For example, Shirona, Diantha, May, Misty, Sundae, Yai and Touzi, bonfire and so on.

Of course, there are also Ram and Gardevoir, Milotic, Serperior, etc. These are not planned, but they all have their own circumstances and feelings.

And Sabrina is also the woman Bai Mo wants to protect, or in other words, to get!

Anyway, Bai Mo has his own principles and pursuits, but he will also protect girls, glory, etc., including exclusive emotional memories.

Of course, the only heart may be the only one that cannot be given, but in this World, it is also harmless!

“Is there a Contest tournament in Saffron? Very good, it looks like I’m going to prepare again and fight for another city!” Hearing Bai Mo’s words, May waved his bi-lotus root in excitement. With a pretty arm, she participated in the Contest tournament for the first time when she was in Vermilion City.

Different from the original, because of the help of Bai Mo, who gives advice and training, May’s first Contest tournament was easily won.

“I am optimistic about you!” Bai Mo slightly smiled, reaching out and stroking May’s hair.

This is, Cattleya on the side suddenly eyes shined and said, “Saffron City? I heard that Gym Trainer is a genius Psychic girl named Sabrina, but she is only twenty years old and she is Top Rank Psychic The Trainer Level has reached the Elite level. It seems difficult to deal with!”

Because she is a Psychic, she is an excellent lady, and a Gym Leader, so even Cattleya is a Sinnoh. After Sabrina’s name, I would be very interested to see it!

“It was very difficult for us. I gave up directly, but for Mo, it was easy.” Hearing Cattleya’s words, Sundae’s helpless sighed, Misty was also nodded.

Sundaes, including Misty, all obeyed Bai Mo’s words to train themselves. They all signed up for the Alliance tournament and planned to collect eight Badge. Of course, the Elite Gym is obviously not in their consideration!

“Come on.” Slightly smiled, Bai Mo’s eyes changed, and he began to think about how to abduct the Psychic girl who still has problems.

The time soon came one day later, towards the evening, Bai Mo took the girls to the deck again.

“Look, that’s the pier!” Cattleya smiled softly with the sea breeze blowing, letting her long hair drift away, and pointed her hand at Harbor not far away!

Under Bai Mo’s help, Cattleya became more adept at controlling her Psychic, even with her own temperament became gentle and immersed, quite becoming Unova Elite in anime The feeling of Four.

When everyone heard Cattleya’s words, including Bai Mo, they all looked forward. Soon, they saw the end of the distance, and a pier was slowly becoming clear.

After a day’s boat ride, I finally saw the pier. The girls were very happy because they had been at sea for a while, and they were a bit tired after counting the time spent on the Saint Annu. Up.

Soon, the ship slowly approached Harbor!

“Want to see you…I really want to see you!!”

At this moment, it was clear that it was not an illusion, Bai Mo felt a sound in his ear, that was A beautiful girl’s voice!

Hearing this voice, Bai Mo couldn’t help but stunned, then his eyes narrowed.

He feels that during the trip to the Maidens Gorge this time, he might have something different!

Girls Gap!

There has been a legend of a girl and a cliff watching love. At this time, on a cliff by the sea, a statue of resembles nature itself was erected. After countless time, there is no trace of carving. !

The shape of the statue is a man with his hands folded in front of his chest, as if praying and so on girl.

There has always been a legend among the people in this place. It is a sad legend.

It is said that two thousand years ago, during the war, a beautiful girl fell in love with her lover, but unfortunately, the girl’s lover was going to fight on behalf of the kingdom at this time, and the girl came to this cliff. Sending off, waiting here every day, never leave.

But the girl never waited until her lover returned. Later, it took a long time. Even if she knew in her heart, maybe her lover would never come back, she never gave up.

In this way, the girl’s body was gradually covered by the years while she kept waiting, forming today’s girl rock, and whenever summer comes, the girl’s soul will appear.

Such a legend continues, making this legend, even after two thousand years of time, has not been cut off.

But the legend, after all, is just a legend, the real truth is waiting for some people to reveal!

Chapter 0413 The truth about the existence of Girl Ghost!

Legend is always legend.

For more than two thousand years, the truth about Maiden Gorge has long since drifted with the flow, hidden in the dust of history, and what is left is that people want to hear love stories.

But just today, at this moment, no one noticed that on the cliff by the sea, there was a tear in the eyes covered by the girl rock like a prayer.

Tears appeared from the corners of the eyes, and as the cheeks fell, they finally turned into a crystal teardrop and fell.

If someone is here, you will definitely feel like hell, a Rock statue, actually crying!

“What’s the matter with you!?”

Just as the girl rock shed tears, a slightly cold voice with a hint of playfulness suddenly sounded.

Next, next to Maiden Rock, a cloud of Black mist appeared out of thin air. Then, the Black mist gradually changed into purple, and the black part was condensed to form A round Black face!

If there is a Trainer here, you will definitely recognize it, this is a Gastly, this is a very special Pokémon, Ghost Type Pokémon.

Accurately speaking, this kind of Pokémon already belongs to Ghost, so they have a lifespan that all Pokémon can’t match. It’s no problem to live easily for hundreds of years.

But even Ghost Pokémon has a lifespan of two thousand years or even longer is quite difficult to see, and the Gastly that has appeared now has existed for two thousand years, and I don’t know how many days I have seen it. Luoluo, even, in these endless years, it has learned to speak on its own, and can change into various forms to communicate with people.

“I feel that the one who can liberate me is here!” Hearing Gastly’s words, a girl’s clear and sweet voice appeared out of thin air on the empty cliff.

If Bai Mo is here, you can definitely hear it. This voice is the voice she heard on the boat before!

At this time, the girl’s voice clearly contained a hint of surprise and relief.

“Really? That’s really good. Since I came here for the first time two thousand years ago, I have come here once a year. I just hope that you can continue your legend!”

“After the person you are waiting for comes back, you can know that you are still waiting for him, and let him come to see you!”

“Now that you got your wish, I am happy for you.” Gastly listened A sincere smile appeared on her face when she said the words of girl in the rock.

But at this time, the girl’s voice trembled and said, “Thank you Gastly, thank you for your company over the past two thousand years! Can you help me again?”

“Also, I want to tell you the truth. The person who came this time is not the person I was waiting for!”

“What do you mean?” Gastly felt the fear in the girl’s voice. At the same time, The girl’s words really made it puzzled.

For a while, the girl slowly rang with a low voice, which Gastly had never heard before!

“Gastly, I’m sorry, I lied to you!”

“You also know that I lived two thousand years ago. At that time, human beings were very feudal and fighting The demonic beast is the Pokémon and real thing you have now!”

“And in that era, you should know that a woman who has not been out of the cabinet can not meet a strange man, so how can I fall in love with someone? , Knowing each other, become like this!”

“Actually, my so-called lover, I have only seen a portrait, it is a marriage directly arranged at home!”

“However, the man whose family decided to marry me later went out, and the only thing that came back was his death.”

“I am very beautiful, my family is very weak, but very strong to the Fang Family. The man’s mother insisted that I be worthy of marriage. In the end, I wrapped my body alive with an unchanging rock, unexpectedly with a strong resentment, so that my soul can be attached to this unchanging Rock!”

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