“interesting, let me go and see what the Pokémon Team Rocket tower on the top floor there are these guys doing it.”

Pokémon tower came down, before looking at At the place where the legendary Ghost suddenly became more gloomy at night, Satsuki instinctively retreated behind Red and whispered, “Although you said that before, but now suddenly you want to go in, I still feel a little uneasy!”

“Don’t worry, I will protect you.” Grabbing Satsuki’s hand, Red immediately led him in.

“Hey, this guy Red is quite smart, much better than the second fool of Ash.” Bai Mo, who was hiding behind the two of them, smiled as he watched the scene where Red was holding Satsuki’s hand. shook the head.

Although Xiaoyue is a Normal girl, she is only a little cute and can’t be mentioned on equal terms with any of Bai Mo’s girlfriends at all, but she is obviously in the form of a good wife and a good mother. She is still a Breeder. Red solid backing to do very well.

With such a bondage, men will be tender. In this way, Bai Mo feels that it is more reliable for Red to work for himself.

laughed, Bai Mo took Gardevoir and Gengar by the hand and entered the building in front of him. He has let other girls go back to Small World. Girls obviously will not like to come to this gloomy The place is that Sabrina and Cattleya, the two Psychic people, are a little disgusted with these.

So finally, Bai Mo and Gengar it with only two Gardevoir to this girl.

Bai Mo were holding hands, Gardevoir’d become accustomed to, it is natural to withhold Bai Mo hand backhand, but the side of Gengar sister is clearly not experienced these, this guy lived two thousand years, even momentary blank mind up, let Bai Mo pulled himself!

” Ah!”

Just then, the door suddenly heard a girl’s sharp Growl, listen to the voice of Satsuki, that voice to the call of God Gengar When she came back, instinctively, she glanced at her hand held by Bai Mo, but what she did not at all, just started to look around with restless eyes.

The Bai Mo and Gardevoir This is a tacit release his Psychic.

release Psychic, Bai Mo noticed the look of Gengar, funny turned around and asked, “What are you how the? fear?”


Bai Mo hear the words, Gengar suddenly blown up, unhappy Road, “in which are some brat, this move can be a great aunt full seconds.”

” afraid of?”

“but I do not know how to write the word!”

Chapter 0469 is jointly make fun of Bai Mo couple Gengar!

“Huh?” Hearing Gengar’s words, Gardevoir covered his mouth lightly and said with a smile, “Gengar, you have lived for two thousand years, and you don’t know how to write words? You are too stupid. “

“I’m not stupid.” Gengar seemed to hate himself being belittled, and immediately retorted, “I lived two thousand…”

“You know, it’s two Millennium. “

” generations of human words I will, including Pokémon text I will. “

” this fear, that fear before fear, now afraid, I will. ”


“Oh, that’s it.” Hearing Gengar’s words, Gardevoir turned his head with a smile, and Bai Mo tacitly accepted, “Speaking of you I’m still afraid, just admit it.”

“Ah, I’m going crazy!”

Seeing Gardevoir and Bai Mo these two people play tricks on themselves, Gengar said I’m going to explode.

Seeing this, Bai Mo and Gardevoir exchanged a tacit look and began to use Psychic to focus on the situation.

Ahead, Red’s flashlight in his hand was shining forward, and suddenly it hit a woman. This woman suddenly appeared in the light and it was the reason Satsuki screamed.

Satsuki heard screaming, the woman was very plain began, “Oh, I’m not what Ghost.”

“What ah, please do not scare me Well!” Xiaoyue Xin patted her chest with lingering fears.

hearing this, the woman slightly smiled, “and I would not want to visit my Nidoran♀, you also come to worship you? really two missing Pokémon’s child yet.”

Obviously, the woman misunderstood the intention of the two Red.

“Aren’t you afraid?” Red squinted at the woman in front of him.

“Sort of, Ghost seems to appear only on top, with Team Rocket is certainly hate it!” the woman smiled and explained the sentence, and then bid farewell to the two men moved towards the bottom of the tower and walked Pokémon.

seeing, Red, and Satsuki after beginning to move forward as one.

At the same time, Gary, who entered the Pokémon Tower earlier than the Reds, was looking for Team Rocket with a flashlight on a higher level. He walked, still muttering casually there. “There is no Ghost nowadays. Besides, since Team Rocket has occupied this place, then Ghost must be a trick used by Team Rocket to drive people away. Master, I’m so smart, I’ve noticed it a long time ago.”

“I see Gary adults to expose all the tricks Team Rocket, and then drive out the group of guys!”

” my name will soon be written into the history of the Lavender Town!”

“when the time comes , whether or grandfather Bai Mo brother will surely impress me, hahaha!”

Gary doing just become a big celebrity dream continues moved towards a higher level of floor When going up.

upstairs, below the top floor layer.

“Hey, do you know that this Pokémon tower has a Ghost legend?” Sitting on the ground boringly wiping Poké Ball, a team leader of Team Rocket talked with his colleagues over there.

“Do not say, I hate listening to this story, anyway, certainly Ghost Type Pokémon mischief of it.” Also a member of a captain-level seems to be a bit scared Ghost, it is said impatiently One sentence.

“No, it’s the real Ghost.” The person who spoke first suddenly became serious.

“Is it true!?” One of the somewhat timid captain was scared and stood up.

“It’s okay, but we have this, this phantom perspective mirror that can expose the hidden Ghost Type Pokémon.” Seeing the appearance of his colleague, the person who spoke first raised his voice. in the hands of Items, then he said, “this, even though it is also effective for Ghost.”

” you can not scare me ah.” From a drop of sweat dripping name timid captain’s head.

“What are they afraid loss you are an adult.” Another great courage of the captain began to ridicule.

These three are the captains of Team Rocket. Each captain has three Small Captains, and each Small Captain has three ordinary members.

In other words, there are 39 Team Rocket members here.

such a big Team Rocket forces that nature is not to soy sauce, they are the strongest Executive Team Rocket has said the Bi Xiasi led to this is.

As for the purpose of coming here, no one except Bixias should know.

At this time, Gary has already walked to the floor below those of Team Rocket.

from the top floor to see their only two, his face flashed a look of excitement, “hehe, Team Rocket guys, in it you?”

” Oh, Ghost Ghost, the results have nothing thing. “

have to say, sometimes, words are not talk nonsense, Gary words faded in his up ahead, one of the leading stairs at the mouth, of a purple rays of light suddenly appeared, also sent waves with a gloomy feeling voice, “get out of here, get out of here!”

saying, purple rays of light also began moved towards Gary journeyman, emitted sound is getting louder and louder.

Seeing the ghost of purple rays of light appearing and floating towards him, Gary’s face suddenly turned pale, so scared that he threw away the flashlight in his hand, and turned around and ran away. .

I heard the sharp Growl made by Gary when he was running away.

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