At this moment , a pink ray of light diffused from his eyebrows. Bai Mo’s body pressure was relieved, his spirit was relaxed, and he suddenly lost consciousness.

At this time, under the envelope of the pink rays of light and the surrounding rays of light, every cell in Bai Mo’s body is changing, his blood begins to circulate rapidly, and his body is constantly shrinking.

Somewhere in the Pokemon world a certain forest, a certain spot of light appeared and turned into a light hole. Bai Mo’s body slowly fell on the lawn, Mew appeared again, and the pink figure appeared Bai Mo wandered around, and after confirming his safety, he screamed happily and flew towards the sky, disappearing abruptly.

I don’t know how long it took, Bai Mo moved his ears and heard a strange noise from around him. His eyes are slowly opened, and Catterpie is looking for food in front of him.

“This is Catterpie?” Bai Mo, who recognized the identity of Pokémon in front of him, stood up excitedly and looked at everything in front of him in disbelief.

“I really came to Pokemon world?”

“gu lu gu lu.”

“gu! !”

“Patter and patter!”

Listening to the various Pokémon voices around, I noticed that in the dense woods from time to time there are a few Pidgey flying above their heads, and a few Rattata or Pangolins by their feet. .

Bai Mo has the answer in his mind!

“I really came to the world of Pokémon!”

“Finally, I can start an adventure of my own here.” Bai Mo can no longer contain the excitement in his heart.

After a while, the excited Bai Mo calmed down. He looked around and found that there was no Mew around him. Crisna was unavoidable in his heart, but he also understood that with Mew Divine Beast’s His identity and playful character have brought him to this World now, and he has already completed the Return. It is normal not to be by his side.

But at the next moment, Bai Mo’s eyes became firm. He was convinced that in the future journey they will surely meet again one day.

At that time, everything will be different!

Standing up, instinctively patted the dirt on his body. Bai Mo realized that his pants were a little loose and his upper body clothes were a bit long. Seeing a stream in front of him, he immediately ran over. Slowly squat down.

Reflected in the water is a green but still handsome face, white skin, deep eyes, and Black short hair that looks even more dazzling in the sun.

Staring closely at himself in the water, Bai Mo couldn’t help but corner of mouth twitching.

“Isn’t this what I looked like when I was fifteen?”

“Isn’t I changing my youth?”

“Isn’t it possible before Mew brought me The Tunnel that he traverses has the ability to change time and space?”

After thinking for a while, Bai Mo couldn’t think of the reason. In the end, he shook the head and gave up thinking. The most important thing at the moment is to establish a foothold in this World. .

Thinking of this, Bai Mo immediately took out the bag he carried with him, checked the gold on his body, and sighed in relief involuntarily. Before he was in the study and took a sum of gold left by his parents. This large amount of gold can make him a 1st Step in this World.

The immediate priority is to sell this gold in exchange for this World’s money.

After making a decision, Bai Mo immediately observed the surrounding environment. Based on the experience accumulated during extreme sports in recent years, he clearly judged the direction to the town, moved towards one direction. .

What Bai Mo didn’t know was that shortly after he left, a blue-haired Pokémon appeared in his previous location.

After turning around for a while, this Pokémon eyes shined and moved towards the direction he left.

In a town, looking around the surrounding environment, Bai Mo suppressed the urge to explore various buildings in his heart, and purposefully searched for a place where he could sell gold.

Suddenly, Bai Mo’s eyes lit up, and he found a blue rooftop shop with a Poké Ball logo on a corner of the street. He knew this World well, and he knew it was an official Alliance certification. The store can sell all items.

Although the price may not be comparable to some private places, safety is definitely guaranteed!

Without hesitation, Bai Mo walked straight to the store.

Twenty minutes later, Bai Mo, who changed into the current world Pokemon adventurer costume, reappeared at the entrance of the store. Thinking of the news from the store owner before, moved towards one direction.

Chapter 0003 The flashing figure

Under a white dome-roofed building, Bai Mo’s figure slowly appeared there, tightening the backpack in his hand , He moved towards the door with some excitement.


As Bai Mo walked to the door, a strong man with a red hat and a scar on the corner of his eye suddenly walked out of the door.

Bai Mo couldn’t dodge, and the two ran into each other. The backpack in his hand was threw away for a long time, and the Alliance coins in the bag were scattered all over the place.

Seeing the money in this place, the man raised the corner of his mouth, his eyes were unconcealed with greed, “Unexpectedly, I am still a rich lord, little brother, as compensation for you to hit me, this money is for me I’ll keep it for you first. If you are acquainted, you can roll now.”

Hearing this, Bai Mo flashed a trace of Rage in his eyes, narrowed his eyes, and slowly stood up, “bully the weak , Isn’t it good for you to be like this?”

“Not great?” The man laughed frantically when he heard Bai Mo’s words. He looked towards Bai Mo with no hidden contempt.” Boy, teach you a truth, an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime, what do you kid do with so much money.”

I heard what the man said, Bai Mo frowned, took a deep breath, indifferently Said, “The reason doesn’t make sense, it can only be the fist.”

After that, Bai Mo’s expression congeals, pinpointed a weak spot on the man’s body, and hit it with one punch.


The man didn’t expect Bai Mo to make a sudden shot. He was hit to the ground and felt the pain in his buttocks. His eyes were filled with consternation. .

“Boy, you provoke me.” Being beaten to the ground by a child, the man immediately flew into a rage out of humiliation, and quickly got up with a roar, and also fisted over.

Seeing this, Bai Mo sneered also slammed a punch. He is confident that with the skills he has cultivated in extreme sports over the past few years, he will never lose to this man.

But at the next moment, a trace of astonishment flashed across Bai Mo’s face, feeling the strength of his fist, he unconsciously backed up a few steps before barely stabilizing his body.

At this time, Bai Mo remembered that he seemed to be Minimize.

The man succeeded with a single blow, and did not give Bai Mo more chance to think, and then took advantage of the victory to punch.

Looking at the man’s fist, Bai Mo felt that these movements were a little slow in his own eyes.

His eyes condensed. When his fist was about to hit his nose, Bai Mo tilted his head slightly, avoiding the man’s blow dangerously and dangerously.

The man sees Bai Mo avoiding his own attack, and his anger becomes even stronger. He beats Bai Mo desperately with his fist, but as time goes by, Bai Mo’s figure dodges his fist more and more Easy.

Feeling that his body seems to have changed in some way, knowing that his strength is not enough for the time being, Bai Mo intends to win with speed, once again dodging the man’s punch, Bai Mo’s eyes narrowed and pumped In a neutral position, he kicked back and hit the man’s abdomen accurately.

The latter suddenly flew upside down, covering his stomach in pain.

Seeing this scene, Bai Mo took a deep breath and didn’t bother to care about him anymore, silently walked around the scattered Alliance coins, squatted down slowly, and started to pack it up.

However, at this moment, a man’s angry voice came from behind him.

“Boy, you are too supercilious!”

“I will teach you another truth!”

“This World, it is about fists, but this The fists are them!”

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