Damn it.

The three women exchanged glances, and they decided to pay attention to find a time to educate Milotic.

No matter how the girl wanted, anyway, now Bai Mo’s in a bad mood, because this doll festival, plainly, is the girl’s paradise, a shopping spree moment, looked around those pedestrians, Which man does not have large and small bags? Looking at the girls around him, Bai Mo said that the storage ring is not enough. Fortunately, he has Small World!

Soon, the girls joined the buying army. There is no shortage of money, Bai Mo, and all kinds of generous payments.

“It is indeed the Doll’s Day, there are so many people today.” Seeing a bunch of women grabbing a bag, May couldn’t help but sigh.

“Yes, all things today are discounted for our girls. Women’s clubs will naturally choose more people to satisfy their desire to buy today.” Sundae echoed and put a bag in his hand. Pass it to Bai Mo.

Bai Mo immediately put the bag into Small World.

continue shopping, lasted two hours, then, heard two familiar voices, Bai Mo turned around and saw, faintly smiled Road: “! Ash, Brock”

“Sure enough, it’s you!”

“Bai Mo brother!”

Seeing Bai Mo, Ash ran straight over, with fighting spirit in his eyes: “Bai Mo Brother, I heard that you are in Dasha Valley, specifically looking for you, but you are already not in. If you meet here today, let’s play a game!”

“Yes!” According to Ash’s expectation, Bai Mo readily agreed this time, and no longer refused. After checking the time, Bai Mo said that the game can only be one-on-one.

Actually, Bai Mo is too boring to accompany so many girls to buy clothes, so he decided to fight a battle and change his mood!

Around the girl, when she saw Bai Mo was going to play, she was very cleverly planning to stop for a while. Anyway, it’s only morning. If you really want to buy, you can continue in the afternoon.

So Bai Mo and Ash came to the battle field behind the Pokemon Center. Today is Girls’ Day, and there are really few people fighting here.

“Since the game is 1V1, let’s go, Charmeleon!”

Standing across from Bai Mo, after hesitating for a while, Ash sent his Charmeleon, This Charmeleon was given by Bai Mo.

However, I don’t know if I was born with Charmeleon, Pokémon. Even Charmeleon, whose Aptitude is already a little lower, was the first thing he did after his appearance was to spray Ash.

“en!” I saw Charmeleon, the frowned of Bai Mo, because the strength of this Charmeleon is very strange, it only has an intermediate rank Peak!

“Could it be that the deformity has evolved again.” Bai Mo guessed a certain possibility and thought about it. He took a Poké Ball gesture and turned to look towards Togepi on his shoulder and said: “This A game, Togepi, you go!”

“Togepi!?” Seeing Bai Mo dispatched Togepi, Rahm and other girls were a bit surprised, Bai Mo dispatched Togepi, you know, Togepi was born How long, although because of the extraordinary Aptitude, I soon gained the intermediate rank strength under the training of Bai Mo, but he is still a child now, and it will take time to improve his strength afterwards.

To fight, it always feels a bit early.

In this regard, Bai Mo not at all explained that he did so, naturally there is his reason, and this Charmeleon does not listen to Ash, if it can win, it will also lose!

At this moment, in a corner of the center of Pokemon, following the back door just to see the outside situation, a cute girl with red hair couldn’t help but frown:

” Who, use such a cute child to deal with Charmeleon all the time!”

Someone is definitely abusing Pokémon, and the girl stood up with a trace of anger and moved towards the back door of the battlefield.

At this time, in the battle field, Ash see Bai Mo release of Pokémon they do not know, immediately opened the Pokédex, Togepi after confirming the information, he flew command Charmeleon attack:

“Charmeleon, Flamethrower!”

However, after hearing Ash’s order, Charmeleon closed one eye and glanced at Togepi’s very confused head. Obviously, it was not at all to the one in front of you. Little thought of Pokemon shooting.

“Charmeleon!” Seeing Charmeleon ignoring himself, Ash yelled again with his brows, but in exchange, Charizard squirted back.

Suddenly, Ash became coke, and Spit Up a puff of black smoke in his mouth.

“This Charmeleon doesn’t listen to Ash’s words, it can’t be compared with Bai Mo’s Charizard!” Seeing Charmeleon’s reckless behavior, the girls are all discuss spiritedly.

At this time, Bai Mo’s calm voice came out slowly:

“Togepi, use Metronome power!”

And the game Togepi uses Metronome power only One of the several abilities that you can use is different. In reality, Metronome uses the Unique Ability that restrains the Attribute of the other party most of the time, but the strength is not necessarily the same, so it is also a good Ability.

In the field, Togepi began to wiggle his fingers, Charmeleon glanced at it, but still ignored it.

As time goes on, Togepi’s action ends.

A burst of rays of light appeared on Togepi’s hand, and the Metronome function was successfully used.

next moment, a water gun with undulations appeared out of thin air in front of Togepi and flew straight out.

Chapter 0526 Women are more beautiful! The beauty who appeared unexpectedly!

The Metronome function is over, and Togepi uses Water Pulse.

Flew towards the front with the undulating water ball, and shoot straight towards Charmeleon.

Seeing that the Water Type Ability is flying towards you, Charmeleon’s instinct is to jump, avoiding the frontal attack of Water Pulse, but the water ball hits the Ground by Charmeleon’s feet and it bursts into thunder. It turned into a huge wave and rushed forward again.

This time, Charmeleon, who lost the opportunity to underestimate the enemy, did not have a dodge, but was slapped to the ground by the water.

The formidable power of the water waves is obviously not weak, Charmeleon stood up again after a little struggle on the ground, and opened his mouth to use Flamethrower on Togepi!

However, at this time, the Togepi attack that used Metronome again after using Water Pulse did not end.

At the moment Flamethrower appeared, luck was good, and the second Metronome function was activated again. This time, Togepi directly used Surf.

In front of Togepi, the blue water appeared out of thin air, and then moved towards the front with a press forward imposing manner.

The Flamethrower of Charmeleon Spit Up was submerged instantly after touching the big wave, and then rushed straight to Charmeleon, and was submerged again in the latter’s horrified eyes.

When the waves disappeared, Charmeleon kept struggle on the ground, obviously wanting to get up and fight.

But at this moment, Bai Mo’s calm and excessive voice sounded again, “Togepi, Ancient Power!”

Ancient Power, Rock Type Ability, double restraint Fire Element’s Charmeleon was learned by Togepi through Genetic.

On Ground, the Charmeleon, which was still written by Struggle, was not accidentally hit by Ancient Power. This time, there was no accident. Charmeleon directly lost its combat capability.

“Charmeleon!” Seeing Charmeleon was in a coma covered with injuries, Ash gave a worried cry and rushed over and picked up Charmeleon!

When I saw this, Bai Mo squatted down and touched Togepi’s head with a smile, said with a slight smile: “Good job, Togepi!”

“Jacket Polly! “to get his master’s praise, Togepi a smile on his face showing a clenched into Bai Mo’s arms.

“turned out to be a well-thought ah, this is still very Trainer and Togepi love this thing.” Pokemon center of the back door, watching this scene, pink hair girl reached for a push on his own nose There was a sweet smile on the face of the frame.

next moment, suddenly noticed the time on the watch, girl suddenly turned around and hurry, “Aiya, going to be late, be late, brisk walking!”

In the girl At the last moment when Zi turned and disappeared at the back door, Bai Mo turned his head moved towards that direction as if feeling, but only saw a strand of long pink hair.

” ! What illusion” a pick brow, Bai Mo did not think, picked up Togepi came to the front of Ash, indifferently said: “Ash, this Charmeleon, it should be just evolved soon, and, It’s not a normal evolution, right.”

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