“many thanks!” Bai Mo modestly said with a smile, “Treecko and Teddiursa are evenly matched, my luck is better!”

Bai Mo said To be honest, as an Elite Trainer, Manmu must have a lot of powerful Pokémon. Now Teddiursa is the first player to play against Pokémon, just to test his qualifications.

If Treecko used Bullet Seed to avoid being concentrated by Fire Punch, and the Overgrow Characteristic Trait appeared later, he would lose.

And all this comes from luck.

Seeing that Bai Mo is not proud, Wanmu and Norman both applauded and clicked nodded. May looked towards Bai Mo also slightly changed.

Is this the youngest researcher not as horrible or cold as expected?

Okay, May won’t admit that he is watching Bai Mo command the battle and he is passionate about watching Bai Mo, and because Bai Mo’s appearance is too high, he has the same tendency to become a fan like Xiaosheng. Up!

“Come back, Teddiursa.” A red light flashed out, Wanmu took Teddiursa back into the Poké Ball, and then took out another Poké Ball and threw it on the field, shouting, “Bai Mo, you I initially recognized the strength of Pokemon. It’s not bad. This is my second Pokemon.”

“It’s the beginning of the formal test!”

As the voice of Wanmei fell, one Pokémon full of Vital Spirit appeared on the field!

“It’s Vigoroth!” For their father’s main use of Pokemon, May and Xiaosheng recognized it immediately. !

“Sure enough, it is a Normal sex specialization!” Seeing Vigoroth, the difficulty of all eyes, Bai Mo swept away with Psychic again.

High grade Aptitude, Top Rank strength.

Aptitude and strength are better than Teddiursa.

The most important thing is that it may be more tacit to cooperate with Wanmu!

“Take a good rest, Treecko!” Since the opponent sent a full-scale Top Rank Pokemon, Bai Mo directly recalled Treecko, and then took out another Poké Ball and threw it into the air:

“Charmander, I will beg of you next!”

“Well, it turned out to be another Pokémon!”

When I saw Bai Mo, I took it out With a Charmander, there was a wave of fluctuations in the eyes of Norman and Wan Ming.

May and Xiaosheng’s eyes are full of admiration. They still know the name of Pokémon Yusanjia very well.

“The second game, start!” After Charmander’s motivated Roar shouted, Norman announced that the game would continue!

“This time, change me first!”

“Vigoroth, use stomping!”

In the immediately announced by Norman, Wanmu will seize the opportunity , The first to issue an attack order.

Vigoroth screamed in excitement, and he kept waving his fists when he was full of energy.

Seeing Charmander who was much shorter than himself in the field, Vigoroth’s eyes showed a humane disdain. Then, the white rays of light gathered on the feet and slammed on the Ground!

“Stomp, Ground Type Ability, double the attack effect on Fire Element Charmander, do you think it beautiful!” Bai Mo immediately guessed his Intentionally, he immediately shouted, “Charmander, jump up to avoid it, and then use Flamethrower to fight back.” In the field, Charmander who noticed Vigoroth’s eyes jumped up sharply, just avoiding the heavy pedaling. Rock stab damage. Then, as if to vent the underestimated anger, Normal, opened his mouth to spray a raging fire or flew towards Vigoroth with a strong momentum.

“Really strong formidable power, really unimaginable. This is the performance of Rookie and Rookie Pokemon!” He exclaimed in his heart, and Wanmu still commanded calmly.

“Protect, see the right time, use Low Sweep.”

Vigoroth instantly crossed his arms around his chest, and a white light curtain quickly appeared on his body, bringing Charmander All the flames of Spit Up were resisted.

This Vigoroth, both in response and in activating Ability, takes much longer than Teddiursa!

This is not over yet. Just when Charmander’s body fell from the air to stop the flame jet, Vigoroth’s eyes condensed, and suddenly jumped to the side, quickly approaching Charmander, before it stood still. , I aimed at the leg and kicked it…

Chapter 0051, flirting on the field?


The Low Sweep of Vigoroth’s high-speed use perfectly hit Charmander’s leg. Charmander who was in pain turned over and knelt on the ground with one foot.

Because Low Sweep hit Charmander’s footsteps, the next game, it is not known for speed in front of Vigoroth, who is known for speed, the crisis will be infinitely magnified!

For a while, Bai Mo was a little worried!

“Charmander, are you okay?”

Bai Mo’s concerned voice came, Charmander suddenly roared and looked up towards Vigoroth, its eyes were full of fighting intent, arrogance Like it, never allow yourself to lose the game like this!

Hearing Charmander’s Roar, Bai Mo immediately understood what he meant, and immediately shouted, “Again, use Flamethrower.”

For melee, Charmander will definitely not It’s Vigoroth’s opponent, so now, Bai Mo decides to win by distance!

“Vigoroth, use stomping again.”

Wanmu looked very calm at this time. Vigoroth does have a speed advantage, but he still wants to expand his advantage even more.

Low Sweep hurt Charmander’s leg. Now it uses Ground Type Unique Ability and it is also an absolute long-range attack.

“peng!” called the white light, Vigoroth stepped on the Ground again, a strange wave accompanied by the continuous rushing of Rock, and quickly came to Charmander!

“What!” Seeing the scene in front of him, Bai Mo’s heart startled, Vigoroth was obviously trained by Wanmu for his advantage, and his move speed and Unique Ability speed were extremely fast.

Previously, Wanmu also issued an attack command almost when Bai Mo gave the order, but at this time, Charmander’s Flamethrower had just brewed in his mouth, and the Rock stab from the stomping had actually appeared in his mouth. At the feet of Charmander!

“Charmander, dodge!” Bai Mo immediately directed Charmander to escape, but obviously, it was too late!


Rock stab fiercely hit Charmander’s chin, and the Flamethrower that had been brewing in Charmander’s mouth exploded directly in its mouth.


Charmander was bombarded for many meters in an instant, and after rubbing on the ground for a certain distance, he barely stopped.

“Oh!” With a soft Roar, Charmander forced Struggle to stand up.

“Vigoroth, rush over, give Charmander the last blow, split tiles!” Seeing Charmander on the verge of collapse, Wanmu immediately took advantage of the victory and pursued it, intending to do it quickly, if he eats Charmander’s One blow is absolutely to lose.

Even if it can bear it successfully, Vigoroth can quickly win through Close Combat.

Looking at Vigoroth running towards him, Charmander had a trace of panic in his eyes.

However, at this time, a familiar voice rang in its heart, “Wait, use Metal Claw to block it, and then brew Flamethrower to knock Vigoroth into the air!”

“Oh! “

Getting Bai Mo’s order, Charmander’s eyes became firm again.

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