Chapter 0524 Packing Exeggutor Legion, hatched three Togepi!

When I heard Bai Mo’s voice, Beedrill, who was already very angry because of the sneak attack, flapped its wings and flew out at high speed, looking at Exeggutor with anger in his eyes.

After that, Beedrill directly relied on speed to win. Taking advantage of Exeggutor’s carelessness, the purple Twineedle crossed in front of him, forming a cross and hitting Exeggutor.

Beedrill used Bug Type Ability X-Scissor, the effect was outstanding, Exeggutor was instantly knocked down and exited, and purple rays of light appeared on his body!

Apparently, Exeggutor was poisoned by being touched by Beedrill’s special Twineedle!

I was hit by Beedrill, I was poisoned, and my body was uncomfortable. As the boss of the race, Exeggutor’s eyes were also full of anger, and the sun’s energy began to gather on the top of Green’s head.

Obviously, Exeggutor is going to use the Grass Type big trick Solar Beam.

Seeing this scene, Beedrill, who has been trained by Bai Mo in all aspects, rushed straight up, used X-Scissor again, and X-Scissor hit Exeggutor once again. When it flew out, the energy storage of Solar Beam was also stopped halfway through.

This is the weakness of Pokémon when it has not been trained by Trainer, or when it is commanded by Trainer. They are often based on instinct and are not too brainy, so they are easy to be targeted.

For example, this Exeggutor, when faced with Beedrill, who is known for its speed, he even dared to use Solar Beam, which took time to prepare. Obviously, it gave the opponent a chance.

At this time, in midair flying upside down, blue rays of light appeared in Exeggutor’s eyes, and he used Confusion to control his body to stop.

But as soon as Exeggutor stopped, Beedrill used a high-speed movement again, and came to the former in a flash, using Fell Stinger!


Exeggutor once again withstood the attack of Beedrill, but the attack of Beedrill did not end. Once again Poison Jab, the purple Twineedle pierced into Exeggutor’s body directly, with At the same time as the huge damage came, he started to inject more toxins.

Exeggutor also has a deeper purple!

Forcibly resisting the pain on his body, Exeggutor looked at Beedrill’s eyes, and his eyes flashed, sending out blue rays of light use Hypnosis!

When I saw this, Bai Mo opened his mouth and wanted to conduct a command. When he thought that he had said before that he would let Beedrill earn his face by himself, and finally made a sound of not at all.

And this time, Beedrill and Exeggutor showdown no accident has become the focus of everyone!

On Ground, when he noticed Exeggutor’s eyes, Beedrill became a little drowsy, and the twineedle that was pierced became weak and instinctively fell from Exeggutor’s body.

Just when Beedrill was about to fall asleep completely hypnotized by Exeggutor, what Bai Mo said before appeared in Beedrill’s ear again.

That sentence, like a thunder, Normal made Beedrill a clever, next moment, a fierce light flashed in his red eyes, his whole body rotated, and Sword Dance was used!

Exeggutor’s Hypnosis becomes useless when facing the spinning Beedrill.

Exeggutor’s Hypnosis failed. As soon as his actions changed, he planned to use Psyshock again.

At this time, Beedrill suddenly stopped his body, and the wings rushed forward again and used Fell Stinger!

The contact was hit by X-Scissor, and some were hit by Fell Stinger. In addition, the current Beedrill has temporarily increased too much Psychic through the previous Fell Stinger and Sword Dance, and the object has reached a terrifying level. Use’s Unique Ability formidable power damage is not as high as Normal’s!

This time, Exeggutor was hit and fell directly.

Exeggutor see this fall, Bai Mo eyes flashed a hint of a smile, readily throw a Poké Ball will only Exeggutor to rein up.

Poké Ball shook a few times, and stopped unexpectedly to indicate success, then turned into a rays of light and disappeared and returned to Small World.

At this moment, Bai Mo walked a few steps in front of Beedrill and patted its wings, “Yes, Beedrill, you did a great job.”

“It looks like, recently We can try that evolution!”

“Cough!” When Beedrill heard Bai Mo’s words slightly nodded, his eyes were full of expectation.

After that Exeggutor Boss was taken over by Bai Mo, the hypnosis of other Exeggutors seemed to be relieved. Obviously, just like Bai Mo thought, it was the same that caused the current situation. Problems with Exeggutor.

After waking up, there were not a few Exeggutors left, and Bai Mo didn’t have them left, so he asked Beedrill to take another shot and subdued all these Exeggutors into Small World.

Grass Type and Psychic Type of Pokémon, the culture is still very valuable.

After conquering Exeggutor Legion, because it was still early, Bai Mo not at all stayed in this town more, but continued on to the next town!

But on the way, Bai Mo and the others stopped. The entire group surrounded three glowing eggs. These three eggs were all white at the bottom, mixed with blue, The Pokémon egg with the red triangle pattern is the same kind of Pokémon.

The white radiance disappeared very quickly, and what reappeared in front of the crowd were three Pokémons of relatively small size, which looked like an egg as a whole, and whose body color was mainly bright Yellow.

The eyes of this Pokémon are Black. There are five thorns on the top of the head, which look a bit like a crown. Most of its body is wrapped in eggshells, with some red and Blue triangle ring pattern.

What makes girls feel so cute is that these three Pokemon have these short and thick hands and round feet. There are two toes on the feet, and the soles of their feet have a semi-circular brown color. pad.

“Is this Togepi? So cute!”

Seeing the three freshman Pokémon appearing on Ground, the girl did not hide her love.

However, although I like it, after all, there are only three Pokémon, so the ownership has been decided long ago.

These three Togepi eggs were found by Bai Mo using Psychic when he was in Dasha Valley. There are only three. For Aptitude, two are high grade and one is top grade.

Without hesitation, Bai Mo directly took over the top grade.

As for the other two, one was given to May. She wants to participate in the Contest tournament. Togekiss, the final evolution of Togepi, is a very good choice.

The other one belongs to Vivi. After all, this Togepi’s Aptitude is not enough for combat. Besides, Vivi has no suitable Pokemon except Vulpix and Chansey, so I gave it to her.

Looking at the three Pokémon in front of him, Bai Mo released his Psychic and kindness, said with a slight smile:

“Togepi, in the future, we will be partners!”

Chapter 0525 Doll Festival, fight against Ash, a mysterious girl!

from Bai Mo rein Togepi been two days, this day, entire group came to a city.

When I knew that this city was going to do and so on, Bai Mo’s heart was bitter, but the girls said that they and the others were going to revel.

“Okay, I’m going to burn fighting spirit! Today is Doll’s Day, a girl’s festival!” Misty first cheered.

“Yeah, I have to fight too!” Sundae also seemed very excited today.

“Today is a girl’s festival, I also want to participate!” It is hard to tell that Vivi of Small World is also full of fighting spirit.

The same is true for Cattleya. Eldest Miss is also very interested in shopping. She doesn’t care about saving money.

” . girl festival it” Sabrina eyes flashed, I do not know what to think at heart, and Mew at this time suddenly turned around and looked towards Ram, Milotic, May few women said: “This is a girl who During the festival, you women don’t want to participate!”

As soon as Mew said, the girl who had already become Bai Mo blushed, but what Mew said seemed to be right.

Among the girls, Milotic is a natural black. Although Mew cannot afford to offend, she still pouted: “I thought that girls are restricted by age.”


Nasdaq Ley, Jirachi, Mew three woman brows are drawn, and this is not to say they do old!

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