Later, under the leadership of Blaine, the entire group began to walk down a staircase.

“It’s so hot here.” Milotic, who is very sensitive to high temperatures, walked down the stairs, feeling that the surrounding temperature was getting higher and higher, and couldn’t help but reach out and wipe the sweat from his forehead.

Finally, I couldn’t help it. Milotic appeared a rays of light, which directly changed back to Pokémon and returned to Poké Ball.

Seeing this scene, Blaine, who was leading the way, shrank suddenly!

Soon, under the leadership of Blaine, the entire group walked all the way to the bottom, and a door appeared in front of them.

When he came to the door, Blaine reached out and pressed a switch next to it. With a squeak, the iron door opened automatically.

When you enter the door and appear in front of everyone, it is naturally the real playing field of Cinnabar Gym.

This venue obviously has personal characteristics. Four thick iron chains will be suspended in the air on the battlefield. Underneath, it is amazing, it is the boiling lava that is constantly bubbling with bubbles!

This kind of venue, this kind of environment.

Bai Mo couldn’t help but take a high look at Blaine, because this place is obvious, not only Pokémon is being tested, even Trainer is also a test.

After all, you want to get down to the command in such a hot environment, and is definitely a difficult test Trainer Willpower things.

“I’m Cinnabar Gym Trainer, Blaine.”

Walking to the opposite side of the field, Blaine introduced herself:

“The rules of the game are three-on-three. Until all three Pokémons on one side lose their combat capability, the game is over.”

“During the competition, I cannot change Pokémon. The challenger is free, and the referee does not. It is all up to me. May I ask questions? Is it?”

“No.” Bai Mo calmly shook his head, the championship game, not who is qualified to referee.

“Very good.” Blaine glanced at Bai Mo again and said: “According to our previous agreement, we are going to compete for the championship!”

“So I will take out , are my Old Partner, be sure to carefully! “

” now, I will send the number one player! “

said, Blaine threw out their hands Poké Ball, appeared on the field as a Pokémon with nine tails.

“Sure enough, it is Ninetales!” Seeing Blaine released Ninetales, Bai Mo’s eyes were not at all unexpectedly, but he released Psychic to check the situation!

“top grade, champion intermediate rank!!!”

“Didn’t expect top grade Aptitude to be trained to the degree of champion intermediate rank, it deserves to be Blaine.”

A glimmer of appreciation flashed in his heart, Bai Mo thought about it and threw a Poké Ball!

“Go, Salamence, it’s time for you to appear!”


Bai Mo’s voice fell and appeared with a dragon roar roar , Salamence appeared in midair, on the opposite side, hearing Salamence’s Growl, Ninetales’ attack was weakened to a certain extent!

“Oh, so powerful Dragon Type Pokemon, champion Hoenn Quasi-Legendary, yes, let me see, what will you do?”

See Bai Mo release With the imposing manner Quasi-Legendary Pokémon Salamence, Blaine also got serious.

Although Gym Badge is still used as a bet, this championship battle is more of a private nature, so Blaine, as the party who releases Pokémon first, issued an attack order according to the usual principle of battle between Trainers. :

“Ninetales, say hello, Daewoo Baoyan!”

with gentleness standing Ninetales on the field nine tails relaxation “Whew!” It seems that opening the mouth is to eject a large font flame with full formidable power.

In this hot environment surrounded by lava, the heat of Ninetales Daewoo’s explosion is almost overheat (burning out).

Moreover, the speed is extremely fast. The flame of the big characters whizzed and flew across the half-court in an instant, flying towards Salamence in midair.

“Hydro Pump!” In the face of such a flame offensive, Bai Mo did not dare to let Salamence bear it, and immediately issued an attack order.

“bang! ”

Salamence got the order and opened his mouth to quickly Spit Up a huge water column. It collided with the big flame on the way, and an explosion occurred in an instant. .

When the water column meets the flame, it is instantly evaporated and becomes water vapor, which spreads out instantly, blocking the sight of both parties.

Bai Mo immediately used his Psychic and found that in the mist, the flames of the big characters were still flying towards Salamence!

“Aqua Tail!” Although the formidable power of Daewoo Burst has been weakened a lot, Bai Mo has responded, and at the same time, rays of light began to flicker in his eyes.

Through the first round of trials, Bai Mo also calculated the effect of this special venue, which was flooded by high temperatures.

Hydro Pump and Daewoo Explosion are the same level of Ability. In the case of Normal, water restrains fire.

But now, fire is restraining water. That’s because under high temperature conditions, the formidable power of the Hydro Pump used by Salamence, which does not use Water Type Profound Truth, is more than half suppressed. Relatively, Ninetales’ Fire Element Ability plus Fire Element Profound Truth In this environment, the formidable power has to be enhanced by about half.

The most important thing is that Ninetales is the champion intermediate rank, and Salamence is the primary rank, and it is also at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

The only thing to be thankful for is that Salamence has the advantage of being Quasi-Legendary’s innate talent (Species Strength)!

This game needs to be outsmarted!

Chapter 0538 show! Salamence wins!


While Bai Mo was thinking about it, Salamence’s thick and long tail spun and waved the water, and then broke up the remaining flames. At this time, Blaine’s voice reached Bai Mo’s ears.

“Ninetales, the end of steel!”

“Well? This Ninetales can actually find Salamence’s position when the line of sight is blocked.”

Hearing Blaine’s voice, Bai Mo used Psychic to catch Ninetales in the mist that was approaching Salamence super fast, and his eyes moved slightly.

This Ninetales obviously strengthened her Mental Force. At this time, blue rays of light appeared in her eyes, which was obviously the reason why she could move.

Moreover, the speed of this Ninetales is also extremely fast. Although his Psychic can capture the figure of this Ninetales, it is very difficult to command Salamence’s passive defense.

Thinking of this, Bai Mo eyes flashed and shouted: “Salamence, Zen Headbutt!”


As soon as Bai Mo’s voice fell, Salamence With a sound of Roar, a light blue light film appeared on the head up ahead, and the power of thinking began to appear. After the Mental Force was strengthened, it spread out and completely enveloped its surroundings!

Salamence looked towards all around so cautiously, after that, as long as you judge where Ninetales appeared from, it will immediately attack.

This is why Bai Mo asked Salamence to use Zen Headbutt. It can be used first!

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