Seeing this scene, May and Xiao Sheng both clenched their fists unconsciously!

Norman swallowed what he had said.

The eyes of Wanmu were full of praise, but they were also ruthless. He directly commanded Vigoroth, “Water waves!”

“What!?” Hearing the order of Wanmu, Bai Mo’s eyes Shrank, shouldn’t it be said that it is Pokémon from Elite Trainer, this Vigoroth has mastered Water Pulse! !

Moreover, I even took it out as a killing move at this time!

But then, Bai Mo’s face suddenly became a little difficult to look.

I only use Water Pulse now. Is it because Manmu went first to release the water?

If so, even if he wins, he won’t be happy.

He Bai Mo has his own pride!

Chapter 0053 Charmander Evolution

Seeing Bai Mo’s expression, it seems that he has guessed his thoughts. Wanmu said in a timely manner, “Vigoroth takes a long time to activate Water Pulse. , Because it’s just been mastered, and the hit rate is also a problem. I started to use it to deal with Charmander, but it was a waste of energy!”

With this explanation, Bai Mo’s brows stretched out immediately. Now that he has a special explanation of his identity, it will definitely not be a lie to him.

At this time, in the field, Charmander finally stood up again. At the moment of standing up, the flame at its tail suddenly burned more vigorously!

“Is it really Blaze!” Bai Mo secretly laughed that he had good luck today. Treecko entered the Overgrow state during the game before, and Charmander also entered the Blaze state at this time!

Actually, this is normal. The higher the Aptitude of Pokémon, the greater the probability of entering the Characteristic Trait under special circumstances.

Charmander and Treecko’s Aptitude are both top grade. The word top grade is not for nothing!

What Bai Mo absolutely didn’t expect was that at the next moment, Charmander’s whole body was emitting white rays of light. In the white light, Charmander’s body shape was changing rapidly.

“This is!”

Everyone was surprised to see this scene!

Next moment, the white light dissipated, and what appeared in front of him was…


Bai Mo was excited, and the surprise came too Suddenly, it really didn’t expect Charmander to evolve at this time.

But it’s right to think about it carefully. After so long in the field, Charmander’s strength has already reached the critical point of breakthrough.

It is reasonable to face the huge pressure of evolution now!

With this evolution, Charmeleon’s current strength must have reached Top Rank, which is the same as Vigoroth’s strength!

Looking at Charmander who has evolved into Charmeleon, there is also a slight surprise in Wanmei’s eyes, but he is not afraid. To be honest, the current battle between two Pokémon has caused them to consume too much energy, and Charmander Just evolved, strength must not be well mastered.

In the field at this time, Vigoroth finally condensed a huge water ball with his hands, and moved towards it at the moment Charmeleon evolved successfully!

The water polo immediately approached Charmeleon with strange fluctuations.

Bai Mo was not nervous at all when he saw it, and calmly directed Charmeleon, “Charmeleon, use Flamethrower!”


Charmeleon I opened my mouth and called out, this time, Flamethrower was prepared for a very short time, and it was sprayed out soon. The most important thing is that the formidable power has become more powerful!


In an instant, the flames collided with the water polo, and there was a huge explosion, and a white smoke instantly covered the audience.

This is the water vapor produced after the water is evaporated at a high temperature.

All of a sudden, all can’t see what’s going on inside the venue.

And this is an opportunity for Bai Mo, a psychic person.

“Charmeleon, walk two steps to the left sideways, and use Flamethrower again!” Bai Mo’s voice resounded in Charmeleon’s heart again!

“Oh!” Although his eyes are full of Mist, Charmeleon still obeys orders.

next moment, everyone only saw a flame appear in Mist, flying towards one direction with a powerful impact, and instantly blowing Mist away.

At the moment when Mist blows away, what catches everyone’s eyes is the moment when Vigoroth is hit by Charmeleon’s Flamethrower.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. I don’t know how Charmeleon attacked when everyone couldn’t see it.

Finally, everyone who can’t figure it out can only think that Charmeleon’s luck is very good!

“Xiao Sheng, why is the water fluctuation of Water Type and the Flamethrower of Fire Element evenly matched? Isn’t water restraining the Fire Element, and water fluctuation Ability is stronger than Flamethrower Ability!” Aside, May To his younger brother curiously asked.

“Because of Blaze!” At this time, Xiaosheng was full of enthusiasm for watching the game. Hearing his own elder sister’s problems, he replied without thinking, “Charmander has evolved into Charmeleon, and his strength has improved a lot. The Flamethrower Ability formidable power used in Blaze state is doubled, and Vigoroth is a normal type Ability. Using Water Type Ability is definitely not as good as expected!”

“So, water restrains fire, but it becomes The fire burns out the water!”

“So it was!” May immediately ordered nodded, but the beautiful eyes stayed on Bai Mo again and then moved away. She didn’t want to experience the previous one again. awkward.

But in May’s heart, he admired Bai Mo more and more. !

The theoretical knowledge that Xiaosheng said before, I only know a little bit. The younger brother is famous for learning well. As a bystander, he can understand so many Taoisms.

But Bai Mo even kept a clear head when he was playing against an Elite Trainer, and his calm response was really amazing.

There are such thoughts, as well as Wanmu and Norman. They found that Bai Mo’s combat awareness is really strong.

However, marvel and marvel, the game is not over yet!

“Vigoroth, use split tiles!”

Wan Li immediately commanded Vigoroth, who jumped out of Flamethrower, to attack again!

At this time, in the field, Charmeleon was staring at Vigoroth’s movements, as well as the white light appearing on his palm.

Next moment, Charmeleon expression congeals, also rushed out!

Chapter 0054 perish together

Seeing Charmeleon’s actions, Bai Mo was a little surprised, because he had not given an order yet. Charmeleon charges ahead by himself!

“Is it that Charmeleon is so self-willed!” Bai Mo wondered if his Charmeleon was the same as Ash’s, but then he shook his head and denied it.

cracking a joke, he is not Ash, and Charmeleon did not evolve randomly. Now it must have its own reasons for doing so.

Sure enough, Charmeleon gave Bai Mo a surprise at the next moment.

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