Bai Mo, who was surrounded on
Ground, saw this situation, and felt very nervous. He knew that if he was attacked by the four parties, he would have to lie down on the bed for a few months.

The huge sense of crisis made Bai Mo’s spirit concentrate to the point of terrifying. An inexplicable force in the depths of his mind also surged out.

At this moment, a blue-haired Pokemon suddenly appeared beside Bai Mo, with a blue light in his eyes!

Seeing this Pokémon, a flash of excitement flashed in the eyes of the middle-aged man on the tree.

“This is!?”

Chapter 0005 Ralts! Awakening Psychic!

“This is!”


“But, how come it is blue?!”

Regardless of the excitement and doubt in the middle-aged man on the tree at this time, beside Bai Mo, Ralts used Confusion. In the next moment, the four bodies of Zigzagoon who used the Unique Ability impact stopped abruptly in midair. Then flew out.


Four Zigzagoons slammed into the big tree behind them.

Feeling the pain on the body, and noticing the rays of light in Ralts’ eyes, the four Zigzagoons looked at each other again, moving towards the dingy and quickly fled in one direction.

At this time, Heaven and Earth turning upside down is happening in Bai Mo’s mind. Seeing that the crisis is lifted, his mind relaxes, and suddenly, a strong sense of exhaustion swept over him.

Finally, after taking a look at side Pokémon, he noticed the worry in his eyes, smiled lightly, and Bai Mo fainted beautifully again.


In the lounge of a Laboratory, on the white and clean bed, a teenager opened his eyes dimly.

“Where is this?!” Noting the surrounding environment, the boy’s misty eyes widened suddenly. Instead, there were thick doubts.

“Hiss!” Suddenly, the teenager felt a little pain in the back of his head, and he instinctively stretched out his hand and stroked it. At this moment, sporadic memories came, and bit by bit of what happened yesterday.


Passing through!

Minimize the body!

Exchange money to obtain identity and Starter Pokemon, but met the person from Team Magma and was beaten to steal the money!

Looking for Berry in the forest to satisfy his hunger and met a familiar person who was attacked.

Remember that this person is…

Thinking of this, the young man browses tightly knit and began to think about it. At this moment, a slightly surprised voice came from his ear.

“Yo, boy, are you awake!?” A middle-aged man’s voice came from the door.

Following the prestige, what greets you is a familiar face, this face, a teenager has seen, always feel, I have seen it more than once.

“How about it, is your injury better?” The middle-aged man walked up to the boy with deep concern in his eyes, “You have been in a coma for three days. That day, many thanks you Save me!”

“I was in a coma for three days?!” The boy was a little surprised that he had been in a coma for so long.

Notice the young man’s expression, the middle-aged man smiled slightly, turned his seemingly rough curly hair and said, “Don’t be nervous, that day, you awakened Psychic, that’s why I’m in a coma.”

“Because the difficulty of awakening is very difficult, the success rate is also extremely low.”

“But now it seems that you have survived.”

“In the future, you will also be a noble Psychic person.”

Speaking of this, it is the middle-aged man who thinks he has a very high status now, and he is also a bit envious, of course not because of the Psychic person. Identity, but this ability, because of this ability, it is really abnormal.

“Psychic!” A hint of thought flashed in the young man’s eyes, and he probably guessed that his ability should be related to Mew’s feathers that merged into his eyebrows (the feathers are not Mew’s, but a foreshadowing! ).

But for this Psychic, he only knew a few representative characters while watching anime, but he didn’t quite understand the details.

When I was thinking about it, the middle-aged man said again, “For me, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Odajuan and I am a Professor certified by Alliance. You can call me Professor Birch. “

“Professor Birch?”

When he heard Professor Birch’s words, the young man was shocked and finally understood why he felt that the person in front of him was so familiar. This person, It is Pokémon world, one of the Pokémon continents. Hoenn is a famous outdoor research Professor on the continent. I especially like to study the distribution of Pokémon.

It turned out to be the powerful Professor in front of him. He is also a pivotal existence in Alliance. The boy also pretended to be at a loss and asked, “That, Professor Birch, may I ask, what you said is the Psychic awakening? What’s the matter?”

“Don’t you know?” Oda Maki was surprised when he heard the boy’s words. You know, Psychic is also in ten-thousand does not in the entire Pokémon world. have one.

It is an existence that can never become without innate talent.

Even if there is that innate talent, who can be awakened is in ten-thousand does not have one.

So, Psychic is strong but strong, but there are few, few, few, and the whole world does not reach three digits. This also includes those who have just awakened and those who don’t know how many years of awakening. old monster.

Normal, Psychic, without a teacher, it is difficult to awaken voluntarily. If awakening voluntarily, most of it will die. If not dead, the future will be a strong existence.

Thinking of this, I not only repay my life-saving grace, but also don’t mind making friends with the boy who has boundless prospects in front of me. Oda Juan changed his mind a little and said with a smile, “I’m an Alliance Professor, how much I know a little bit about this.”

“I change someone else, but I don’t know.”

“First of all, I want to tell you that Psychic people are very rare, very rare. The existence of nearly 10 billion people in the world, Psychic does not exceed one hundred! Normal, there is no special method, most of the awakening is a failure, and the result is a life.”

Speaking of this, Oda Scroll looked towards the young man’s eyes with a touch of fortune and then continued, “It is known that Psychic people have Primary Rank, Intermediate Rank, and Top Rank.”

“The most obvious difference between the three is, Primary Rank can be telepathic with Pokémon!”

“Intermediate rank, Psychic users can use Confusion!”

“Top Rank, you can use Teleport, and some Psychic Type Ability, The distance of the Teleport is the proof that the Psychic is strong. The farther, the stronger.”

“However, no one knows how to become stronger except for some special ones.”

“Is that so?” There was a look of excitement in the boy’s eyes. From this look, he really had a foothold in this World.

Chapter 0006, the dream shattered?

At the same time, the teenager also had plans.

With Psychic, slowly become stronger, when the time comes, become the strongest Trainer.

However, first of all, first look for Retaliate, the guy from the lava group!

At this time, after explaining some of the Psychic person’s situation, Oda Juan suddenly asked in confusion, “Boy, after talking so much, I still don’t know what your name is and where you are from!”

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