So very strange scene appeared, Arcanine do not know how, always faster than Dodrio two body position.

Dodrio is slow, Arcanine is slow, Dodrio is fast, Arcanine is faster.

Dodrio and Du Litian have not appeared on the big screen for a long time, because they are always covered by smoke and dust.

seems to be thinking about their own ethnic groups to leave people face, Host decisive converted screen, began to explain other cases:

” of the First Rank ladder, is Bai Mo Headed by Professor, Dodrio, Ponyta and Primeape compete with each other.”

“Behind the four, there is another person who also follows closely from behind!”

“Wow, this The naughty bullets under the body accelerated, so fast, so fast, they are about to catch up with the First Rank ladder.”

“Ah, it’s a pity, this player’s speed is a little too fast, he is almost too fast. You can’t control it. Below this downhill road is a pool with gloves. It is necessary for the contestants to step on the rocks on the water and jump continuously to pass this level.”

“Playing this ball playfully is obviously not at all to skip this level, and because the downhill speed was too fast before, he flew directly out of the race track when he reached the edge of the waterhole and fell into the waterhole. I immediately lost my qualifications for the competition.”

“Well, let’s go back to the First Rank ladder!”

“Arcanine is too powerful, and I didn’t slow down the slope before , Now I jumped directly to the opposite side!”

“The rest, Dodrio, Ponyta, and Primeape with good jumping ability all naturally skipped this difficulty with no difficulty, four I competed for my next destination!”

“Damn, even she is so difficult!” At this time, Du Litian, riding the Dodrio, looked back, looking at himself Behind him, Lara, who was chasing after Ponyta, said uncomfortably: “Damn it, it’s Bai Mo’s fault. Not only can I easily beat me now, even Lara hasn’t solved it.”

It has several points of self-knowledge, knowing that he has been impossible, is the opponent of Bai Mo who has been running in front of him casually, and directly took the second place on Lock On, so he got bad thoughts again!

In the face of the next two rivals competing for second place, Du Litian began to have bad ideas in his heart.

However, unlike the Flying Type Pokémon tournament that Bai Mo participated in, the racing tournament prohibits Pokémon from attacking the opponent Pokémon with Unique Ability.

But at this moment, it seems that the sky is in Help and the sky is Normal. At least, he thinks so now.

The entire group has now run into a woods, which makes the camera that has been chasing all the way can only be shot through the air, and the five methods are recording the situation of the game.

At the moment of discovering this plot, Du Li Tiandang asked Dodrio to turn around and say: “Dodrio, use Tri Attack on Ponyta and Primeape!”

In the track, he did not stop running Moving, Dodrio’s three heads turned in unison, and a three-color light spurted out of his mouth.

“Professor Bai Mo is right, huh, Ponyta uses Agility!” Riding on Ponyta, Lara, who was reminded by Bai Mo in the morning, immediately noticed Du Litian’s strangeness. Direct Ponyta to respond immediately.

Below Lara, Ponyta speeds up the moment he gets the order, just avoiding Dodrio’s Tri Attack.

Behind Ponyta, Ash also made Primeape jump up with Stomping Tantrum Ability to avoid the attack.

Seeing that an attack was missed, the front was all heaven knows. Once the three of them got out of the forest, he would definitely not have a chance to solve the two of Lara. He immediately commanded Dodrio under him to stop and shout:

“Dodrio, do it again, Tri Attack!”

Chapter 0499 Arcanine breakthrough Elite, win!

In front of Dodrio, Bai Mo stopped to watch the show early in the morning after discovering Du Litian’s actions.

Originally, he did not want to do and so on, but now it all day this guy Lee unsatisfied, once again let Dodrio toward Fuji They use a Tri Attack, He also chose polite, immediately to the body Arcanine underneath said: “Teach it a lesson!”


Hearing Bai Mo’s order, Arcanine under his body opened his mouth and sprayed a yellow orange The flame, the flame instantly enveloped Du Litian and Dodrio, and enveloped this person with a Pokemon.

This was not over yet, Flamethrower’s flames continued to advance, extremely fast, hitting it before Tri Attack was about to hit Ponyta and Primeape.

two shares of different energy collide together, it suddenly occurred a formidable power is not a small explosion, Smokescreen, the moment will be Ash and Lara both explosion plus Primeape also gave Ponyta Swept in.

Sweep towards Smokescreen with Psychic, Bai Mo faintly smiled, and directed his Arcanine to continue moving towards the end slowly.

At this moment, two figures suddenly rushed out of Smokescreen, it was Lara riding Ponyta and Ash sitting on Primeape.

The two didn’t even look at it. Dodrio and Du Litian, who had become scorched, had obviously lost their battle strength, and quickly moved towards up ahead and sprinted at a glance.

Out of the forest, what is left is a straight runway.

Looking at Arcanine, who was far ahead, not far away, Lara glanced at Ponyta under her, with a smile on her face, “Ponyta, I’ve been suppressed for so long, it’s time to bloom.”

“Let us rush up for the glory of the Laramie clan!”


When Ponyta on the run heard Lara’s words, he roared , the body burning like a flame accelerant added Normal, suddenly more intense burning up.

At the same time, a white rays of light also enveloped Ponyta’s body instantly.

In the white light, Ponyta’s body began to change continuously.

When the rays of light dissipated, a brand new Pokémon appeared in front of everyone.

The one who reappeared in front of everyone was a figure that was much taller than Ponyta, pale Yellow, with a blazing flame mane growing from the top of the head along the spine to the tail of the horse, and one on top of the head Similar to a one-horned object, the eyes are fiery-red Pokémon.

It Ponyta of evolutionary, Rapidash!

At this moment, Ponyta evolved into Rapidash, and its speed rose sharply by a level. In a few steps, it opened the distance between Primeape and moved towards Arcanine quickly!

“Evolved, Lara player’s Ponyta evolved in the last moments and became Rapidash, known as the strongest sprinter.”

“Rapidash showed speed, We are constantly chasing Arcanine ahead.”

“Whether Bai Mo Professor can win, is there still suspense!”

As the host’s suspenseful question asked, All the audience suddenly screamed in excitement.

Compared with these people, Sabrina and the others are going to calm down a lot. It’s not that they are not enthusiastic. It is really this kind of competition. Bai Mo impossible loses. The strength is too bad!

On the track, Rapidash finally caught up with Arcanine after accelerating, keeping pace with the wind speed, and even had a faint sign of surpassing.

Ponyta after evolving into Rapidash, it would have a quasi-Elite class strength, are also considered to be a presence and a level Arcanine.

And Arcanine and Rapidash, one is known as Pokémon, the champion of long-distance running, and the other is Pokémon, the champion of sprinting.

But in fact, Arcanine is the champion in all aspects.

Rapidash is 240 km per hour each hour, and Arcanine is a day and night run 10 000 km a day is twenty-four hours down conversion, is more than 400 one thousand meters each hour!

So in terms of speed, Arcanine surpasses Rapidash.

The reason why Rapidash can now keep pace with Arcanine is not because Bai Mo releases water, but because Lara lets Rapidash use Ability.

Flame Charge.

Under the flames, Rapidash’s speed began to increase continuously, so it is faintly possible to keep abreast of Arcanine where Ability is not applied.

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