Bai Mo knows the purpose of the ten thousand goals. Bai Mo directly understands that he will not wait for death, and directly uses the telepathy to plan to insult the other party. Anyway, no one else knows!

Outside the court, at this time, looking at Charmander who didn’t move at all and Bai Mo who didn’t give orders, May and Xiao Sheng were worried. I don’t know why, they both support Bai Mo.

“He, is he going to lose!?” May took a serious look at Bai Mo Junyi’s profile, but what he saw was the same confidence and determination as before, and he didn’t want to lose at all Look like.

It seems that he felt May’s sight, Bai Mo turned his head to look at her, smiled lightly, and blinked!

At this moment, May’s pretty face became red after rubbing against her. She felt that she was peeping at others and was discovered by the person involved!

“So shy!” May immediately didn’t dare to look at Bai Mo again. She obviously didn’t mean anything else in her heart. She just wanted to see if Bai Mo would panic when she faced such a big crisis.

Didn’t expect, Bai Mo has always been so calm, and then, this indifferent look is quite handsome, he took a few more glances, but did not expect that he was discovered !

And this scene happened to be seen by May’s mother, and her eyes immediately showed a playful look. She decided to find a chance to tease her baby girl!

As the referee, Norman also took a deep look at Bai Mo at this time. He is now a genius for Bai Mo. He doesn’t think that genius is so easy to give up.

However, when he looked over, he happened to see Bai Mo and his daughter, “being flirtatious”, and then his daughter, “squeaky”, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched!

“Good boy, I still have the thought to tease my girl during the game!” Norman shook the head speechlessly, but he has no other ideas. He is a stocking style for his children, as long as his character is okay. That’s fine, a 15-year-old girl, if she is looking for a girlfriend, she won’t be considered a premature love.

Bai Mo knows that, well, it’s good in every way!

If you let May know, just because she took one more look, her parents have all kinds of thoughts and don’t know how they will feel!

Well, I should be very shy!

Chapter 0052 Amazing Face-to-Face

At this moment, Bai Mo’s sight was once again placed in the field. It was not for him to go to see May.

With the Psychic of intermediate rank Peak, he naturally won’t use it. Confusion has already enveloped the audience, and everything is already under control.

This is also the reason why he was able to spot May’s gaze, and feel relieved to molest the beautiful girl boldly.

At this time, the game has reached the most critical point.

Looking at Vigoroth who was approaching Charmander in the field, Bai Mo narrowed his eyes and shouted:

“Charmander, it’s now!”

With Bai Mo yelled out these seven words that people didn’t understand, and then everyone saw a miracle!

In the field, when Vigoroth approached him, Charmander violently raised his hand, exuding a dazzling metallic luster.


Vigoroth occupies a height advantage. The top-to-bottom split tiles straight moved towards Charmander’s head swung away, but it happened to be swung away by Charmander’s pair of Metal Claws Blocked, the two Pokemon suddenly stalemate there.

However, this is far from over. When the two Pokémon were in a stalemate, Charmander suddenly raised his head and opened his mouth wide, with Flamethrower who had been brewing for a while!

Flamethrower was brewing, Charmander at this time pushed Vigoroth with two claws violently, and then took a step back with the reaction force, and then, a pillar of formidable power sprayed out of its mouth!

For an instant, except for Bai Mo, when everyone did not react, the raging fire instantly enveloped Vigoroth’s whole body.


Vigoroth suddenly let out Roar in pain.


Seeing this scene, Norman and the others were shocked, and even May was too shy.

Obviously, what order Bai Mo not at all gave, but that the time had come, Charmander used Metal Claw to block the opponent’s attack. This is not over yet, Charmander even seized the opportunity to use Flamethrower to get closer. The distance hit Vigoroth.

This kind of performance is dazzling.

Could it be that in the words Bai Mo yelled, there was some kind of secret sign with Charmander! ?

But the situation in the venue suddenly appeared, and there was no rehearsal. It is impossible to achieve such an effect with a secret signal, right?

The only explanation right now seems to be that Bai Mo and Charmander have a tacit understanding of Pokemon!

Different from other spectators, after a brief surprise, Wanmu lost his square inch not at all, but immediately shouted, “Vigoroth, use tile splitting again!”

In the flames, Vigoroth immediately waved his palm, fiercely slashing towards Charmander.

At this moment, the flame was divided into two!

“Charmander, avoid!”

Noting the situation in the court, Bai Mo’s voice sounded in Charmander’s heart again.

However, this time, Bai Mo’s abacus fell through!

Charmander jumped up immediately when he heard Bai Mo’s command, but Vigoroth used the tile Ability with anger, and the speed was a little faster.

In contrast, Charmander was continuously hit by Low Sweep in the leg, stomped and hit the chin, and was blown up. His physical strength and speed had already been reduced a lot.

Under the declining trend!


Although Vigoroth’s split tile did not hit Charmander’s head, it hit its chest firmly! Charmander, who was hit by this heavy blow, suddenly flew far away, and Flamethrower also stopped!

Vigoroth was hit by Flamethrower, and he didn’t take advantage of the victory. He just stood still and gasped. It seems that he was hit by Flamethrower at close range, and he also suffered a lot of damage.

But Charmander, who was hit by the tiles, is even worse, lying on the ground for a long time!

Seeing this scene, Norman felt faintly sighed. Bai Mo’s command was remarkable, but the combat experience of Wanshi surpassed him too much. Vigoroth’s level and combat experience also suppressed Charmander.

It’s not a surprise to lose.

Aside, looking at Charmander in the court, I don’t know why, but May feels sad too!

But unlike them, Bai Mo originally stretched out his hand to grab Charmander Poké Ball’s hand but it was a meal. He used Psychic to find that Charmander had not lost his battle strength, and had not given up!

The flames on Charmander’s tail are constantly beating, and there is even a faint tendency to burn more!

Sensed this scene, Bai Mo immediately shouted!

“Charmander, stand up!”

“I believe you!”

Charmander fell on the ground and heard Bai Mo’s trusting voice, He opened his eyes sharply, and stood up slowly just like this when he supported the ground with one hand.

“very good!”

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