“Lady Reiko, hello!” Alliance of Chief-In-Charge see the sea on Reiko very politely asked a good.

“Hello.” Haiyue Lizi clicked nodded, and then motioned, “Mr. It’s okay to follow the rules.”

I clicked nodded, and the man took out a copy at this time. data Road, “in accordance with the provisions of, Cerulean Gym to act in place of road Gym Leader Daisy, iris, Lily three Young Lady during his tenure, losing twenty consecutive games!”

” so now anyone as long as the Alliance can pay one million dollars, will be able to challenge Cerulean Gym Road Gym Leader, has become a new channel Gym Leader! “

” competition limited, given the number of Pokémon game to be challenged by the parties, the challenge the limit is Water Type Pokemon of Pokemon! “

” If the incumbent Road Gym Leader wins, the Alliance can get one million dollars, and Gym within a year, in any case will not again Be challenged!”

“And if the challenger wins, Gym Trainer will change ownership, and one hundred thousand of the millions of Alliance coins it paid will be credited to Alliance’s account!”

“Do not know if you have any objections?”

” older students, no problem!” Daisy temporarily or three generations, they still call the shots sea Reiko said in March that.

“We have no doubt that here!” quiet business is shaking his head, his face with a confident smile.

And at this time, Haiyuexiao came in with a team of people!

“Xiao Hai month, what do you mean?” see the sea on tsunami occurs, rather complicate the matter, quiet business immediately, “You will not want to help it battle? until you have to, if you want to assist in the work of only Road Gym Leader immediate family because as you can not qualify! “

” rest assured, I do not play Cerulean Gym idea too! “Against all expectations, represents a direct sea on tsunami not interested in Cerulean Gym, then walked around Bai Mo smiled and pulled out a Poké Ball Road, “Bai Mo Professor, hello!”

” this is your named to the top grade Aptitude Water Type Pokémon , is a Shellder, please acceptance! “

” Rest assured, I trust you! “directly reached for Poké Ball, Bai Mo put it into the hands of Misty,” nurture, Lorelei the main force in there Shellder of evolutionary Cloyster, you can nurture. “

” en! “Misty took the hand Shellder, touched the hearts of point nodded.

And this time, it is facing the sea on the tsunami around the crowd a wave and said, “all around to refuel, Eldest Miss, Second Young Lady, Third Young Lady, four Young Lady win!”


Hai Yue Family members who are immediately around to the side of the audience!

Seeing this, so people are dumbfounded, not knowing the sea on Xiao Yue Family and members of the Sea of how all gone good.

And this is all due to Bai Mo’s strong shot yesterday. After Haiyuexiao returned home yesterday and talked about the situation, the Elders of Haiyue Family instantly expressed their support for the Fourth A Young Lady and their backer Bai Mo.

The reason is very simple, look out, Bai Mo in the future to become a champion, even Sect Master level Trainer is a certainty.

Even if he can’t do it, his identity as a Professor is enough to compare to a champion Trainer. Such a person is still so young and must be good.

At this time, You Jing Shang had a bad feeling in his heart. Bai Mo was destined to see his subtle changes in expression, and suddenly said, “You Jing patriarch, I don’t know, who will you send out to challenge Cerulean? Gym ah? “

” amount, Fucai, it is interactive advertisement! “know Bai Mo can not afford to offend, quiet business replied immediately, in fact, supposed to sound a little, it should be sent a Elite class Trainer shot, but because of the importance Gym think of, but also to grasp a little more than the power of his son, quiet providers let his son shot.

His son quiet dye twenty-four this year, grew up with Feraligatr breakthrough recently to the Elite level, not surprisingly saw no problem!

The problem is, this time, the accident did come between Bai Mo stood to one side of the road training ground battle site:

” Then start the game right, rules of the game , it is a good one! “

said, Bai Mo released his Milotic!

quiet supplier and the others are looking for a change of!

What is the situation! ?

The first 0377 Chapter Bai Mo shot

“and so on, Bai Mo Professor, what do you mean?” See Bai Mo station to battle position, said he was really quiet business I was scared.

opponent how to become Bai Mo?

right, Bai Mo did not qualify this, right?

Think of it, quiet business immediately asked out of doubt in my mind.

hear the question’s quiet, Bai Mo asked, “Do you not say it before, as long as the Gym immediate family members are representatives can play, right?”

“Uh, that’s right!” You Jingshang clicked nodded. This is Alliance’s rule. Because immediate family members can directly replace Dao Gym Leaders, this strength is also counted.

“then there is no problem.” calm smile, Bai Mo to come up with a Poké Ball in front of a quiet business, “you may not know, just yesterday, I and Daisy, the iris as well as Lily Level Husband and wife relationship!”

“In other words, I am their husband. According to the Alliance law, I am one of the closest people!”

” station, so, now, I accept your challenge. “

” I heard wrong, then the rules are set by us, it is a good one. “

” this! “Bai Mo’s quiet words to hear in the ear entirely bolt from the blue ah, had he thought Bai Mo in the final Help their quiet home one, did not expect, it was all he wanted more.

to this moment, recalling the sea on Xiao’s performance, quiet business finally figured out.

But when things came to this moment, even one million Alliance coins were given. This money is drizzle for the first-class family of Youjing Family, but they still have to fight for face.

Therefore, You Jing Shang gloomy face cast a look at his son You Jing Yan.

Now, quiet business heart is really regret it, knew it, this time the game is stable enough to let a strength level of Elite Elder shot, and now, there will never be quiet dyed drama what.

Some nervous because the same heart, but also know that things quiet dye to this step, only on his own brace oneself up.

came across the Battle of Bai Mo position stand, quiet dye also took out his Poké Ball!

” Bai Mo Big Uncle, come on!”

” Bai Mo two Guye, come on!”

” Bai Mo three Guye, come on!”

“Come on Bai Mo!!!”

Seeing that the match was about to start, everyone from Hai Yue Family who came to cheer and shouted immediately began to shout, but it was true that Daisy, Changpu and Lily were all pretty. face slightly red.

When things have reached this point, they know that in this life, there is only one way to go to the dark.

touches the side of the Misty heart some sour said, “what big Uncle, two Guye three Guye, to call it, most should be called that obviously should be four Guye, hmph!”

regardless girl hearts are with any idea that male and quiet providers to cut staff in the Alliance with Gym apparently also been the scene now suddenly appeared to surprise to the original, he thought this time Cerulean Gym really easy to master.

But now look, everything, it is still early.

I didn’t rush to give orders, like using a walkie-talkie to confirm whether what he said was true. After confirming the relationship between Bai Mo and Daisy’s three daughters, he came to the center of the battlefield:


“Then start Cerulean Gym Gym Trainer qualifying, the challenger, quiet dye, challenged party, Bai Mo, both qualify!”

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