wait Bai Mo and the others to leave the port, Red, and Satsuki stayed, expressed volunteers to do one day, after all, they had no money, only in this way provides Help .

Soon the time came at night.

Seeing that it was too late, Red said goodbye to Rena, “Thank you for taking us around. I finally found out why Nurse Joy from Pokémon Center asked me to visit Pokémon House before going to Pokémon Tower. “

I clicked nodded, Rena said with a smile, “Fuji grandfather is not only a kind person, he also knows Pokémon very well, and also taught me a lot of knowledge.”

“I’m helping to collect Pokédex. If I can meet Fuji grandfather, it will be very good!” Red sighed with disappointment, and then asked, “By the way, speaking of which, I haven’t seen it all afternoon to do, I ask, who is the Fuji grandfather it? “

” that …… “Red hear the question, Reina face filled with frustration.

“What’s the matter?” Realizing that things are a bit unusual, both Red frowned.

“Everyone! Mr. Fuji’s place is found!” At this moment, the door was suddenly opened and a volunteer shouted this and ran in.

“Where? Where?” The presence of volunteers who have all run over.

“At the Pokémon Tower!” The man took a deep breath before giving the answer.

“Pokémon Tower!?” Everyone was startled and didn’t understand how Mr. Fuji would go there. The man who ran back immediately explained, “Someone saw Mr. Fuji enter the Pokémon Tower alone yesterday… “

“Why do you want to do this?”

“Of course it’s because of Team Rocket. Didn’t Team Rocket’s people enter the Pokémon Tower a few days ago? They also blocked some not to let anyone out of the way, he must go Pokémon Team Rocket tower and negotiate, then got caught. “

” clearly not resolved through negotiation opponent. “a middle-aged man hearing this sighed .

“Well, what happened to the Pokémon Tower?” Red insisted on coming up, seeing everyone looking at him in confusion, and immediately introduced himself, “I am Red, I am traveling, and I planned to think Mr. Fuji asks something about Pokémon.”

hearing this, the people who once again immediately started talking at once and narrated what happened the other day.

“The guys in Team Rocket occupied the top floor of the Pokémon Tower without warning. They suddenly turned up without being invited.”

“Take the truck, they will be occupied immediately! “

“Moreover, the people who came were rudely smashed out. From that day on, Pokémon Tower could not be entered.”

“Too reckless!” heard such a thing, Red eyes flash of anger.

“Moreover, there is Ghost again, don’t lie to you, I saw it with my own eyes!” At this moment, a man continued, “Some time ago, I sneaked in in the middle of the night to worship, and then watched the blue flame of a group over there talking out of here, get out! “

” it is from here there is enough of terror. “one of the volunteers recalled the night scene, trembling fear Up.

“If you can’t enter the Pokémon Tower, the town will be over.”

hearing this, glanced at the crowd, Rena looked firmly in her eyes and suggested, “Everyone, let’s save Fuji grandfather!”

“Team Rocket is stationed there, impossible!”

“There are a lot of people who will challenge Pokémon. They are obviously bad guys but very powerful.”

“There is Ghost showing up, I will definitely not go!”

Without trying, in front of Team Rocket’s wicked name, everyone present flinched, saying that this is not working thing, but also it gives a variety of reasons.

Chapter 0468 Gengar said these all are brat!

“What should I do, Fuji grandfather went to Team Rocket for everyone, so just ignore it!?” Looking at the people who started to shirk in front of him, Rena clenched her tightly. hands, she was angry.

“is not ignored, Team Rocket will always put the Mr. Fuji, and wait a few days!”

Reina was questioned in the presence of a few people are some blush He turned his head, but still insisted not to rescue.

No way, Team Rocket is too powerful.

“Everyone is too indifferent!” Rena Stomping Tantrum, her eyes became firmer and decided to go by herself.

“I’ll go!” At this moment, Red suddenly spoke.

aside, Satsuki looked after Red is a firm standing beside him.

However, Red hear it, did not know his strength Reina does have some to do, “you go? too recklessly.”

“Yes, this Lavender Town None of the experts have been able to play Team Rocket!”

“That is, if you go, you may not be able to solve the problem!”

“Someone has already gone out to report , Let’s wait for the people of Alliance to solve the problem.”

Everyone around Rena also objected.

“I still have some confidence in the Pokémon battle.” After showing the five Badge I have collected to everyone, Red has a confident color.

To be honest, if not yet finished collecting Badge, not long ago and now he is wearing Top Rank Trainer’s Badge, his Charmander has evolved into a Charmeleon has elite Peak power.

Red is confident to become a quasi-Elite Trainer in this year’s tournament.

Then, one of his own top plan is after three to five years to become Elite Class Trainer, have at least a level Pokémon Elite and Elite level will only be allowed five Pokémon, and race in an Alliance Get the top four.

But this plan, he has now changed, he believes he can become the presence of the top eight, when the time comes, with the support of Bai Mo, becoming Trainer Elite level time will be quickly cut short .

“There are five badge!”

“There are also two Elite Gym Badge.”

“Is this the source of confidence, it seems It seems to be very strong, but the other party is Team Rocket, is it really okay?”

“I will never forgive those wanton and reckless Team Rockets, and the Koracola thing, I must I will do it, definitely!” Red clicked nodded at the crowd with a firm expression, and motioned towards the Pokémon Tower with Xiaoyue.

And yet, at the first door eavesdropping on conversations inside Gary’s eyes a fierce light, heart secretly thought, “so that’s how it is , is that right?”

“Then if I go to the Pokémon Tower before Red and drive the Team Rockets out, I will become a hero overnight.”

Thinking of this, Gary picked up his Poké Ball and moved towards the Pokémon Tower. .

After Gary left, on a big tree, lazily looking at Bai Mo who was enjoying the Gardevoir massage, he glanced at Gengar and asked, “You said this Tower Summit has something to let you Is the power of fear real?”

“What good is it to lie to you?” Upon hearing Bai Mo’s words, Sister Gengar shook her head, her face was full of arrogance, “What is Gastly inside, including Some Gengar have to call my great aunt, some of the little fellow, nothing to be afraid of. “

” the Pokémon tower, only Gastly family, I have come every year, last year, when this place Gastly home Haunter only about a hundred of it. “

” of which there are two Aptitude is good, you just can rein. “

” these all are the way, the Tower Summit, I’ve only been once, to come every year, but occasionally, I can feel some of the evil spread volatility, the volatility now I think about it, is the strength of the rule of right. “

“There should be a Dark Type Sect Master Pokémon.”

“Really.” Touching his chin, his eyes were occupied by a thick color of interest, Bai Mo looked down the tree look, see Red and Satsuki came out, he slowly stood up:

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