Bai Mo’s gaze was also looked towards the beam of light that suddenly appeared in front of him!

All around, the Pokémon who were released in this brief moment seemed to have sensed something Normal, and they all made a defensive posture.

Pikachu, who was about to eat an apple, also ran to Ash a few times.

Soon, under everyone’s gaze, a Pokémon with a dazzling blue light in his eyes flew down from the beam of light.

After the Pokémon fell, Joy also spoke again in due course, “The one who appears now is the strongest Pokémon Trainer, and at the same time the strongest Pokémon, Lord Mewtwo!”

As Joy’s voice fell, Mewtwo also temporarily dispersed his Psychic, and the hall was restored to light at this time.

Notice the figure that appeared after the rays of light dispersed, except Bai Mo, everyone’s eyes flashed with a hint of astonishment, and then, the fat man in a water blue shirt was here. Time to be the first to speak!

“Although I don’t know what Pokémon you are, Pokémon is Pokémon’s own Trainer. How can there be such a thing?”

This man’s personality is obviously more impulsive. So he opened his mouth first, and after he spoke, before any other Trainer’s reaction, Mewtwo just pointed his hand at the man, and then the blue rays of light appeared in his eyes, and he used his Psychic to easily lift the man to the sky. Feel free to shake your hand.

Following the action of Mewtwo, the man was slammed into the fountain pond where his Pokémon was.

At this time, Mewtwo said faintly:

“No way? My rules are naturally determined by myself!”

Chapter 0559 Mewtwo’s declaration, invite Bai Mo!

For the man’s question, Mewtwo took the cleanest answer!

And her move shocked everyone present.

A hint of surprise flashed in Bai Mo’s eyes, but a hint of relief soon flashed through.

Bai Mo Surprisingly, Mewtwo spoke by himself and made a girl’s voice, but he soon understood it again, because this is the real world, Mewtwo has the power of a Level 1 god , Speaking is normal.

As for the voice of a girl, Mew is a girl. Pokémon made with her genes is naturally a girl.

“Damn it!”

“Gyarados, Hyper Beam!”

Suddenly, the voice of the man who was thrown into the air by Mewtwo appeared again. Full of anger.

But this is also normal. After all, it is so easy to be thrown into a mess. With this man’s violent temper, it is not normal to be able to hold it back.

So, after standing up from the pool, the man directed his Gyarados to use Hyper Beam!

Gyarados gathered a golden yellow beam of light and shot it towards Mewtwo, but it was easily blocked by Mewtwo’s hand, and then with a finger turn, the Hyper Beam bounced back under Mewtwo’s control.


Hyper Beam hit Gyarados after being strengthened by Mewtwo, and Gyarados fainted directly.

“It’s so easy!”

Looking at Gyarados, who has lost his combat ability, Mewtwo shook the head plainly, and then at Joy, blue rays of light appeared in his eyes again. light.

“It’s all about you!”

As Mewtwo’s voice fell, Joy’s control was lifted.

It seems that because of just regaining consciousness, Joy felt uncomfortable. He staggered and sat on a chair beside him. The top hat on his head also fell, revealing her uniqueness. s hair.

“Here, where is this place?”

“Why am I in this place?”

After the consciousness completely returned, I looked around The environment, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

“I brought you here. In order to let you take care of me, I brought you here from the Pokémon Center. After all, it is much more convenient for a doctor who is familiar with Pokémon’s health to do a lot of things.”


“You helped me a lot, but you may not remember anything!”

Faced with Joy’s question, Mewtwo responded, but after finishing speaking, Mewtwo continued, “But it doesn’t matter. With my power, trifling humans can naturally control it at will!” When Mewtwo’s words came out, it was obvious, obviously. Aroused the resentment of all human beings present.

Even Pokémon frowned, including Mew. Mew said that he is not so arrogant!

Notice the gazes of the humans and Pokémon around, Mewtwo said solemnly: “I wanted to live with humans before, but many things disappointed me!”

“Of course, The thing I can’t stand for the most is that human beings are inferior creatures than Pokémon, but Pokémon is willing to let humans that are weak and excessive creatures dominate themselves!”

“I think this continues. , This planet will be finished!”

“Then you mean…Pokémon will control this planet?” Hearing Mewtwo’s words, Brock couldn’t help asking back.

“Pokémon won’t work either!” Mewtwo shook the head and continued: “Why, because this planet has always been dominated by humans. Pokémon who lives for humans is Incompetent!”

“So, I want to create a brand new Pokémon. As for the weak humans and the stupid Pokémons who are subdued by the weak humans, there is no longer any value in survival.”


Hearing this, everyone’s heart is cold, but this is, Ash’s Pikachu jumped out and started to talk to Mewtwo!

“What did you say? You are not only instructed by humans, you are with that Trainer because you like it?”

When I heard Pikachu’s words, Mewtwo was a little confused, but in After getting Pikachu’s affirmative answer, he denied it directly: “It is wrong for you to be with him!”

After that, Mewtwo directly controlled Pikachu with Psychic and threw it out!

Seeing this scene, Ash naturally jumped out and hugged Pikachu, using his body to eliminate the Psychic influence on Pikachu!

Looking at this scene, Mewtwo is remaining unmoved and disdainfully said, “Only the weak Pokémon can rely on humans!”

“Damn it, no matter what Pokémon, As long as it is Pokémon, I will definitely be able to subdue it, come on, Rhyhorn!” Mewtwo’s actions clearly angered all the people present, and the man in red stood up and gave the order!

Without overheat, the power gap cannot be resolved. Rhyhorn’s power is naturally not worth mentioning in front of Mewtwo. It was directly controlled by Mewtwo with Psychic and turned back.

After doing all this, Mewtwo once again said something in Secondary Two, “It’s useless, I am stronger than any Pokémon on this planet!”

“This kind of thing How do you know if you don’t try it!?” At this moment, Bai Mo suddenly spoke.

Everyone’s eyes lit up when they heard Bai Mo’s words, because Bai Mo is a Sect Master-level trainer. You should be able to teach Mewtwo, right?

When Bai Mo spoke, Mewtwo gave him a deep look and frowned.

After pondering for a while, Mewtwo didn’t speak, but turned directly, and blue rays of light appeared in his eyes!

Next moment, everyone saw three holes opened in the floor, and then, three of Blastoise, Venusaur and Charizard with weird patterns rose up!

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