Let’s take a look at Bai Mo’s Latias, and the Elite Pokémon, which can make up at least six Pokémon in a year. Such people can challenge the Water Type Peak Level family by themselves. Click it.

Not to mention, in terms of the temple clan, the temple clan Saintess is the current Sinnoh Region Alliance Elite Four champion. It will not take long to become a Sect Master, and the temple clan, and two super Divine Beasts, also go. It is not close to Normal, and there is more than one Sect Master Pokémon used by the entire family.

If Shirona and Bai Mo really joined forces, this Water Type Peak Level Aristocratic Family would really dare not touch it!

Originally, the reason this person spoke was because all the people present at Alliance would covet the things in Bai Mo’s hands just like him. Didn’t expect, Bai Mo’s acquaintances and his own people are also quite a lot. Obviously, If there is not something that can really move everyone, everyone is sensible.

No one will be used by that member!

One of the members of Team Rocket who spoke secretly saw this scene, but also knew that something could not be done, and finally stopped talking.

Everyone around me stopped talking about this matter.

To be honest, just on the surface, you have the temple clan, the dragon clan, the Oak clan, and even more, Bill, meson orchid, yew, Oak and Odajuan. Several Professors.

On this basis, Bai Mo itself still has the Pokémon of fantasy for so long.

There is really no one who will offend this person for no reason.

Dama Lanqi saw this and knew that this was actually the end of the matter. He didn’t say much so that Bai Mo would ruin his own image. Instead, he stretched out his hand on the table in front of him. I clicked a little bit, and continued, “Then, let’s start the next meeting!”

“Just to study, Team Rocket, this cancer, where is the meaning and purpose of this time action!?”

Regardless of the situation in the Alliance Chamber, at this time, on the coast of Lamprucci, successfully conquering the huge Tentacruel, which is considered to be a temporary partner for the ancient Dragonite, Bai Mo intends to move towards his next Departure to the destination.

Bai Mo’s next destination, there is a girl he likes very much, and there is also a Pokémon he has doubts and coveted.

However, just when Bai Mo was about to take the passenger ship again, he received a call from Shirona!

“Hey, my wife, it’s rare for you to call me!” After connecting to the communication on the navigator, Bai Mo sounded in a woman’s ear with a hint of teasing!

“hmph!” Is it really arrogant, far away in Sinnoh, Shirona, who has just explored a dangerous place, has a smile on her face, but her voice is serious, “I see you yesterday I didn’t even call me. I thought you had finished playing.”

“Also, I call my wife, but it’s still early!”

“Shirona, Lai Shi Lai Can’t drop.” Bai Mo cheeky said with a smile, “Anyway, I have cooked rice with raw rice. Besides, you should know the Pokemon I have now. Even if there are only Latias and Jirachi, I may not be able to beat you. “

“If you want me to be convinced, when the time comes, I now stipulate that no legendary Pokémon is allowed!” Shirona flirted with her golden hair, and then continued. “Okay, I won’t tell you, it’s fine to know you’re okay!”

“Remember, if you have anything, just call me!”

After that, Shirona hung up the phone, and then she couldn’t help reaching out and patted her cheek, “Damn, I know this guy is a deeply hidden rascal, why should I call him by myself!”

, Jie Zilan, who was on the mission with Shirona, saw her granddaughter’s performance, and she suddenly shook the head, this girl. It seemed like she was hopeless…

Young, so good!

On the other side, Bai Mo also hung up with a smile. Since Shirona returned to Sinnoh, he has called every day.

In the beginning, Shirona didn’t answer, and Bai Mo sent a text message.

Slowly, Shirona one or two times can speak a few words.

And every time, Bai Mo is bluffing. Of course, his achievements are there, which is dazzling, so women only feel humorous instead of bragging.

Later, the two have been talking on the phone for a long time!

But yesterday, Bai Mo felt that the time was almost up, so he deliberately borrowed some reasons and didn’t make a call. He just sent a text message this morning.

The purpose of this is nothing more than routine.

Because habit is a terrifying thing, Shirona has become accustomed to calling Bai Mo, and it will be very uncomfortable if she does not call Bai Mo suddenly.

So, with a good excuse, Shirona took the initiative to call for the first time.

Of course, similar methods cannot be used frequently, they are only used by Bai Mo for flirting, and it is not beautiful to use too much!

Hang up the call, Bai Mo slowly lowered his hand, his face also became gloomy:

“Hehe, I made an idea, I remember it, wait, time There should be half a year, at most a year and a half, my plan will be implemented!”

“When the time comes, I will liquidate one after another!”

“Now, Let me take a look at Girls Gorge first. The two thousand-year-old Gastly, It shouldn’t be disappointed me too much!” After thinking about it, Bai Mo stepped onto the luxury passenger ship.

Across the vast sea, moving towards a certain Gastly who has been going to Maijo Gap every year since I was born for two thousand years now, I couldn’t help but shudder!

“My dear, this Uncle has become a Ghost for two thousand years, and has never shuddered. What’s wrong with this?”

“Ghost also catches a cold?”

“I haven’t heard of this Uncle for two thousand years!”


Chapter 0412 Bai Mo has a lot of harems in his heart!

“Mo, do you have any plans next?”

I set off on a trip again from the seaside city of Lanrupucci.

Bai Mo first got on the passenger ship leaving Lan Pruchi, and then let the girls come out, and informed the situation in La Pruchi.

The luxury liner moved towards the next city. Except for Misty and the sundae who has only heard of a few things, May and the others don’t know Kanto Region, so Cattleya has this Just ask!

“Next? The passenger ship will stop in a Harbor. I heard that there will be a festival there recently. I will take you to play and relax by the way, and then head to the nearest city of Saffron, where , There is Gym!”

“There is also a Contest tournament!”

Speaking, Bai Mo put his hands on the guardrail, looking into the distance, thinking about things in his heart!

Next, he intends to see a certain Ghost and a certain Pokemon first, to relieve a little doubt in his mind, and then he will challenge the Saffron City Gym. The Trainer Sabrina of the Gym owns Psychic and is an Elite-level Gym Trainer. , Is definitely a difficult opponent.

But whether it’s Pokemon or Psychic, Bai Mo is nothing but nothing.

Bai Mo was never a casual man!

With his identity, status, appearance, talent, power and financial resources, it is definitely not a problem to say that his young age is one of the most dazzling people in this World.

This World, polygamy is legal, and there are even small kingdoms in some places, with kings, queens, classes, etc.!

Bai Mo never denies his fancy. He has that many auras and strengths. He has reached the world of this year for something even in dreams. Why not do as one pleases a little bit?

In this World, Bai Mo never saw a few women, and many approached him and worshipped her, but he never looked more.

That’s because Bai Mo’s harem has a blueprint in his heart, and he will probably pursue those girls, or, which girls must be pursued, he has already thought about it!

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