But because the white sea lion itself is a Water Type Pokémon, and the formidable power provided by the Hydro Pump is also weakened by a dozen part by the freezing beam, the white sea lion suffers no damage. Big.

“Kingdra, Twister! ” Water Type Ability found not to force, Bai Mo decisive let Kingdra conversion Ability, as Dragon Type Pokémon, Dragon Type Unique Ability is the forte.

“Woo !!”

hear Bai Mo command, he saw Kingdra humming loudly, Double Vision in red purple shine out of the rays of light.

Subsequently, the hurricane set off in the pool, the entire pool are beginning to emerge surging up.

Under the leadership of purple cyclone, swimming inside the pool water is to be attracted on, quickly, and became a waterspout, with a strong force moved towards white sea lion swept away, the it instantly sucked it inside!

“Damn!” See the white sea lions caught in a dangerous situation, Daisy immediately shouted, “white sea lions, with Blizzard to freeze the waterspouts!” at

flow volume, white The sea lion exhausted his strength, and Blizzard was used in front of him.

suddenly, naked eye under visible speed, all witnessed the emergence of a significant rotation of the ice sculpture. In this ice sculpture, there is a vacuum zone so that the white sea lions have been breathing.

Seeing this scene, May eyes flashed, and suddenly I have some thoughts in my mind.

But this time, Bai Mo voice is heard again, “Kingdra, to help him, Blizzard!”

” What!?”

Bai Mo Afterwards, before Daisy could respond, Kingdra opened his mouth to Spit Up and a Blizzard. Almost instantly, the entire rotating ice sculpture was frozen tightly, and the white sea lion in it changed. very uncomfortable.

“white sea lions, Rest!” See the white sea lions trapped, can only spend a little bit of physical strength, Daisy frowned is not standing still, so that rotation of the white sea lion into a sleep state continued to recuperate.

The white sea lion immediately closed his eyes and started to rest. A burst of pink rays of light appeared on the whole body, which was constantly restoring physical strength.

Looking at the difficult movement of the reinforced Ice Dragon and the white sea lion that finally fell into sleep and dying Struggle, Bai Mo said, “Bounce, Outrage!”

” wu! “

Seadra after obtaining command, the sky again Bounce, is Flying Normal, short stay in the air, and then, after Stockpile enough, Seadra out just above the Ice Dragon roll, no ice clearance to fly down, came to the white sea lions around a heavy hit.

tornado ice looked very hard, Seadra This will hit not at all it crashed.

And this time, Kingdra of the body is the purple rays of light enveloped, Seadra eyes also became hot and began frantically continued what they look the Tackle white sea lion!

” peng!”

Finally, at Kingdra uninterrupted Tackle, side Ice Dragon volume knocked out of a hole, Seadra against white fly out heavy sea lions It falls into the water.


Psychic water swept away, Bai Mo out of the Pokemon Kingdra next to it still chaos resumed.

After a while, the turbulent swimming pool gradually calmed down, and the body of the white sea lion gradually appeared on the surface of the water, with spiraling eyes. It was obviously in a coma and had lost the combat capability.

“white sea lion!”

Daisy see his white sea lions unconscious, suddenly worried out loud.

So, the outcome had been, Cerulean Gym Challenge Bai Mo pick three straight victories with a score victory.

“Come back, white sea lion you have done well.”

The white sea lions resumed, Daisy with a soft smile flashed in front of Poké Ball opening said, then put Poké Ball close up, but this time, the stands next to the also came the applause.

Ram and the others who watched the game applauded very intimately. After all, the three Cerulean sisters will be their own sisters in the future, and now they have been chosen by Bai Mo. A little encouragement is still needed.

However, Ram and the others are obviously worried. In a similar situation, Daisy’s three daughters have never lost Pokemon. Now that they lose, there will be no waves in their hearts.

really want to say, ah, but also a playfully Bai Mo Damn this guy just does not turn on the water.

“game, the end, the winning challenger Bai Mo!” referee at this time is to make the sentencing.

Daisy as a representative, will drop Badge put Bai Mo mouth!

“Congratulations.” With a heart-felt smile on his face, Daisy flirted with his hair!

Just wanted to say Bai Mo and so on time, quiet business at this time came over and said:

” It is a pity ah, regarded this war, Cerulean Gym two ten-game losing streak, right? “

” I’ll go eligibility challenge! “

” within seven days, you had better be ready. “

Chapter 0376 extreme joy turns to sorrow of quiet business


hear the quiet business, then as a big sister, Daisy is no fear, more than a glimmer in the eyes of the rest the rays of light, but rather she was looking forward to when the time comes in the challenge.

If quiet providers know that their opponent is Bai Mo, it will not crying.

“dead duck fooling!” Daisy looked at a few women did not expose himself look desperate and so want to see the face, quiet business mind a bit uncomfortable, but does not succeed tongue Lee, and Bai Mo representation can go home after a quiet sit, she turned to leave.

Now, he’s quick to apply for the right to challenge, already dark and dreary.

and so when the time comes to get the Gym, but there are a lot of benefits.

waited until quiet business leave, Daisy before facing Bai Mo said, “I say, my fiance, let’s go, go register it!”

“until apply for quiet After challenging the qualifications, Cerulean Gym will need to challenge on the seventh day at the latest, but it’s all for you.”

“No problem!” With a confident smile, Bai Mo casually said, “We register today and tomorrow Accept his challenge!”

“When I finish this game, I will continue to travel, and I will come to Cerulean Gym for a long stay when I collect enough Badge!”

subsequently, Bai Mo Daisy and three women a total of four locations dedicated to the Alliance of marriage registration.

Because of jealousy, envy and even a little jealousy, the rest of the girls did not come. What they think now is that they can register with Bai Mo until next year.

registration is completed, Bai Mo Daisy and three women even nominally husband and wife.

But Daisy and three women obviously not just put it as a fake, but slightly in all aspects have been changed.

After all, they are also men with fiances.

Registration ends, is Celebrate, but also to comfort some people, back to the Cerulean Gym, Bai Mo show their best technology to do a sumptuous dinner.

This dinner allows Qi Qi Yiliang girl eyes, but also the three women and the sea on Daisy Reiko did not expect this to be an excellent explosion youngster, but there are still such an advantage.

This makes ripples Daisy heart deeper.

So the time came to 2nd day.

On this day, Cerulean Gym directly announced that it was closed for one day, and when it was almost noon, Unsurprisingly, You Jingshang brought a lot of people, already an Alliance notary to Cerulean Gym. !

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