I didn’t try to expose anything, Bai Mo took out the floppy disk with beckoned and handed it up.

After Joy took over the floppy disk, a burst of blue light suddenly bloomed, and then Joy’s own figure appeared. This figure once again made a sound without any emotions:

“This person is indeed our invitation Trainer!”

“Confirm that it is correct, please here, other trainers with invitation letters will arrive soon!”

Put away the floppy disk, and Joy holds it up The oil lamp turned around and walked in. Upon seeing it, he took out the Poké Ball and took Salamence back. Bai Mo and the four girls around him quickly followed.

After following Joy through a section-length Rock Tunnel, Bai Mo and the others came to a gate.

The door opens automatically, revealing a very wide interior.

The internal design is still good!

“You are the first Trainer to reach this place, please wait here first, I believe there will be many other trainers coming here through the Hurricane rain area soon!”

“My master will also appear after everyone arrives!”

Like a repeater Normal. After speaking again, Joy turned to leave after turning off the oil lamp, but after taking a step, she Paused turned his head again, his eyes looked blankly at Bai Mo and said:

“Please choose a Poké Ball to release Pokémon and sit down. You are the selected Trainer!”

” Well, Gengar, come out and play!”

When I heard Joy, Bai Mo thought about releasing Gengar.

It’s just that the current Gengar has changed its appearance. It has become a white existence. Yes, Gengar has now permanently evolved into the appearance of Mega Gengar, and has the strength of Sect Master level. .

To be honest, Bai Mo also knows that Mewtwo has the ability to replicate Pokémon in his hands. He just wants to see if this machine can even replicate the Mega Gengar with Sect Master level strength!

Gengar maintained the appearance of Pokémon after appearing, instead of turning into a human form.

At this moment, she circled Joy Flying with some doubts and then stretched out a hand to support her chin in a thoughtful manner, muttered in her mouth:

“It’s strange , It’s so strange~”

“Okay, don’t be weird!”

Bai Mo doesn’t want to say hello to Mewtwo now, he still has a lot of scenes to watch, so interrupt The thinking of Mega Gengar.

Mega Gengar is Pokémon of Ghost Type. It is very sensitive to Psychic, and it is normal to find abnormalities.

At this time, Joy seemed to have received some new order. After saying goodbye to Bai Mo, he went back the same way.

Seeing this, Bai Mo released his Psychic, and soon his eyes narrowed.

Chapter 0558 Mewtwo appears!

“It seems that there is a new Trainer coming. Mewtwo’s perception ability is really terrifying!” He released his Psychic, and found no silhouette within the perceptible range. Bai Mo knew Mewtwo was observing. The distance is farther.

But think about it, those clouds are all made by Mewtwo, so this area is obviously under its gaze.

Thinking so, Bai Mo walked to the side of the table entirely made of stone, pulled out a chair and sat down, and the daughters of Xiao Nai also sat up around him when they saw it.

At this time, Mewtwo’s Mental Force swept across Xiao Nai’s body, a strange flash in his eyes, and then a cold light flashed:

“hmph, As a Pokémon, it’s really embarrassing to give up Pokémon’s pride and have human rays of light.”

“Wait a minute, I want to teach you well, your strength is still worth a little bit. I shot it.”

“en!?” Feeling that I was spied on, Mew, Gardevoir, Milotic, and Latias looked at each other.

At this moment, Bai Mo is thinking about whether to release Jirachi and Darkley, because if the two Sect Master levels are added together, they may be able to play with Mewtwo.

Just as Bai Mo was thinking about it, after a while, Joy returned again and led the Trainer riding Pidgeot in.

After hearing Joy and himself said the same thing as Bai Mo before, this Trainer decisively released all the six Pokémons he can carry now, including the previous Pidgeot, as well as Venusaur and Rhyhorn. , Sandslash, Shawaran, Scyther these six.

Of these six, apart from Pidgeot, only Venusaur has a high-grade Aptitude and a quasi-Elite Peak strength. The remaining six are all middle-grade Aptitudes, and their strength is even at the elite level. The two levels of quasi-Elite and quasi-Elite hover.

Soon, the two trainers, a man and a woman riding Gyarados and white sea lions, also arrived. The two released water Pokemon, Seadra, Golduck, Tentacruel, Nidoqueen, Ninetales, Rapidash, Blastoise, Wigglytuff. , Vileplume.

Among them, in addition to the white sea lions and white sea lions, only Golduck, Nidoqueen, Blastoise and Rapidash have reached the quasi-Elite level with high grade Aptitude.

Later, Trainer came to release Pokemon one after another.

The result did not exceed Bai Mo’s expectations. The Pokémon of high grade Aptitude are very few and pitiful. These are all good trainers. The time of Pokémon breed is not short, but most of them are only middle. Pokémon of grade Aptitude.

Even the outstanding people selected by Mewtwo are like this. Bai Mo can fully imagine the general strength of those Trainers and the Pokémon Aptitude.

It must be very pitiful.

Think again that I rely on luck, opportunity, and some plot convenience. The most important thing is to find Pokémon by the convenience of my Psychic.

Bai Mo feels that this is really a crushing advantage.

Of course, Mewtwo has only been in power for a month, so the Trainer he chooses should still have limitations, and many powerful Trainers may not come.

As far as Bai Mo knows, white jade, Yitian, and Shui Hanqi are better than many people on the scene, but none of them showed up.

But even so, the Pokémon that Bai Mo has now are all against the sky.

Naturally, Ash and Brock finally arrived. The two released Pikachu, Charizard, Venusaur, Poliwhirl, Ninetales, Pidgeot, Steelix, and Golem.

The strength is all quasi-Elite.

And Pikachu and their Aptitude needless to say, none of them are weaker than high grade.

“Sure enough, people are still more angry than people.” Bai Mo said shook the head, causing Gardevoir and other women to roll their eyes.

If people are really maddening than people, then it is estimated that Bai Mo will be left alone in this world.

After all, who can better Bai Mo’s luck and young achievements?

After releasing Pokémon, the Ash and Bai Mo immediately wanted to come forward and say hello.

Actually, all the people present wanted to greet Bai Mo after they saw Bai Mo, but they were also self-aware, knowing that the gap between them and Bai Mo was still too large, so they didn’t act for a while.

Of course, in their thoughts, when the party starts, there should be a chance to talk to Bai Mo. After all, this is a party.

After seeing Bai Mo, these people feel really come to the party is a very wise choice!

“Everyone, keep you waiting for a long time!”

“The strongest Pokémon Trainer is coming soon!”

It’s in Ash and Bai Mo When saying hello, Joy suddenly spoke, attracting everyone’s attention. At this moment, the hall suddenly became pitch black, leaving only a strange beam of light!

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