Blaine betrayed Team Rocket’s refuge in the Alliance. Bai Mo knew about it. Such a person has good strength and can do scientific research. Bai Mo naturally intends to take it.

However, this person has a history of being a traitor. In order to guard against the unexpected, he can only have some extraordinary tricks. Thinking of this, Bai Mo intends to return to Small World when the time comes to get a Small World leaf out. when the time comes in Blaine’s mind.

Speaking of which, most of the following trips will be on the sea, because a large area of ​​nearby is islands, and Cinnabar Island is just one of them.

These islands also include Seafoam Islands where Articuno appears in the original work.

However, Bai Mo didn’t plan to go, because he got the news from Haiyue Lizi that Articuno had flown away during the battle between Alliance and Team Rocket.

Hearing that the next destination was indeed Cinnabar Island, Misty’s eyes immediately brightened: “Cinnabar Island? I heard that the natural outdoor hot springs on Cinnabar Island are very good!”

“When the time comes, we must try it!”

“Maybe it can really make our skin better.”

Girl in the end It’s a girl. Hearing Misty’s words, even Sabrina’s eyes showed interest.

On the side, Bai Mo not at all said more.

cracking a joke, when the time comes, I must have contracted a hot spring pavilion to wash it with the girls. Believe that the picture is such a good thing, of course it can’t be messed up!

Chapter 0535 The collective bathing again

“Oh my God! It’s not Normal’s hot here, I thought the news on the Pokemon forum was deceptive.”

On this day, the contact boat docked again and finally reached Cinnabar Island.

Whether it’s in the Navigator’s Pokemon forum, or in the atlas, etc., it is clearly stated that because the center of Cinnabar Island is a large Volcano, Cinnabar Island is covered by hot air all year round, and the temperature is very high. high. on

Also for this reason, it is certain that, there is also rumors that some famous spa is not artificial heat, because beneath the island, has a flow of hot lava, in the heat of lava into the Ground After being in the rocks and sand, the heat will be introduced into the water to form a hot spring.

Moreover, it will keep the hot spring at a comfortable temperature.

This is also the reason why the hot springs on Cinnabar Island can be famous all over the world.

“No way, it’s too hot, hurry up and find a hotel!” Bai Mo, Sabrina and Cattleya have Psychic and can instinctively adjust their body temperature through Mental Force , But other girls don’t have this ability anymore, so this will really be complained by the high temperature here.

said that many of the hotels here, girl who wanted to return to Small World on a hike

But for Navigator.

Seeing Misty, they were really too hot. Bai Mo directly released Psychic and started looking for a hotel. Soon, he locked on a hotel with a large hot spring pool and brought the girls. Rushed over.

I took so many women with me, and during this time I would live on Cinnabar Island for a period of time, Bai Mo directly contracted the hotel.

Time, soon came the night Bai Mo was looking forward to.

Because the hotel was contracted by Bai Mo, only Bai Mo was the presence of a man, and the girls all went to the largest hot spring pool to take a bath.

When they all entered the hot spring, they all closed their eyes and let out a comfortable sigh.

At this time, the dressing room outside. Bai Mo Help Jirachi Little Loli, blushing, took off his clothes and changed into a yukata.

again when changing clothes, Bai Mo directly Pianguo Tou not see, he really was afraid he could not resist crime.

Although Jirachi’s immature-looking loving body Bai Mo has watched it countless times for various reasons after fooling her, but every time he sees it, he can’t help being impulsive.

After changing the clothes for Jirachi, Bai Mo took her to the hot spring and pushed open the door blocking the hot spring and the locker room. When the hot spring caught the eyes of the two, Bai Mo still forbeared Can’t help swallowing saliva.

At this time, the bodies of girls such as Xiaonai, Ram, Milotic, Mew, Darkley, Misty, Sundae, Vivi, Elise Jia, Sabrina, Cattleya, etc. who have already entered the hot spring All are faintly discernible under the shroud of mist.

At the same time, there are some happy laughter and cheerful voices constantly spreading out, and Bai Mo’s heart is really surging.

“Jirachi!” At this time, Dakley was leaning on one side with a happy face. After the two of Bai Mo came in, she moved with a strange blush on her face. towards Jirachi beckoned.

For Pokémon and people who have Psychic, Darklay is so fond of them.

Of course, since meeting Bai Mo, there are men with Psychic, and Dakley has only liked Bai Mo.

“Come down, this is really awesome, it’s much more comfortable than washing in the villa!” Latias also beckoned to Jirachi.

hearing this, Jirachi ran over immediately.

At this time, Bai Mo did not speak, because at this time, he was really attracted by the scene in front of him!

At this time, in the spa, Mew clutching his towel, sitting across from the Nasdaq Ley, after Bai Mo appeared, she winced own body, so that my lovable body under deep cover up in the spa, at her side, Guardian Liya and Holy Land as well as Misty, Elise good, Vivi four women as well.

Originally, they are still talking, but now they all start with the ostrich, hid himself into the hot springs, so that Bai Mo totally do not know the specific circumstances inside.

However, few women face that I do not know because of shyness, or because they were smoked red to face, in this brief moment is extraordinarily charming and moving hot!

On the opposite side of Mew and the others, Darklay sits very generously, around her, Xiao Nai, Sabrina, Ram, May, and a few women who seem to care about nothing. also sitting.

Compared with Mew, Gardevoir and Milotic, the women simply did not wear a bath towel.

In the end, they have completely become Bai Mo’s women. They leaned against the edge of the hot spring with a very open attitude, enjoying the comfort of the hot spring with their eyes closed comfortably.

Although the breasts to cover up most of the water springs, but there are still some faintly discernible in the semicircle.

Seeing the alluring gestures of the women in the hot spring, Bai Mo swallowed again involuntarily. Although he has a lot of women, he still sees this scene. Very disappointing and passive…

But, just feast your eyes, or let Gardevoir wipe their backs, and more, Bai Mo can’t do it for the time being.

Elise is a good, Misty feelings they have not been training too in place, he did not want to worry colors.

The other thing is, Darklay Mew is like this, he can’t beat it!

However, it’s okay to take a bit of a bargain in your hand!

this time of springs, hot for a long time, because Bai Mo really want to, but then things like, or have an end, finally, he only reluctantly got up, wiped, Change your bathrobe.

return to inter-house as well as small and Milotic Chennai battle three hundred rounds.

Time has come to 2nd day!

After breakfast, Bai Mo and the girls came to the street to inquire about the location of Cinnabar Gym, but after the crowd gathered, they got a bad news.

“street, it is said, because Cinnabar Gym is too strong, do not turn on the water and road Gym Leader’s sake, seems to have closed a long time eh.” Nai took a little is not good news.

” Blaine is now day appear and disappear unpredictably, it seems hard to find.”

” is not it!” looked toward the street somewhere, Bai Mo mouth a hook, contrary to their expectations girl, plain and said:. “we stroll in the street well, maybe, people on their own out of it”

Bai Mo , then, this girl feel too need luck , But none of them refused.

So they begin walking down the street so aimless ground.

Just a few people come to a place where, when, suddenly, a blonde wearing sunglasses uncle stand in front of them, ask a question:

” Ice head, body What is the warm thing?”

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