Joining WT is definitely a matter of many people yearn for something even in dreams. Although they are still young, white jade and Yitian are nodded without hesitation.

However, after white jade was nodded, he still asked: “Professor, I know the treatment of cold water, I don’t know, can I also challenge a better treatment.”

So does Yitian Seriously looked towards Bai Mo.

“This, you two don’t say it, I will say it too.” Slightly smiled, Bai Mo said seriously: “You became the top 8 last year. In fact, I passed the passing line. “

“However, I think it would be better for me to see it with my own eyes. Therefore, the ranking of Kanto Alliance tournament this time is not the focus. As long as your performance satisfies me, you can join WT. Enjoy good treatment.”

Speaking, Bai Mo eyes flashed: “As long as you pay enough loyalty and contribution in the future, and future achievements, I promise you will not be weak!”

Bai Mo’s promise made white jade and Yi Heavenly Eye flash a glow.

Afterwards, Bai Mo and Yitian had a chat for a while, Bai Mo left the women who were looking for him, and Shui Hanqi and the three decided to go to Mt. . A good training period near Silver!


Seeing Bai Mo’s return, Elise Jia walked up in a panic.

“What’s wrong?” See Elise Jia’s nervous look, Bai Mo frowned.

“My Ivysaur is gone.” Elise Jia said in a panic: “Just after eating, Ivysaur ran out by himself and ran outside to play in the flowers. I didn’t take it seriously.”

“But when I went to look for it after eating, I found it was gone.”

“Mew big sisters are staying in Small World today, Sabrina and Liya said I can’t find Ivysaur with Psychic. What can I do?”

“Ivysaur is lost?” After hearing Elise Jia’s detailed description, Bai Mo’s frowning brow gradually unfolded, and the corners of his mouth still A touch of radian.

Notice Bai Mo’s expression, Elise Jia suddenly said while playfully pouting: “When is this, you still laugh!”

“Of course I want to laugh.” Reached out his hand Grabbing Elise Jia’s little hand, Bai Mo took her straight towards Sabrina and the others, and said with a smile:

“Ivysaur is gone, when the time comes back, it is Venusaur It’s up.”

“Come back to Venusaur!” Elise Jia blinked her eyes when she heard Bai Mo’s words. Then she understood and said excitedly:

“Could it be that this is what you said Incredible garden!?”

Chapter 0533 Spectacular Collective Evolution

“Yes!” Smiling at Elise Jia and nodded, Bai Mo whispered: “Forgot to tell you. We are in the place.”

“The place where Bulbasaur and Ivysaur can evolve is here.”

“Then when the time comes Ivysaur, no, will Venusaur come back by himself Elise Jia blinked and looked at Bai Mo earnestly. Ivysaur and Vileplume are both the Pokémon she had cultivated since she was a child. She grew up with such a partner, she didn’t want to lose.

“Naturally, I will come back.” Bai Mo’s reply made Elise sighed in relief, but the former continued at this time: “Of course, there is no point in waiting like this. Let’s go to the scene to look at you. Ivysaur evolve!”

Speaking, Bai Mo’s eyes flashed with rays of light, cracking a joke, whether it’s the incredible garden, the island of Squirtle led by Blastoise, or the valley of Charizard, that’s fine. Both are his goals.

Mastering these three kinds of Pokémon means that Bai Mo can master a place where Mega can impose the power of the three powers. Whether it is for his own woman, or for training his subordinates, developing his power, and gaining support from the people, it is all good of.

Be aware that the three imperial houses are all rare Pokémon.

The concept of rare Pokémon is synonymous with a small number but a generally high Aptitude. Not only that, but innate talent is also relatively high, which has an absolutely high cultivation value.

The most important thing is that Bai Mo has no doubt that he can become the boss of the incredible garden. The strength of Venusaur and Aptitude are definitely not weak, and it has the value of subduing and training.

Take Elise Jia to meet Sabrina and other girls. After Bai Mo exchanged opinions with them, he moved towards the depths of the forest.

On the way, Bai Mo happened to see Ash using the already elite Ivysaur and a male elite Rhyhorn in a duel.

In the end, Ivysaur won by a narrow margin.

After Ivysaur won, Bai Mo clearly saw the white rays of light appearing in her bud, but he hid it again.

“In this way, Ash’s Ivysaur really needs the help of the incredible garden to evolve.”

A ray of light flashed in his eyes, Bai Mo was a little expectant, this It is incredible how many Venusaurs will be born in the garden, but no matter what, when the evolution ceremony is over, the number of Ivysaur counted in hundreds will definitely not escape.

Without the intention of going out to say hello to Ash, Bai Mo led the girls to use Psychic to constantly observe the surrounding situation, searching for some traces, and finally found a tree that had dried up.

Near this depleted tree, there is a vacuum zone around it. In this place, there are many Bulbasaur and a few Ivysaur scattered around, calling out from time to time, but I don’t know what it is calling.

“That’s my Ivysaur!” After looking for it carefully, Elise Jia’s gaze Lock On was on the three Ivysaurs who seemed very abrupt, and finally sighed in relief in his heart.

“Let’s go back to Small World first.” He raised his hand and looked at his watch, knowing that the evolution ceremony was in the latter half of the night, and Bai Mo had no idea of ​​wasting time here.

After explaining the situation with the girls, Bai Mo took the girls back to Small World, had dinner, Rest, set the alarm clock!

Time walked slowly, and finally arrived in the middle of the night.

At this time, in the Pokemon center outside the forest, in Ash’s Poké Ball, Ivysaur ran out of the Poké Ball if he felt it. After exiting the Pokemon center, it took the initiative to move towards the forest and ran in a direction go with.

But when Ivysaur left, the slight movement still awakened Pikachu, who was very sensitive to sound.

Noting Ivysaur’s leaving figure, Pikachu moved his ears and used Thunderbolt on side Ash!



Suddenly clicked, I was awakened like a nightmare, Ash looked at Pikachu blankly .

“Pikachu, Pikachu!”

Pikachu immediately began to explain the situation, and at the same time stretched out his little hand to patted on Ivysaur’s Poké Ball.

For a while, Ash finally understood what Pikachu meant, that is, Ivysaur didn’t know why he left. It was a little worried and thought Ash should follow it.

Ash, who is very concerned about Pokémon, heard the news, and naturally woke up Brock after getting dressed quickly. Under the leadership of Pikachu, he also moved towards the depths of the forest.

At the same time…In Small World, Bai Mo’s alarm clock also rang.

After confirming the time, Bai Mo woke up the girls, and the entire group came to a huge tree outside again, observing the situation below.

At this moment, under the shining of Moonlight, among the huge withered trees, a huge voice slowly came out, and the Bulbasaurs and a few Ivysaurs moved towards the front yelled.

Then, the scattered Moonlight suddenly condensed into a beam of light and merged into Venusaur’s body. After absorbing this power, Venusaur called out and sprayed strange pollen from the huge flowers behind him.

Weird pollen began to spread in the air, and it was scattered on the ground, dead trees, and the bodies of Bulbasaur and a few Ivysaur.

Under the promotion of this power, the whole Ground began to rippling with the color of Moonlight, and bursts of white rays of light began to appear.

“It’s so spectacular!” May couldn’t help sighing.

“My Ivysaur has finally evolved!” Elise, whose eyes are always Lock On, is always Lock On. Ivysaur’s best view is that rays of light representing evolution also appeared on Ivysaur’s body. Her eyes are full of joy, and then she rarely Boldly once, turned around and hugged Side Bai Mo and kissed him on the face.

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