Bai Mo knew that he had made an empiricist error. Think about the Ancient Power used by Charizard before. If nothing else, it was in the animation that Kabutops and Kabutops and The form of expression used by Tirtouga is completely different. The former is similar to Charizard when the Earth Yellow light wave occurs, but the latter is to launch Rock.

Now, it is normal that Blast Burn can be used in other ways.

These thoughts only stayed in Bai Mo’s mind for a moment. When he discovered the situation in the field, he immediately shouted, “Latias, avoid it!”

Latias is very witty. She noticed the power of Blast Burn formidable power when her attack was when the Water Pulse was broken. At this moment, she listened to Bai Mo’s command and immediately used a Psychic, and then moved towards Hide on one side!

The appearance of Psychic barely supported Blast Burn for a while, but because Latias was distracted, and the formidable power gap was large, under Typhlosion’s control, it suddenly reversed it at a faster speed. go back.

If the speed of this flame is higher than that of Latias at full speed, it is actually incomparable, but it takes time for Latias to start, and it is this little time that gives the flame a chance to approach.

Although the dodge was a little bit better, the flames still enveloped one of Latias’ wings.

Suddenly half of his body was submerged by Blast Burn, and Rady Yas suddenly showed an expression of extreme pain.

Seeing this, Bai Mo was immediately worried loudly shouted:

“Latias ~”

Blast Burn disappeared in Bai Mo’s shouting, Latias It also fell to the ground, and the red wing on the left continued to emit hot waves of alternating red and blue.

After hearing Bai Mo’s worried cry, Latias Struggle flapped its wings again and wanted to fly again.

At this time, the scene where Bai Mo’s pupils diminished appeared. Originally, on the other side, Typhlosion, who was in a frozen state and unable to move for a period of time because of the use of Blast Burn, appeared. flame.

After that, Typhlosion immediately turned into a rotating Flame Wheel moved towards Latias.

When everyone including Bai Mo did not react, Latias was hit by the Flame Wheel and flew out again, and finally hit the wall on one side, causing a cloud of smoke. , People can’t tell the situation.

Until this time, Typhlosion’s body was suddenly stopped and stiffened there.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo was also speechless for a while, but his thoughts changed a lot. He already understood what happened before.

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