“Come out!” Disdainful smile, Bai Mo reached out and controlled the three of Team Rocket with Psychic and then let them fly in front of him.

“Team Rocket!!!” Seeing these three guys, their old friend Ash immediately recognized their identities.

“It’s you guys.” Squinting his eyes and walking to the three of them, Bai Mo indifferently said: “Say, why did you do this.”

“He, it’s all Because of him.” At the moment when they saw Bai Mo, the Team Rocket trio was already counseled, and immediately reached out their fingers, Li Tian said that this guy had instructed them.

Seeing this, Lara immediately looked at Du Litian with a probing gaze.

“Fart.” Seeing the Team Rocket trio confessed to himself, Du Litian didn’t want to lose his qualification for tomorrow’s game, and denied: “I don’t even know you.”

“You don’t frame people, you need evidence when you speak.”

As soon as the two words of evidence came out, the three of Team Rocket immediately castrated, and they did not expect that the three of them are naked bad guys. Now it ended up in such a fate.

Seeing the three of Team Rocket has nothing to say. Bai Mo knows that they have no way to show evidence. Although all this is obviously the ghost of Team Rocket and Du Litian, unless it is used The means of exposing, otherwise it would be nothing to do with taking advantage of it.

After all, Du Litian is not hurting himself, and he just wants to win the game, not to kill people, so Bai Mo doesn’t want to do too much. As long as when the time comes, let this guy not even get the top three.

Then, the three of Team Rocket were sent to the guard station of the Laramie clan, planning to deliver them to the nearby Officer Jenny on the 2nd day. After all, these three are notorious members of Team Rocket.

Time soon came early in the morning.

“Welcome everyone to the annual Pokémon tournament hosted by our Laramie clan. This is an obstacle course over mountains!”

“Winners Will be awarded the honorary title of the annual fast running champion, and will be rewarded with a high grade Fire Stone.”

As the host’s voice came from the broadcast mouth.

There was a deafening welcome on both sides of the track, which had long been filled with spectators, indicating that the annual Pokémon tournament is about to begin!

In the stadium, at the starting line, the Pokémons waited again.

At this time, anyone who is below the Elite level can participate, so Bai Mo also took Arcanine to stand at the end.

At the forefront of the track, Lara is holding Ponyta’s rein while riding Ponyta and Du Tianli standing in the forefront, and beside the two, there is Ash, a weird guy who actually rides on A Primeape is also preparing for the game.

Seeing this Primeape, Bai Mo was also a little relieved to order nodded. Last night, Ash had already let him see his current Pokemon team.

Pikachu, Poliwhirl, Charmeleon, Ivysaur, Primeape and Pidegeotto!

These six Pokémon, except Pikachu which is quasi-Elite, the rest are all elite.

The most important thing is that in addition to Pikachu, other Pokémon have evolved, and Primeape has not given away anyone. Ash clearly embarked on a different path from the original.

The reason why Ash did this is naturally that Bai Mo found time to give him a good ideological education, and Bai Mo is a well-deserved idol in Ash’s heart. He thinks that Bai Mo is talking about That’s right, so it’s very obedient to train Pokémon to evolve them, and they don’t let them go and give Pokémon casually.

Just when Bai Mo was pleased, this time, on the platform in front of the starting gate of the Pokémon tournament, seeing that the time has come, Host announced the start of the game first thing:

“Okay! All the players on the scene, please take your place, time is up! Get ready!”





As soon as Host finished talking about Go, the players present almost all let the Pokémon under them start at the same time.

After these people have left, the only thing left is the eye-catching Bai Mo and the Arcanine he sat down!

Looking at the track in front of him, Bai Mo eyes slightly narrowed.

“Arcanine, Extrreme Speed!”

Chapter 0498 is a trick

“Extrreme Speed!”

Bai Mo said, The two words were spoken calmly and passed into Arcanine’s ears.

At this time, seeing that all the players have set off, Host also started its own live broadcast, always reporting the situation on the playing field to the surrounding audience.

“Oh, now it’s a straight track. The one who maintains the first position is Dodrio. It is Du Litian of our Laramie clan who rides it, a favorable contender for this championship. “

“And right behind Du Litian is Lara riding Ponyta. She is also a member of our Laramie clan and is also a favorable contender for the championship this time.”

“Beside Lara, there is a Rookie player named Ash. He is riding a Primeape, but the speed is unexpectedly fast.”

Said this, As soon as Host’s conversation changed, he apparently received the news a long time ago, and suddenly said: “Finally, what everyone may not know is that the famous Bai Mo Professor has also participated in our competition this time because he passed by here recently.”

“I don’t know where he is now?”

As Host’s voice fell, and the camera was very sensible in all the pictures, suddenly everyone saw Bai Mo and Arcanine who were still on the starting line .

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked. Under Bai Mo’s seat turned out to be Arcanine, which is rarely developed by Growlithe in the legend! ?

But the strangest thing is why Bai Mo is still on the starting line.

When Host saw this scene, it was obvious that he didn’t know how to explain it for a while, and the audience fell silent inexplicably.

But this quiet time, not very long, because it was a blink of an eye, everyone saw that Arcanine’s figure disappeared from the screen.

“Arcanine is moving!”

“Wow, so fast!”

“At this moment, Arcanine is really a dog as its name suggests, like flying I got up Normal.”

“Too fast, the straight-line distance was completed in the blink of an eye. This is really a speed that only God can have!”

“Third Rank Ladder, Second Rank Ladder, First Rank Ladder!”

“Beyond, Arcanine surpassed Dodrio at the end of the straight track and became the number one existence at the last moment, and it was in It took a while after the game started!”

“This is the speed that deserves it!”

Watching Arcanine complete all kinds of transcendence while breathing, Host was excited and excited. There is a description of the situation in the game.

The enthusiasm of the audience was mobilized at this moment.

“Damn it!” Seeing Bai Mo in front of him who easily surpassed him and let him eat the dust, he scolded in an uncomfortable voice, but he could only follow closely from behind.

At this time, Arcanine’s Extrreme Speed ​​was over. Although Bai Mo knew that his Arcanine could easily reach the end, it was boring.

Rather than winning easily, he is more willing to let someone behind him continue to eat ashes, and he can only look at his ass all the time.

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