Speaking, the man took out a Poké Ball and threw it into the air, angrily roared.

“Go ahead, Mightyena!”

“Use Impact Unique Ability!”


As the man yelled.

Poké Ball shot a red light in midair, a figure of Black appeared on Ground, next moment, the owner of the figure didn’t stay at all, and when he put his feet hard, he carried a strange feeling on his body. Power, moved towards Bai Mo rushed away.

Hearing the movement behind him, Bai Mo turned around instinctively.

The only thing that catches the eye is a figure of Black that has come before him. Before Bai Mo hadn’t reacted at all, he just felt a sudden burst of power from his chest. .

next moment, he flew out all of a sudden and hit the wall heavily.


Bai Mo suddenly took Tackle on the wall, but what made him feel strange was that he didn’t feel any pain at this time. It seemed to be A strange power appeared on his body to protect him.

At this moment, in the clouds, the figure of a fan flashed away, seemingly with a playful laugh!

Seeing that Bai Mo seemed to stand up without any damage, the man’s frowned immediately decided to let Mightyena give Bai Mo another fatal blow, but at the next moment, his ears moved, The sound of the alarm was heard.

Knowing that his previous actions have been discovered, the man’s heart is tense.

“Good luck, kid!” He cursed secretly at Bai Mo. The man waved his hand and used the organization to temporarily call the space ring for him to facilitate his actions and put away the money on the ground. Moved towards one direction without looking back.

Seeing the man leaving, Bai Mo immediately wanted to get up and chase him, but at this moment, an inexplicable tingling came in his mind, and Contest fainted!

Shortly after the man disappeared, a blue-haired Pokemon suddenly appeared beside Bai Mo, looking towards the latter with a touch of worry, and at the same time, his perception was also slow Dispersed, and began to pay attention to the surrounding environment, apparently protecting Bai Mo who was in a coma.

(PS: The robbed money will be returned by both principal and interest, and Mew is actually by the protagonist’s side, the protagonist doesn’t know!)

Chapter 0004 Encounter Team Magma

I don’t know how long it took, Bai Mo, who was lying on the ground, moved his eyelids.

Blue-haired Pokemon immediately discovered his situation and immediately disappeared in place.

As soon as the blue-haired Pokemon disappeared, Bai Mo opened his eyes in confusion, his expression a little dull!

For a long while, Bai Mo slowly remembered what happened before, and immediately moved towards the open space in front of him, and found that the man who had really disappeared and his foundation, for a while, Bai Mo’s There was also a trace of panic in his heart.

After a long time of silence, Bai Mo’s eyes brought a trace of Rage and clear comprehension, and he realized that this is a real world, not a purely beautiful anime world!

A killing intent flashed in Bai Mo’s eyes when thinking of the man’s dress before.

“Look at this costume, are you from Team Magma?”

“It looks like I am in Hoenn now?!”

“Team Magma , Wait! Next time I will definitely get back from both principal and interest!”

“gu lu ~~~”

I feel the sound coming from my stomach I am hungry.

It’s getting late and all his wealth has been robbed. For this World, he is a shady household. Bai Mo, who does not have Alliance coins to buy food, thinks of the sights on the road before, and decides to find something in the forest. The fruit comes to temporarily fill the lower belly.

Somewhere in the forest, a middle-aged man in a white coat and slightly curly hair was lying on the tree and carefully watching something.

“ka-cha.” Suddenly, the sound of the branches breaking.

The middle-aged man has a bad premonition in his heart. The next second, the premonition will come true!

The man fell with the broken branch!

“Acridine acridine.”

The middle-aged man heard a miserable Growl coming from under him, and ignored his painful butt, he moved his body quickly and noticed the sound The owner of, a trace of apology flashed across his face, “It turned out to be Zigzagoon, hey, sorry, I scared you just now.”

Zigzagoon gritted his teeth, fiercely looking at the middle-aged man. . I called out to sky:

“ao wu ~”

next moment, three identical Zigzagoons ran out of the surrounding woods, and the middle-aged man was swarmed all at once. Surrounded.


Hearing the voices of four Zigzagoons towards him, the middle-aged man didn’t care about the current situation and developed occupational diseases. He stretched out a finger and recalled: “Qianqian is Charm’s voice,”

As he stretched out his second finger, “chop is a sad voice,”

“Qi It’s…”

Thinking of this, the middle-aged man’s triumphant expression suddenly condensed when he remembered that the voice of Zigzagoon represents the meaning of his mood, he turned around instinctively, and exclaimed, “Ah. ! It’s the voice that represents Rage!”

As soon as the man turned around, four Zigzagoons also rushed towards him. Suddenly a scene of you chasing me dared to appear before my eyes.

In desperation, the middle-aged man climbed up a big tree, hugged the branch tightly, and shouted:

“Help, who will help Me~~~”

In another part of the forest, Bai Mo, who was eating an apple on a tree, moved his ears and heard the sound of help coming from a short distance. He immediately jumped off the tree, moved towards the direction where the sound came from.

“Uncle, are you okay?” Not far from the middle-aged man, Bai Mo looked at the middle-aged man who was surrounded by a few Zigzagoons and could only hang on the tree, loudly Shouted.

“Very good, young man, I didn’t take Pokémon with me this time I went out in a hurry. Can you help me deal with these Zigzagoons?” The middle-aged man looked towards Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with joy. He thinks that the Pokémon Trainer who will be in the wild at this time must be the Pokémon Trainer on the way, and it must not be a problem to drive away a few Zigzagoons.

Bai Mo, who has just experienced a battle, deeply understands the power gap between humans and Pokémon. Seeing the extremely excited gaze from the middle-aged man on the branch, Bai Mo hesitated for a long time and said:

“I will help you!” After saying that Bai Mo ran under the tree where the middle-aged man was. , Squatted slightly with his feet, clenched his fists with both hands, blocking the front of several Zigzagoons.

“Boil~~~” The four Zigzagoons looked at Bai Mo alone, howling and waving their sharp paws moved towards Bai Mo fiercely, and leaped towards Bai Mo fiercely. Bai Mo’s eyes were fixed and his body moved towards the left. Side, hardly escaped this round of attacks.

Seeing that Bai Mo did not fall down, the four Zigzagoons spread out tacitly and surrounded all around Bai Mo, making it impossible to escape. One of them saw that Bai Mo had no way to escape. He kicked and rushed at him, Bai Mo saw it and stretched out his fist to hit him.


Tackle Bai Mo and Zigzagoon together, because of the powerful impact, instinctively took two steps back.

When they saw this, the Zigzagoon and the other three all looked at each other, snarling their teeth, kicked their hind legs, and moved towards Bai Mo together. Looking at the strange rays of light on their heads, it is obvious that this time is using Unique Ability.

Seeing this scene, a trace of astonishment flashed across the middle-aged man’s face on the tree, and then immediately reacted, Bai Mo may not be a Trainer, not at all carrying Pokémon.

But it is obviously too late to stop now.

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