On the floor, the idle and boring people like Team Rocket are suddenly energetic.

The captain who was less courageous asked in a trembling voice, “You, Ghost?!”

“Who sneaked in again? I’ll take my people to see look at the situation. “obvious that the captain felt the greatest courage, what can pass the boring things come, and two others said loudly to greet his men moved towards and walked downstairs.

At this time, Gary can be said to be completely desperate, even closing his eyes, just moved towards the stairs in front of him and rushed down.

At the other end of the stairs, Gary and Satsuki have just arrived here.

Seeing Gary rushing towards Satsuki madly, Red quickly reached out and pulled Satsuki behind him, then stretched out a hand to grab Gary’s collar and asked, “Gary, you Why are you here, what’s your situation?”

“Ghost, Ghost has appeared!!” Hearing Red’s question, Gary instinctively swallowed his saliva and explained it before moving towards and ran away again. A few steps.

But then ran a few steps before he was to reflect over Red two in that, immediately exhumation is over.

“Get out of here, get out of here!”

At this time, Ghost’s voice came from the building, getting closer and closer.

“There really is Ghost!” Xiaoyue eyes shrank looked towards Red, and Gary also persuaded:

“Red, run away!”

“No, if you want to run away, you can run away!” Hearing Gary’s words, Red was remaining unmoved, so he took out a Poké Ball on his waist and threw it out:

“Go on, Charmeleon ! “

The first chapter 0470 crisis, Bai Mo shot!

” peng!”

When Red several people face Ghost of, Pokémon’s home, pull pull senses it, suddenly began doors Tackle the front of crazy.

Outside the house, because the Red two entered the Pokémon tower, they were a little awake and Rena, who voluntarily left the vigil, heard the movement and walked in.

“Korah Korah, how do you?” Korah see Korah crazy Zhuangmen, Reina immediately ran Korah Korah looked up care, but can not pull pull answer she just Zhuangmen.

‘ Seeing this, Rena couldn’t help but open the door.

As soon as the door was opened, Korakola showed his full speed moved towards and ran outside.

“Korah Korah!” Korah see Korah moment, Reina other Pokémon in the room, asked the one on the chase so that they do not run out.

And now.

Pokémon column.

Red Ghost and fighting with, but Charmeleon no matter what attacks are not hit each other, but the other did not really attack them, just keep repeating words to make them leave.

“Quickly leave!”

Ghost watched Red and Satsuki continue to repeat their words.

“I’m here to save Fuji grandfather. I won’t just leave. Why don’t you let me pass.” Red wants to persuade Ghost to let himself go, because Ghost does not hurt them both, but clinging to prevent the two entered.

But the Red Ghost and the stalemate when the other side, Gary secretly slipped up again by the stairs, ran into a team total of twelve Team Rocket’s.

look at the guys dressed in attire of Team Rocket appear, Gary mouth a hook, “Hey, finally saw the Lord is.”

“Team Rocket’s these guys who have nothing I’m so scared.”

Speaking, Gary threw out the two Poké Balls in his hands:

“Go, Blastoise!”

“Umbreon! “

after all across many people, so Gary threw their strongest two Pokemon, and Pokemon command more offensive words together, easily distracted, leading to battle strength decline.

After all, the only successor Peak Level Aristocratic Family, as well as Pokémon industry authority Professor Oak’s grandson, although for some reason Gary not all high Pokémon starting point at, but he renewed training or cream of the crop.

is also because of this, Gary Squirtle has evolved into a Blastoise, have the strength of a quasi Elite Primary Rank.

Umbreon evolved from the Eevee with top grade Aptitude given by Gary when her mother was a child, and his current strength is also quasi Elite Primary Rank.

Two Pokémons of the quasi-Elite Primary Rank, if they command well, it may not be impossible to deal with the dozens of people on the opposite Team Rocket.

In Team Rocket, the ordinary combatants are Top Rank Pokémon. Of course, the strength is uneven, there are strong and weak.

Small Captain is held by elite Trainer.

Finally, the team leader is the quasi-Elite Trainer.

above the captain Executive, the worst is the Elite level Trainer, but even forces across the Seven Islands, Kanto, Johto of Team Rocket also how many of these characters are not so.

Gary outbreak of World War II began here, the very beginning, that the captain of Team Rocket, but thought Gary was wearing Top Rank Trainer Badge of Top Rank Trainer, lack of strength for concern.

But the result then he disappointed those who sent his men despite the great number of Pokemon, but was Blastoise and Umbreon out of the water under the command of Gary.

wait until the release of the captain himself that two quasi-Elite-level Pokémon, a Weezing and a Houndoom time, but also powerless.

In the end, this team was cleaned up by Gary.

took out a rope from the pockets of space readily carried in the front of this even Thirteen people tied up, Gary holding the hands of the captains Items returned to the stairs.

” Red, then, this thing has a special powers, allowing Ghost profiling.” then threw Items that are still puzzled Battle of Red, Gary intend to go upstairs again.

But next moment, Gary’s eyes shrank, reaching instinctively stand in front of their own.


With the appearance of a popping sound, a purple liquid appeared and took Gary upside down and landed on Red’s side.

” peng!”


Gary felt in danger, is the former reclaim the Poké Ball’s Blastoise and Umbreon appeared blocked in the initiative in front of him.

” Gary.” Red leans over and Satsuki swung around to check his condition from Gary’s, “Are you okay?”

” I’m fine.” shook Hand, Gary’s eyes became extremely cold, and he slowly stood up and looked in front of him and said, “Use Pokémon to attack Trainer, and only your Team Rocket is so shameless.”

“shameless, hehe, thank you for your praise. “

hear the words of Gary, two silhouette appeared in the stairs, followed by Gary and the others surrounded the purple and the Ghost of two teams appear.

After, that, before being tied Gary up the captain points to the other two captain open road around evil fiercely, and “That kid’s Blastoise and Umbreon quasi Elite level, his companions might not simple .”

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