In the venue, at a certain moment, a shiny metallic tail suddenly appeared, sweeping towards Salamence.

Salamence captured the direction through the power of the mind, and immediately moved towards one direction!


Following Salamence’s movements, the tail finally hit the blue light curtain head-on, making a crisp blast!

That is at this time, Salamence stared at Longan, loudly roared, concentrated on Confusion and measured it to his head, then rushed towards Ninetales.

But at this point, again sounded a piercing sound, Ninetales second sweep to the root of the tail again, followed by a third root, fourth root ……

“peng !”

After eight consecutive explosions, all the tails behind Ninetales have been fiercely pressed on top of the blue rays of light that is left with only a faint layer of rays of light.

In this way, the two Pokémon output power to each other and stalemate together.

“Salamence, use Bite, the tail of Bite Ninetales, and then Draco Meteor!” As early as the response time, he thought of the next plan, and Bai Mo immediately directed Salamence to launch a counterattack.


I saw Salamence loudly roared, withdrawing the power of the mind. The blue rays of light that was originally wrestling with Ninetales also disappeared in an instant. The nine tails of Ninetales are naturally It was also suppressed by the trend, but at this time there was not much power left on it.

Slightly withstanding a tail attack, Salamence opened his mouth and fiercely used Bite Ability. While Bite used the tail of Ninetales, a golden Yellow Energy Ball began to gather in its abdomen, and then moved towards the mouth. Pass it on.

“Not good, Ninetales, Overheat!” At this moment, the water mist has cleared, and Blaine saw the situation on the court tight. In fact, he also has his own countermeasures and offensive plans, but what he didn’t expect is, Bai Mo will let Salamence use Bite Ninetales for a small injury.

In the current situation, Ninetales is in a big crisis!


My own tail was bitten, movement was restricted, coupled with pain, Ninetales is constantly struggling.

At this time, it heard Blaine’s command, and a strange color appeared in its eyes. When it turned back to Salamence, Spit Up a huge flame of formidable power, and instantly drowned Salamence!

Enveloped by the fiery flames, Salamence’s surface began to show the black mark of Black, but his strong endurance and extraordinary self-esteem made him hold back the tail of Ninetales.

After that, I saw a huge golden Energy Ball coming from Salamence’s mouth, directly wrapping Ninetales and launching into the air.

When it reached the commanding heights, the ball of light burst like a firework Normal, and Ninetales was carried by one of the forces, as if the meteor Normal shot directly towards the field.

This scene is very beautiful, but looking at Ground, you can also know that this formidable power is also very amazing.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

With the end of the sound of Draco Meteor Tackle.

Smokescreen filled with bursts, wait until the Smokescreen dissipated.

people only see Ninetales in that Struggle to his feet, apparently she has not lost the battle strength, but at the moment it has limbs trembling, breathing heavily, looked very bad state.

But even so, Ninetales’ eyes still fixed on Salamence, full of unyielding will.

“As expected of Blaine’s Ninetales, Draco Meteor did not lose the combat capability even with the biggest move of Dragon Type at zero distance.” There was a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. Bai Mo looked at his condition because he ate Overheat this move at close range. Salamence, who was also not very good, gave a glance and couldn’t help being slightly frowned.

Now, because Ninetales used Overheat and Salamence used Draco Meteor, and withstood such a blow at the same time, both Pokémon were caught in a huge reaction and needed time to recover temporarily.

Over time.

next moment, there seems to be a tacit understanding, Bai Mo and Blaine stared at the same time and opened their mouths!

“Ninetales, Flamethrower!”

“Salamence, Hydro Pump!”

As the two commanded!

In the field, a crimson fire column and a blue water column quickly appeared, and then they collided.

This time, the two abilities held on directly in the air.

Blaine actually wanted Ninetales to use a stronger Fire Element Ability, but when he found out that Bai Mo was also giving orders at the same time, he knew that he couldn’t do it.

Because of stronger Ability, more preparation time is required.

Perhaps, this time has been shortened a lot because Ninetales became a champion, but in the face of Salamence who is also a champion, this change in time will affect the battle!

“Giga Impact!”

At this moment, Bai Mo’s voice suddenly appeared again, giving Blaine a wry smile on his face!

“This is quite spelled youngster!”

when Blaine appeared sound, the venue, Salamence suspended the Hydro Pump and instead began to pour systemic potential and Focus Energy The power moved towards rushed forward.

The fire pillar of Ninetales Spit Up, without the obstruction of the water jet, sprayed straight towards Salamence, but when the fire pillar was about to hit Salamence, a golden light curtain appeared in front of it.

In this way, Salamence, wrapped in golden rays of light, hit the pillar of fire and crashed into Ninetales!


Chapter 0539 Mega, Mega Salamence!

“bang! ”

A bang appeared, Ninetales was knocked out, and finally hit on the rock wall and fainted, moving towards the lava below and falling down.

Seeing this, Blaine immediately took out the Poké Ball belonging to Ninetales and took it back, and then took out the second Poké Ball and shouted:

“The second game, I sent him my number two player, Rhydon! “

” roar ~ “

did not say nonsense, lost the first one, Blaine becomes more serious, Released his second Pokémon.

In the Poké Ball, a white light flashed, and a Rhydon that was much larger than the ordinary Rhydon landed heavily and appeared in the field, making a loud roar!

When I heard Rhydon’s Roar, Salamence was also not to be outdone, and also made a loud roar. As soon as they met, the two Pokémon began to with swords drawn and bows bent together.

“It burns!” Behind Bai Mo, Togepi, who was holding Bai Mo by Misty, felt that every cell in his body was burning.

“Indeed, I want to see the match.” Generation holy eyes full of desire to fight.

“I’d better take a few more photos.” Ram held the camera in his hand and kept pressing the shutter.

“Is this the battle of champion Trainer?” Sabrina and Cattleya’s eyes are full of yearning!

“Seize the opportunity to attack, Rhydon, Skull Bash!” Knowing that Salamence is now in a rigid state with Giga Impact, Blaine will naturally not let go of this opportunity and gave the order first!

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